Tag Archive for 'tattica'

How to combine play intensity with competitive intelligence

To combine the intensity of play in team sports with competitive intelligence, it is necessary to develop a series of both physical and mental elements. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  1. Physical Preparation - Adequate physical preparation is fundamental to sustain a high level of intensity in the game. This includes endurance, strength, speed, and flexibility. A high level of physical fitness enables players to maintain intensity throughout the duration of the match.
  2. Game Tactics - Tactical intelligence is crucial. Players need to understand team tactics, have the ability to adapt during the game, and make quick and intelligent decisions on the field.
  3. Game Reading - Excellent players have the ability to quickly read the situation on the field, anticipate opponents’ moves, and make intelligent decisions based on the current game situation.
  4. Mindset and Concentration - Maintaining concentration throughout the entire game is essential. Competitive intelligence also involves the ability to handle pressure, stay focused, and positively respond to challenges and mistakes.
  5. Specific Training - Training sessions should focus on simulating high-intensity game situations, encouraging players to make quick and intelligent decisions under pressure.
  6. Communication and Cooperation - Competitive intelligence also manifests in the ability to effectively communicate with teammates, coordinate actions, and work together to achieve common goals.
  7. Winning Mindset and Resilience - Athletes with high competitive intelligence demonstrate a winning mindset, resilience, and the ability to face defeats by learning from mistakes and continuously improving.
  8. Energy Management - Knowing when to increase or reduce energy during the game is crucial. Intelligent players from a competitive standpoint know how to manage their energies effectively throughout the entire match.
  9. Adaptability and Flexibility -  Players with developed competitive intelligence can quickly adapt to changes in game conditions, opponent strategies, or tactical variations within their team. They can alter their playing style or position on the field to meet the demands of the situation.
  10. Post-Match Analysis and Continuous Learning - Athletes with competitive intelligence constantly seek improvement. After each match, they analyze their performances, identify strengths and weaknesses, and consistently work on those aspects to progress over time.

In summary, the combination of adequate physical preparation, a tactical understanding of the game, high game reading ability, strong mindset, and concentration are all fundamental elements to blend game intensity with effective competitive intelligence.

Coach’ skills to build a strategy

In these days there is a lot of talk about the different conception of soccer that Simeone and Guardiola have, and there is even talk of a comparison between a prehistoric soccer and a new soccer. The strategy and tactics are one of the main centers of interest of a coach and for decades we continue to talk about it when we remember the total Dutch soccer, the English one of the past “long ball and pedal” and the Italian “catenaccio”. Everyone has their own idea, but to understand the choices of a coach towards a particular type of game it is helpful to know what is meant by strategy and in this regard I report the thought of Henry Mintzberg (1989) one of the leading scholars of business science.

“The elaboration of a strategy is a fascinating operation, which is not limited to fixing the simple coordinates of what is normally called programming. …I formed a working team on the subject in ’71 …at the time when our research was about to be concluded my wife was modeling ceramic objects in the basement of her house and it was during one of her presentations at a retrospective exhibition of her production that I realized that everything she said corresponded to what had already been stated by experts in business strategy. So I decided to create the metaphor by analogy and to indicate the difficulties encountered in developing the strategy of a dynamic enterprise:

  • Leading managers are often forced to act in an atmosphere of calculated chaos to devise their strategies, a complex and necessarily collective operation.
  • Strategies are both plans for the future and operational models drawn from the past.
  • Strategies are not always the result of calculation. Sometimes they are – to varying degrees – spontaneous.
  • Successful strategies follow incredibly strange paths.
  • Managing a strategy means elaborating theory and practice, knowing the art of controlling and learning, knowing how to reconcile stability and change.

In the popular legends of the Middle East it is told about a man called Nasrudin who, one day, was looking for something on the ground. A friend passed by and asked him: “Have you lost something, Nasrudin?” “The key” answered Nasrudin. So his friend knelt down next to him and helped him in his search. After a few minutes he asked him: “Where exactly did you drop the key? “In the house,” Nasrudin replied. “But then, why are you looking for it here?” “Because there is more light here than inside the house.” … Breed leader managers are undoubtedly those in whose minds the positive properties of the right cerebral hemisphere (impression, intuition and synthesis) are harmoniously combined with those of the left cerebral hemisphere (lucidity, logic, analysis). But the science of business leadership will make little headway if managers and researchers continue, like Nasrudin, to search for the key to success in the light of systematic analysis. Too many questions will remain unanswered in the darkness of intuition.”

Workshop: How to improve the sport performance with breathing

Breathing has for too long been considered only as a natural event that the individual performs mechanically to ensure survival. Today the sport recognizes the breath a different relevance, to promote relaxation, to recover from stress during the race, to increase concentration and activation of the athletes in the most different situations of their activities. From training to competition, from physical to technical and psychological preparation, deep breathing and spontaneous breathing are useful to improve the effectiveness of the athletes’ commitment. Therefore, according to the requests of the different sports, it is possible to insert breathing training modalities. This theoretical-practical workshop aims to bring together experts in the different areas of sports science and athletes in introducing this practice within the usual training activities and competition routines.

The seminar will be held by Alberto Cei and Mike Maric, on February 19, at the Centro di Preparazione Olimpica Giulio Onesti, Largo G.Onesti 1, Rome. Program and registration


The tactics in sports

The tactic is a key factor of success in many sports, not just team sports. In summary, it’s to do the right thing at the right time and therefore requires timing, precision, awareness and quickness. They are skills that athletes must develop, otherwise they will probably perform doing the right thing at the wrong time or even they choked because dominated by performance anxiety.

