Tag Archive for 'Guardiola'

Coach’ skills to build a strategy

In these days there is a lot of talk about the different conception of soccer that Simeone and Guardiola have, and there is even talk of a comparison between a prehistoric soccer and a new soccer. The strategy and tactics are one of the main centers of interest of a coach and for decades we continue to talk about it when we remember the total Dutch soccer, the English one of the past “long ball and pedal” and the Italian “catenaccio”. Everyone has their own idea, but to understand the choices of a coach towards a particular type of game it is helpful to know what is meant by strategy and in this regard I report the thought of Henry Mintzberg (1989) one of the leading scholars of business science.

“The elaboration of a strategy is a fascinating operation, which is not limited to fixing the simple coordinates of what is normally called programming. …I formed a working team on the subject in ’71 …at the time when our research was about to be concluded my wife was modeling ceramic objects in the basement of her house and it was during one of her presentations at a retrospective exhibition of her production that I realized that everything she said corresponded to what had already been stated by experts in business strategy. So I decided to create the metaphor by analogy and to indicate the difficulties encountered in developing the strategy of a dynamic enterprise:

  • Leading managers are often forced to act in an atmosphere of calculated chaos to devise their strategies, a complex and necessarily collective operation.
  • Strategies are both plans for the future and operational models drawn from the past.
  • Strategies are not always the result of calculation. Sometimes they are – to varying degrees – spontaneous.
  • Successful strategies follow incredibly strange paths.
  • Managing a strategy means elaborating theory and practice, knowing the art of controlling and learning, knowing how to reconcile stability and change.

In the popular legends of the Middle East it is told about a man called Nasrudin who, one day, was looking for something on the ground. A friend passed by and asked him: “Have you lost something, Nasrudin?” “The key” answered Nasrudin. So his friend knelt down next to him and helped him in his search. After a few minutes he asked him: “Where exactly did you drop the key? “In the house,” Nasrudin replied. “But then, why are you looking for it here?” “Because there is more light here than inside the house.” … Breed leader managers are undoubtedly those in whose minds the positive properties of the right cerebral hemisphere (impression, intuition and synthesis) are harmoniously combined with those of the left cerebral hemisphere (lucidity, logic, analysis). But the science of business leadership will make little headway if managers and researchers continue, like Nasrudin, to search for the key to success in the light of systematic analysis. Too many questions will remain unanswered in the darkness of intuition.”

The football leadership style

Transformational leadership is the new leadership model that, starting in the managerial world, has been extended in recent years to the world of sports. Here are the 4 main characteristics and examples of soccer coaches who use it

  1. Idealized influence - Conveys pride to the players, sets a good example to follow, and allows the leader to earn the respect of them in a way that increases the relevance of values. Ferguson: “I always have a lot of pride in seeing younger players develop.” In this way, the job of a coach is like to that of a teacher. Technical skills are formed, a winning mentality and better people are built. This leads to loyalty in young people to the club, as they are aware of the opportunity they have received.
  2. Inspirational Motivation - Conveys a vision of where the team is going motivates the players while inspiring them to take on challenging tasks. Communicates optimism and enthusiasm and stimulates self-efficacy. Guardiola: “I don’t want everyone trying to dribble like Leo Messi, you have to pass the ball, pass it and pass it again… Pass, move well, pass again, pass, and pass… I want every move to be smart, every pass accurate, that’s how we make the difference from the rest of the teams, that’s all I want to see.”
  3. Intellectual Stimulation - Encourages problem solving through new and creative strategies. Klopp: “”Playing unforgettable games, being curious and looking forward to the next game to see what will happen, and that’s what soccer should be about. If you make that attitude your own, you will be 100 percent successful.”
  4. Individualized Consideration - Recognizes the commitment and needs of everyone within the group through empathy, listening, compassion and the coaching process. Mourinho: “There are many ways to become a great manager … but above all I think the most difficult thing is to lead men with different cultures, brains and qualities.” At Inter he granted a vacation to Wesley Sneijder who was exhausted. “All the other coaches only talked about training,” Sneijder said. “He sent me to the beach. So I went to Ibiza for three days. When I came back, I was willing to kill and die for him.”


Guardiola’s winning mind

Guardiola’ different mind as a player - He was always looking for ways to make not only himself better but also the team. From the beginning, he had an unshakeable winning mentality and understanding of team chemistry.

His mentor - It’s not a secret that Guardiola’s philosophy and game understanding come by Johan Cruyff. He  has often stated that it was his biggest idol and mentor. He was immediately aware of the need to possess, both for recovery and maintenance – two ideals that are the foundation of his game philosophy.

Continuous search for improvement - not only work hard, but he is relentless in pursuit of improvement, his aim is to become the best that can be Pep Guardiola.

Sense of the common - It means knowing how to think of others, not only the team but also to the social context in which the team alive.

The value of having values ​​- Over the love of football are: sacrifice, accountability, respect, honesty and teamwork.

