Tag Archive for 'campionato'

The Italian job: football winning coach

20 years ago Marcello Lippi, Fabio Capello e Giovanni Trapattoni won the football championship in Italy (Juventus), Spain (Real Madrid) and Germany (Bayern di Monaco). This year the winning triplete is for di Massimiliano Allegri (Juventus), Antonio Conte (Chelsea) and Carlo Ancelotti (Bayern di Monaco).

Risultati immagini per the italian job conte allegri

The mental skills of the soccer teams

Today begins the Italian football championship. The  Napoli exclusion from Champions League immediately put in evidence the importance of the psychological capacities in determining the supremacy on the field as well as the final result. Among the main features to look for in the game to know if a team is a match positively oriented are:

  • Tactical Intelligence: do the right thing at the right time
  • Combat: do not allow to the opponents to be comfortable when they play with us
  • Toughnes: try harder and persist longer under adversity
  • Responsibility: accepting the role and instructions provided by the coach
  • Sense of belonging: feeling an active player of the team, collaborate and support the teammates at all times
We’ll see during the season which teams will show more of these psychological skills.

When the goals are decisive in football

The results of a study that I conducted on three Serie A championships showed that the last half hour of play is not only the period in which they are made ​​scored more goals (68% of the total) but it is also the phase where 44.2% of goals are decisive for the final result. In contrast, only 16.3% of decisive goals are carried out in the first half.

In this first day of this football season (still waiting for the today last game ), this data is only partially confirmed. In fact, out of 19 marked, 7 goals are in the period between 61 and 75 minutes and only 1 in the last quarter of the second time. At present these data gives only what it has happened in the first championship day but in the course of the year they will be taken into account, to see if there will be a change in the teams in terms of mentality and physical preparation to reduce the percentage of the decisive goals scored in  the final period of the match, goals that as we approach the end of the game and the physical and mental fatigue are increased are more difficult to recover.

It’s a new football season: win who will manage the emotion


It starts a new football season, this year even more important because it will end with the World Cup in Brazil. There is therefore a further reason for the players to want to play your best, with the aim to be among the 22-man squad for the World Cup in South America. In any event, each team will have its goal to be achieved: for some will not go back, for others to get into the UEFA  or confirm the result of the previous season, for others it will be to win the championship or play the Champions League. Beyond the technical and tactical level possessed, each team will show its value only if the players on the field, the bench, the coach and the president will demonstrate a high level of emotional control. The management of the competitive stress affects everyone, without exception. In Italy we were often champions of stress. We have the record of coaches fired during the championship by presidents who can not contain their fears or their wounded narcissism also by a few negative results. We are also a League where the players make too many fouls and it is not true that the players would not be able to avoid them, because when they play at the European level they did less. In Italy they feel free to not respect the rules, protected by fans, coaches and presidents always ready to blame the referees,  to talk about a conspiracy against their team or to not have understood that football permit the physical contrasts. The coaches knowing that half of them during the championship will be probably fired risk to live in a dramatic way the negative results of their team, for many it is a temporary job, certainly very well paid, but risky as climbing an eight thousand knowing the number of victims it kills every year. Despite these uncertainties, however, it’s absolutely necessary that the protagonists of football know to keep a cool head, reminding themselves the team’s objectives and how to achieve them. Self-control, effective stress management, aggression loyal and respectful of the opponents must be the basis of the behavior on the field, in other words it means knowing how to manage the emotions in a context, the match, which itself is a highly emotional situation. Therefore the teams have to live for 90 minutes this mental condition showing able to manage it effectively. This is in my opinion the challenge that each team must prepare to face and win each match, as well as the final result.

Read on  http://www.huffingtonpost.it/../../alberto-cei/al-via-la-serie-a-una-sfida-alle-emozioni_b_3805629.html


Again the football: the coach nightmares

Le soste lunghe sono sempre utili per il corpo che deve recuperare ma spesso sono pericolose per la mente che ha perso quella sensazione d’intensità agonistica che la continuità delle partite settimanali produceva. Certamente giocatori esperti dovrebbero essere in grado di ritrovare la loro competitività sin dal primo istante, ma le frasi degli allenatori alla vigilia della ripresa stanno a ricordare quanto questo aspetto non debba essere dato per scontato. Infatti scorrendo le dichiarazioni di oggi si evidenzia che la maggior parte di essi ha posto l’accento sulla necessità dimostrare subito questa determinazione.

La vera novità è che siamo uomini

Il campionato di calcio fornisce ottime opportunità per pensare a come le aspettative estive vengano più o meno confermate o frustrate sin dall’inizio della nuova stagione agonistica. Squadre forti l’anno passato ora sono in grande difficoltà (Roma e Fiorentina) mentre chi lo era è in vetta alla classifica (Lazio). Chi sembrava invincibile, ora non lo è più (Inter), mentre chi prendeva molti goal ora reagisce e appare molto più affidabile (Juventus). Allenatori apparetemente duri (Mihajlovic) hanno una squadra che subisce senza reagire mentre altri più sobri (Delneri) hanno squadre toniche. Il calcio è bello anche per questo: perchè è fatto da uomini che ogni domenica mettono in vetrina le loro qualità e che devono adattarsi gli uni agli altri. Questo è il lavoro più difficile: amalgare queste diverse individualità in una mentalità comune e, possibilmente, vincente. E allora ecco la ragione per cui Ranieri (o qualsiasi altro in un altro momento) non sembra più capace di guidare la sua squadra, dopo essere stato il capo che l’ha condotta alle soglie dello scudetto o Milito che non riesce più a entrare in quella condizione che la passata stagione l’aveva reso indispensabile. Ci vuole molta determinazione a fare questo lavoro di amalgama delle mentalità, mantenendo sempre lo stesso standard e soprattutto non bisogna mai smettere di credere che si possiedono le abilità necessarie per uscire fuori dalle difficoltà. Bisogna lottare non solo sul campo, bisogna lottare continuamente con la propria mente, rinunciando alla tentazione che basti cambiare uomini per migliorare, mentre invece è con la loro mente che bisogna lavorare.