Tag Archive for 'Tecnica'

Workshop: How to improve the sport performance with breathing

Breathing has for too long been considered only as a natural event that the individual performs mechanically to ensure survival. Today the sport recognizes the breath a different relevance, to promote relaxation, to recover from stress during the race, to increase concentration and activation of the athletes in the most different situations of their activities. From training to competition, from physical to technical and psychological preparation, deep breathing and spontaneous breathing are useful to improve the effectiveness of the athletes’ commitment. Therefore, according to the requests of the different sports, it is possible to insert breathing training modalities. This theoretical-practical workshop aims to bring together experts in the different areas of sports science and athletes in introducing this practice within the usual training activities and competition routines.

The seminar will be held by Alberto Cei and Mike Maric, on February 19, at the Centro di Preparazione Olimpica Giulio Onesti, Largo G.Onesti 1, Rome. Program and registration


A coach talking only of technique makes big mistakes

Increasingly I hear of coaches involved almost exclusively to train the athletes ‘ sports technical component while ignoring the mental component and in global terms the psychological dimension of the life of their athletes. This attitude determines in many athletes problems and a relatively  frozen communication.

Obviously this approach is wrong, limiting the athletes’ sports development. At this regard, I want to remember what was already told since 1938 by Dale Carnegie, one of the greatest of interpersonal communicators:

  • Today ne of the less popular qualities is that of knowing how to appreciate people.
  • In our relationships we should never forget that our  life or work fellows are human beings and as such greedy of gratification. That’s the secret.
  • And no flattery. Appreciation must be honest and sincere.
  • If you want people to be happy to be with you, you must demonstrate that you are happy to be in their company.

No miracles in sport

Sport is not an environment in which miracles can happen. I was at the Shooting World Championship with the national team of Malta and it’s exactly what happened. The shooters have provided performance at their maximum level, but there were no miracles. In the olympic trap, the shooters have achieved the best performance of the last 10 years with 118 and 117 out of 125. While the junior Maltese athlete got the 13th place out of 65 participants. In the specialty junior double trap, Nathan Xuereb has finished in 1st place in the qualification with 139 out of 150 and in the final came 4th. These results permit to explain that the journey to excellence is long and you get with improvements that are first established in training. The real chance  to reach results of the absolute level is build by high scores did in training and participating in the most of  international competitions. In these situations, the technique and mental preparation of athletes is tested, allowing them to become aware of their strengths and knowing how to engage in the most important competitive moments. For these reasons there are no miracles, but a lot of work in which technique and mind are trained together with the support of the coach and the sport psychologist.

Teach to think not only the technique

Have a thinking at a time focused on what we’re going to do in a moment is an effective way to be focused on the present. The commitment of every athlete must be targeted to coach this mental ability. While playing a game or compete in any sport, there is nothing but the succession of many present. It is therefore necessary to have at all times just the thought useful to do the best, athletes have to show the ability to choose one thought over another. Otherwise negative stress dominates,  which leads to errors or a bad performance. We hear too often that in sport the mind is the main problem and that it would be better not to have it. Obviously, this sentence is only a testimony of coach or athlete incapacity, because without the mind, it could not be develop the thoughts needed to do the best. So we have not only to teach the sport technique,  but we have to coach to think.

Teach the behaviors that enhance the technique

It seems to me that the sport technique is taught well to young people but coaches doesn’t spend a lot of time in teaching behaviors which are best to be able to use this technique. For example, in tennis once a young  has learned to serve, he must practice it in the best way the most number of times. At this point,  at the young player is no longer devoted as much attention because she has acquired the technical gesture. My opionion is that the tennis player despite having acquired this skill, he is not yet able to reproduce it. In the best case she is scrupulous, some will try to stay focused before performing the gesture and then serve. I believe that in this way the tennis player cannot know if  he’s ready to serve, while most probably do it in a mechanical way. Moreover, in this game neutral situation will never come; because the player will always serve after a game exchange and a pause of a few tens of seconds. As we all know, what you think in those seconds is important in determining how you are preparing for the service. The effectiveness of the service stems as much from the way the tennis player spends the seconds prior to the execution. The question is, how often did you train to positively prepare youryelves  to the service and, only later, to serve? You can have the best technique , but if the mind says No or is distracted , the tennis player will have a problem: he does not know how to solve it because he never practiced in this way.

Mind and technique must be learned in the same time

Mindset and technical skill are trained through the development of specific game vision. The Barcelona videos on the goals at youth teams show how these two aspects are part of a way of teaching football. Barcelona has its own … how many Italian teams works in this way rather than just teach tactics and technique? Without the mind there is no game vision and the young players are trained to become soldiers.



Totti and Pirlo: the last Italian footbal champions

Francesco Totti and Andrea Pirlo are a bit as the last of the Mohicans, at the end of their career it can be said that they were the last champions that Italian football has produced. We have always had great champions like Mazzola, Rivera, Bulgarelli, Baggio, Mancini, Del Piero, Vialli, Zola to name just a few, but now it’s finished. Who do we thank for this state of affairs, I would say those who are at the center of football and then coaches and physical trainers. My idea of ​​how this happened is simple. Arrigo Sacchi has revolutionized football by introducing the total football, however, this type of play was interpreted by the strong champions who played in Milan, as well as the first was introduced by the Dutch national team where there were some of the strongest players of the world. When the system has spread it became barbaric and the guys spent much time learning tactics and preparing them physically instead learn technique. In doing so, it is almost impossible to emerge a young talent, because Rivera and Maradona would have been discarded as too physical weak or might not have ever played football in a club because they would be bored.

Then it would be the time that the coaches put aside their tactical narcissism  and physical trainers their ideas more useful for american football players and together devote much more time to teach the football technique, which is to take, pass and shoot the ball.

Unsatisfied of what?

In questo periodo dell’anno parlò con molti atleti che sono scontenti delle loro prestazioni, si sono allenati per tutto l’inverno e ora vorrebbero vincere sempre o comunque fare molto bene. Aspettative legittime ma irrealistiche, perché ci sono anche gli avversari ma soprattutto in quanto gareggiare non è solo una espressione del proprio valore tecnico ma è un’attività che deve essere guidata dalla mente. Diciamo pure che senza la mente, la tecnica è inutile; perché la gara è gestione efficace dello stress agonistico, che una volta domato consente alla tecnica dell’atleta di esprimersi al massimo livello. Chi non fosse in grado di svolgere questi compiti non potrà mai gareggiare con soddisfazione o in modo vincente.

Tecnica, psiche e tattica

Nel gioco del calcio per prima viene la tecnica, cioè bisogna sapere giocare. Poi viene la mente, determinazione e voglia di vincere. Infine per terza arriva la tattica, perchè che dice a calciatori dotati di tecnica individuale e di una mente pronta come è meglio giocare. L’opposto non può funzionare, se domina la tattica nell’insegnamento, non è detto che i giocatori ci mettano la testa per capire. Se ciò ha una probabilità di essere vero, stasera l’Inter giocherà un’ottima partita, perchè ha tecnica e testa e Ranieri avrà fatto un buon lavoro da allenatore-psicologo. Lo stesso vale per il Napoli, non deve farsi prendere dalla sindrome di dovere dimostrare che merita la Champions, deve solo giocare come sa fare sfruttando la tecnica e la testa: gestire le emozioni della matricola questo è il compito della squadra e del suo leader.