Archivio per il tag 'pesi'

Una nuova Rivista nel mondo delle scienze dello sport

A new scientific Journal in the sport sciences world.

“We wanted to focus on a quality journal, a prestigious publication that could, in some way, convey to a wide readership our point of view on the evolution of training, and, in particular, on the evolution of strength training applied to weightlifting …

Strength was a major element in standing up to observe and do- minate the surrounding area and beyond: slowly and steadily or with bursts of strength, mankind has come a long way. Strength was also paramount to the develop- ment of man’s cognitive abilities, the ability to move in his immedia- te surroundings, to interact with the environment and to process the ensuing stimuli …

We must invest in culture, the vehicle with which we can spread knowledge and experience. The world of sport needs to reflect on the importance of culture and we feel it is our duty to set the ball rol- ling and continue on this journey.”

(Source: Editorial Antonio Urso EWF President)

Le competenze dell’allenatore da migliorare

Il coaching dell’allenatore, analogo a quello dei manager delle aziende, è un progetto non ancora così diffuso nel mondo dello sport. In questo articolo vengono evidenziate le principali aree di miglioramento richieste di coach e come organizzare un piano di miglioramento individuale.

(Source: European WeitghtLifting Federation Scientific Magazine, Alberto Cei, Coaching Skills, 2016, 4, 16-23).