The tactic consists of a set of factors that lead to sports action:

  • Have specific and achievable performance goals, adapted to the situational demands of the competition.
  • Know your skills and expertise, knowing the odds of success and risk.
  • Develop the situational awareness, perceive and analyze situations, choose between alternatives and use the personal insights.
  • Quickly change the action plan, if it does not produced the effects expected.
  • Act supported by thoughts and emotions.

The mental skills of the soccer teams

Today begins the Italian football championship. The  Napoli exclusion from Champions League immediately put in evidence the importance of the psychological capacities in determining the supremacy on the field as well as the final result. Among the main features to look for in the game to know if a team is a match positively oriented are:

  • Tactical Intelligence: do the right thing at the right time
  • Combat: do not allow to the opponents to be comfortable when they play with us
  • Toughnes: try harder and persist longer under adversity
  • Responsibility: accepting the role and instructions provided by the coach
  • Sense of belonging: feeling an active player of the team, collaborate and support the teammates at all times
We’ll see during the season which teams will show more of these psychological skills.

Juventus suits and wins.

The relevance of adaptation is not only evident in the history of evolution, but also in the choices that we make in the decisive moments. This is what happened Sunday regarding Juventus – Roma. Juventus coach, Antonio Conte, has prepared the team, changing the way they play so as to adapt it to the module of Rome. “If that is the case we change our nature” said Conte, it means to have the awareness to recognize the value of the opponents, recognizing their strengths – to reduce – and weaknesses – do emerge – . It would have been easier to play using the quality with which Juventus has emerged in Italy in the past two years  (ball possession and high intensity) but against Rome that would be harmful. Instead he acted as suggested by Sun Tzu in The Art of War that he’s genius who shows ” the ability to secure the victory by fighting and adapting to the enemy” and “who is prudent, waiting with patience who is not .” Juventus suits and wins.

Confidence and decision are two key factors of a match

In team sports, the technique and tactics must become automatized through training, in this way the players can implement them without thinking in advance how they should have to play, but based on what it’s happening at any given time on the field they know in advance what to do. The intensity and quality of training allow teams to put in place their competences even in difficult conditions, under  stress and fatigue. In addition, the teams that have also top-players obviously have more weapons to prove their worth and prevail over their opponents. There is, however, another factor that may hinder or promote the team play skills. It’s a psychological factor that refers to the mental attitude with which a team takes the field and can thus arise:

  • it’s an attitude convinced of the own abilities and decided to assert them in the field with a combative behavior of the players,
  • it’s an attitude convinced of the own abilities, but for some reason the team believes that this attitude will spontaneously out during the game,
  • it’s an approach not fully convinced of the own abilities and those fears are manifested during the game through game errors.

I am personally convinced of the need to train the players to live the matches with the first attitude of the three, in which the belief is combined with the awareness of having to show this attitude in any moment of the match. Many teams do not always show this attitude and then they make mistakes like those of superficiality made by Juventus players against Galatasaray. Then to play at the highest levels the top players are necessary and the same for the tactical schema, but in the same time it serves to demonstrate that the team  is able to exert a constant pressure on opponents.

Totti and Pirlo: the last Italian footbal champions

Francesco Totti and Andrea Pirlo are a bit as the last of the Mohicans, at the end of their career it can be said that they were the last champions that Italian football has produced. We have always had great champions like Mazzola, Rivera, Bulgarelli, Baggio, Mancini, Del Piero, Vialli, Zola to name just a few, but now it’s finished. Who do we thank for this state of affairs, I would say those who are at the center of football and then coaches and physical trainers. My idea of ​​how this happened is simple. Arrigo Sacchi has revolutionized football by introducing the total football, however, this type of play was interpreted by the strong champions who played in Milan, as well as the first was introduced by the Dutch national team where there were some of the strongest players of the world. When the system has spread it became barbaric and the guys spent much time learning tactics and preparing them physically instead learn technique. In doing so, it is almost impossible to emerge a young talent, because Rivera and Maradona would have been discarded as too physical weak or might not have ever played football in a club because they would be bored.

Then it would be the time that the coaches put aside their tactical narcissism  and physical trainers their ideas more useful for american football players and together devote much more time to teach the football technique, which is to take, pass and shoot the ball.

Tecnica, psiche e tattica

Nel gioco del calcio per prima viene la tecnica, cioè bisogna sapere giocare. Poi viene la mente, determinazione e voglia di vincere. Infine per terza arriva la tattica, perchè che dice a calciatori dotati di tecnica individuale e di una mente pronta come è meglio giocare. L’opposto non può funzionare, se domina la tattica nell’insegnamento, non è detto che i giocatori ci mettano la testa per capire. Se ciò ha una probabilità di essere vero, stasera l’Inter giocherà un’ottima partita, perchè ha tecnica e testa e Ranieri avrà fatto un buon lavoro da allenatore-psicologo. Lo stesso vale per il Napoli, non deve farsi prendere dalla sindrome di dovere dimostrare che merita la Champions, deve solo giocare come sa fare sfruttando la tecnica e la testa: gestire le emozioni della matricola questo è il compito della squadra e del suo leader.