Discipline and awareness - On his first training session at the Barcelona, Guardiola said to coach the Barcelona is an “absolute honor.” He spoke of the need to restore order and discipline and the need to be more professional.

Game goals - “I do not want that all seek to dribble like Leo Messi, but pass the ball, pass and pass again … Pass, move well, do it again, pass, pass, and pass … I want every move is clever, any given pass, that’s how we make a difference from the other teams, it’s all I want to see. ”

Study the opponents - “All I do is watch the movie of our opponents and then try to figure out how to demolish them.” This proactivity pushes Guardiola to know not only his team, but also the opposing team, inside and out.

Player assessment – With Guardiola the players must be prepared to be continuously observed. Deco and Ronaldinho did not have this attitude and were sacrificed for the good of the team.

Behavior consistent with the words -You are what you do. Consequently Guardiola arrives first at practice and leaves last. He studied very carefully the opponent teams. Internal communication is a service to answer  the players needs. He work regularly with staff.

Bayern had the wrong mental approach to the game

It’s necessary to start from the statistics very positive of Bayern against Atletico Madrid: 33 shots to 7, 72% to 28% ball possession, 23 cross at 2. Just reading them makes clear the performance of the Allianz Arena match. Bayern at times uncontrollable, with infernal pace, constant pressure and beautiful overlays on the players. Cross, insertions, shots from outside by two bombers as Alaba and Vidal. If not for 90 minutes, at least 75. Still Atletico remained in the game, suffering enormously and hitting at the first good opportunity.
In the two semi-finals Bayern has shot 52 times but scored only two goals. From the mental point of view the Bayern competitive fury was an obstacle to the completion of his actions, which is to make goal to the opponents. This occurs when a team is a prisoner of the beauty of its game, which turns more into an aesthetic action than in one centered on getting a particular advantage by goals scored. It means that the players have failed in determination and perseverance in reaching the aim to be qualified for the final. Certainly it’s nice to enjoy the public and produce a beautiful game but they have to win the matches that are decisive. This was the attitude on the field and the team was wrong.

The Guardiola’s rule: make a mistake to learn

A leader is also recognized by the sentences that he says to his players. Guardiola, new coach of  Bayern, said “We hope to make many mistakes so we learn immediately.” Do not be afraid of making mistakes is the attitude of the leader who has a winning mind, because what it is really important is not to pursue the perfect performance but how you react quickly to the mistakes.

Another coach resigned for stress

I often write about the difficulty of stress managing . This is not only a problem for athletes but it is becoming increasingly for coaches too. Guardiola has resigned because he felt the need to take a rest period. The coach of Sydney football team, with the arrival of Del Piero, has experienced a period of intense stress and he has resigned. Now it was the turn of Alekno, coach of the Russian national volleyball team, gold in London: he also resigned too much stress. I hope that these stories teach coaches to be coached mainly from the psychological point of view.

Lo sport: da Guardiola a Missaglia

Lo sport ha infinite facce e forse questa è la ragione per cui continua ad appassionarci. Basti pensare al ciclismo che nonostante tuti gli scandali continua ad avere sulle strade un tifo entusiasmante, perchè il cuore degli appassionati continua a mantenere il intatto il mito della fatica e dell’uomo solo al comando. In questi giorni abbiamo due occasioni per celebrare uomini di sport che hanno saputo rappresentarci con il loro impegno e passione. C’è lo sport di Guardiola dei campioni che tutti conoscono, che lascia perchè è emotivamente esausto dopo 4 anni vissuti intensamente. C’è lo sport di tutti di GianMario Missaglia, scomparso 10 anni fa in questi giorni, che nella UISP ha creato, direi che questa è la parola esatta, lo sport per tutti in Italia, è lo sport a misura di ciascuno, libero dalla competizione forzata, in cui prevale la contaminazione fra le discipline, in cui sport è associato a cultura, tolleranza e diversità.

Pep Guardiola

Guardiola è il quarantenne allenatore del Barcellona che alla sua prima esperienza con una grande squadra ha subito vinto scudetto e competizioni internazionali; in Spagna di lui si dice che è un po’ come Cervantes, che non inventò di certo lo spagnolo ma nessuno l’aveva mai usato così bene. Tiki-taka è lo stile di gioco della sua squadra, fatto di passaggi corti che producono anche il 70% di possesso palla. Quando gli altri sono stanchi o ipnotizzati da questa miriade di scambi, i suoi giocatori sono pronti sferrare il colpo decisivo. Giungere a questo obiettivo non è facile come potrebbe sembrare a prima vista e per ottenere questo risultato Guardiola impegna duramente i calciatori. Ha idee molto chiare e non accetta consigli. Al presidente del Barcellona disse che non avrebbe avuto le palle per mettere un giovane come lui alla guida della squadra e calciatori come Ibrahimovic sono andati via perché non corrispondevano alla sua filosofia di gioco. Si può dire che sia un perfezionista positivo che però ama i suoi talenti creativi, uno su tutti, Messi di cui non smette mai di lodare il carattere e la tenacia.