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Mental coaching in high-intensity sports

Birrer, D. and Morgan, G. (2010), Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete’s performance in high-intensity sports. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20: 78-87.

In today’s professional and semi-professional sports, the thin line between winning and losing is becoming progressively thinner. At the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, the difference between first and fourth places in the men’s rowing events averaged 1.34%, with the equivalent for women being a mere 1.03%. This increasing performance density creates massive pressure. Thus, it is not surprising that in recent years, the importance of psychological skills training (PST) has been recognized, and the number of athletes using psychological training strategies has increased.

This paper aims to address the effect of PST on an athlete’s performance progress, with a special focus on a group of sports involving a high-intensity load. High-intensity sport (HIS) is characterized by an impact duration between 1 and 8min, with a very high-impact intensity and a continuous power output throughout the performance phase. Typical examples of HIS are rowing, swimming, 800 and 1500m track and field running, track cycling and flat-water canoeing.

What appears to be crucial to perform at the highest level is the presence of fear of failure. The psychological and physical impacts of fear are numerous. It affects athletes’ affective state, can reduce athletes’ motivation to train and compete, affects athletes’ self-confidence and their volitional and attentional skills, produces feelings of anxiety and increases muscle tension, which can lead to loss of coordination.

A number of strategies have been proposed for performers to modify their arousal state: psych-up psych-down techniques involving self-talk, imagery, physical activity, short or cued relaxation; pre-performance and performance routines; mental rehearsal strategies; stress management and mood-enhancement strategies.

Most research shows that these strategies can reduce anxiety or reduce the interpretation of symptoms of performance anxiety as debilitating.  Almost all studies have failed to show a clear impact on performance. One reason might be that it is still not clear whether and when anxiety or fear exerts a beneficial effect, what arousal level is performance facilitating and under which conditions the same level might be debilitating.

It’s relevant the early recognition and control of anxiety symptoms were associated with superior performance in elite athletes. This statement indicates that two factors are important for competitive athletes:

  • Athletes have to know their individual performance-facilitating state of arousal before and during the competition.
  • Athletes have to be aware of their current state of arousal and how they can influence it in the direction of the performance-facilitating state.

However, considering the amount of research that has been conducted in this area, there is surprisingly little sports-specific knowledge regarding the individual optimal level of arousal.

Athletes can interpret the intensity of anxiety-related symptoms or arousal as either facilitative (athletes are termed “facilitators”) or debilitative (athletes are termed “debilitators”) toward performance and that this differentiation might be critical in the coping efficacy before a competition. Facilitators and debilitators experience more or less the same feelings in phases before a competition, but the intensity is less in facilitators.

Facilitators appeared to be capable of using a repertoire of psychological skills, which enabled them to reinterpret negative cognitive and somatic sensations as performance facilitating. In contrast, debilitators tried to use the same psychological skills but were not able to internally control these skills and experienced a loss of control (inability to attain a positive pre-performance state), lower confidence and an ongoing debilitative interpretation of the sensory input showed that it might be possible to restructure athletes’ interpretation of anxiety and confidence symptoms with:

  • multimodal intervention (imagery, rationalization, cognitive restructuring, goal-setting and self-talk),
  • positive effects on their confidence
  • anxiety appraisal as well as their performance.

How to combine play intensity with competitive intelligence

To combine the intensity of play in team sports with competitive intelligence, it is necessary to develop a series of both physical and mental elements. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  1. Physical Preparation - Adequate physical preparation is fundamental to sustain a high level of intensity in the game. This includes endurance, strength, speed, and flexibility. A high level of physical fitness enables players to maintain intensity throughout the duration of the match.
  2. Game Tactics - Tactical intelligence is crucial. Players need to understand team tactics, have the ability to adapt during the game, and make quick and intelligent decisions on the field.
  3. Game Reading - Excellent players have the ability to quickly read the situation on the field, anticipate opponents’ moves, and make intelligent decisions based on the current game situation.
  4. Mindset and Concentration - Maintaining concentration throughout the entire game is essential. Competitive intelligence also involves the ability to handle pressure, stay focused, and positively respond to challenges and mistakes.
  5. Specific Training - Training sessions should focus on simulating high-intensity game situations, encouraging players to make quick and intelligent decisions under pressure.
  6. Communication and Cooperation - Competitive intelligence also manifests in the ability to effectively communicate with teammates, coordinate actions, and work together to achieve common goals.
  7. Winning Mindset and Resilience - Athletes with high competitive intelligence demonstrate a winning mindset, resilience, and the ability to face defeats by learning from mistakes and continuously improving.
  8. Energy Management - Knowing when to increase or reduce energy during the game is crucial. Intelligent players from a competitive standpoint know how to manage their energies effectively throughout the entire match.
  9. Adaptability and Flexibility -  Players with developed competitive intelligence can quickly adapt to changes in game conditions, opponent strategies, or tactical variations within their team. They can alter their playing style or position on the field to meet the demands of the situation.
  10. Post-Match Analysis and Continuous Learning - Athletes with competitive intelligence constantly seek improvement. After each match, they analyze their performances, identify strengths and weaknesses, and consistently work on those aspects to progress over time.

In summary, the combination of adequate physical preparation, a tactical understanding of the game, high game reading ability, strong mindset, and concentration are all fundamental elements to blend game intensity with effective competitive intelligence.

The training characteristics

The factors that make up training.

  1. Duration - you need to practice for a long time in order for your body and mind to adapt effectively to the effort to do.
  2. Intensity - it reveals the desire to tackle challenging tasks and react immediately to mistakes.
  3. Frequency - you must repeat, repeat, repeat and then repeat again. For how long? Long enough.
  4. Recovery - you must know how to rest physically and mentally. You can’t just spend.
  5. Thinking - you must think to evaluate the work being done. To learn to appreciate yourself, be grateful to those who teach you.                          Understand how you can do better next time.

What is perseverance?

Perseverance means

to be engaged with intensity and precision

after you are tired

to be intense and precise

  • Tennis: be committed to play one more ball
  • Precision skills (soccer, rugby, basket, volley, baseball, tennis): dedicate extra-time after the training sessions
  • Shooting and archery: during the sessions create mental and technical stressful conditions, staying focused on the execution
  • Combat sports: repetitions with intensity and precision till to be mental tired
  • Golf: maintain always the same pre-shot routine till the end of the session or 18 holes
  • Endurance sports: when tired be committed with intensity to find the mental and physical energy inside yourself to maintain the rhythm

Tennis, mental breaks make losing matches

I am becoming convinced that for many young tennis players from which it would be realistic to expect better performances and  results than they get usually, one significant improvement factor lies in improving the training quality . In large part, it consists not to do different things but to practice with higher intensity and persistency; the same they would want to show in the court. During the match at the players isasked to play steadily and suitable for their level for a long period of time, while in training this request is often absent. Coaches and psychologists should work together to help the tennis players to fill this gap. The question is: “How can we play focused for at least 90 minutes, if in training this limit is never reached or if  the players accept that there are breaks in which the concentration is reduced to a minimum?”

If it’s true, as it is, that players are trained to repeat what they have learned in training in the match, repeating concerns not only the technique but also keep concentration, minimizing the mental breaks, which instead in the game often represent the main obstacle to play at the best.

Juventus: from the abyss to success

Juventus had expected the test to be who it said it was and not a scary team in Europe. Juventus has due to arrive on the edge of the abyss to know its value. Juventus in this match has been fighting continuously. Now he must learn to think better as a team. After going ahead, it was expected that the Greeks would attack to get the equalizer and, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened after just two minutes. Be calm would allow him to predict the reaction of the opponent and get ready to fight it. In fact until the second goal Olympiacos Juventus played and it went on and on but in a confused way. Then the incredible happened, Juventus has changed his fate because the fighting has combined the strength and the conviction that it was possible to win. And that has made ​​all the difference compared to the first half. The next time it might find this state of mind before being at one step from the abyss, because the other teams do not always allow this type of recovery. A big step forward, but the European mentality does not exist yet.

Intensity in judo: the example of Tadahiro Namura

The intensity in training and competition is a key component to becoming a world class athlete. This video of  Tadahiro Namura represents an example of how the intensity is applied in this sport. The intensity comes from the conjunction of: speed, accuracy, attention and will. The training must develop steadily over time these personal skills.

Training intensity and mental aspects

The mental component of a high-intensity workout is composed of at least three aspects.

  1. Includes mental skills that the athlete must show in that particular session and they must have already developed at high level, otherwise he will not be able to implement them on an ongoing basis in the training session that is starting.
  2. Includes those exercises or parts thereof in which the coach and the athlete are convinced that they can be performed in an optimal level (eg , for a sprinter who has to run 3x300m , probably it is expected that at least the first , albeit laborious , it will be run as planned. In trap shooting, a skilled athlete knows that she usually hits 20 out of 25 targets performing at the maximum. The same goes for the court, in which a tennis player knows how to play when he is totally focused on the game).
  3. Includes those exercises or parts that determine the quality of that single session. For example, it will be great if the sprinter will be able to run as scheduled on the third repeatition of 300m, or if the shooter will hit more than 20 plates that she usually hits; the same for the tennis player, he has to play well even if he feels tired or he has to maintain a high level of play quality in a training exercise longer and more challenging than usual.

These are the psychological aspects that come into play when training requires physical and mental strength and they are trained only in these moments.

“Run, Don’t Walk.” “Don’t Run, Walk.”

If you’re a runner, you might have noticed this surprising headline from the April 5 edition of the Guardian: “Brisk walk healthier than running—scientists.” Or maybe you saw this one, which ran in Health magazine the very same day: “Want to lose weight? Then run, don’t walk: Study.”
Dueling research from rival academic camps? Not exactly. Both articles described the work of a herpetologist-turned-statistician at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory named Paul T. Williams, who, this month, achieved a feat that’s exceedingly rare in mainstream science: He used exactly the same dataset to publish two opposing findings.

L’intensità in allenamento

L’intensità dell’allenamento significa provare quanto si è capaci a affrontare situazioni difficili, che possono essere simili a quelle delle competizioni. Molti atleti non si servono di questo sistema, i campioni sì. Un esempio, Giovanni Pellielo, vincitore di tre medaglie olimpiche nel tiro a volo in tre olimpiadi ora si allena nel suo campo senza alcuna tettoia che lo protegga dal sole. E’ l’unico in Italia a fare in questo modo; la ragione è che nelle gare internazionali non vi sono le tettoie che riparano dal sole, cambiando quindi la percezione. Per provare cosa significa, basta stare per mezz’ora (la durata di una serie nel tiro a volo) al sole cercando di mantenere un livello massimo di concentrazione quando vi sono al minimo 30 gradi e il piattello corre a 100km all’ora. Capito cosa si intende per intensità dell’allenamento?