Tag Archive for 'psicologia dello sport'

ISSP-R Practitioner and Established Supervisor applications now open!

Given the mission of International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP)  and in the spirit of globalization, internationalization, unification, and collaboration, the ISSP Registry Committee is finalizing the process of establishing an internationally recognized consultant/practitioner registry that represents the minimum standard of sport psychology practice. It is envisioned that the ISSP-Registry (ISSP-R) will respond to the high international mobility of both sporting clients and consultants as well as increase the visibility and credibility of the profession internationally. Importantly, it aims to augment the professional standards of the field with a particular focus on supporting those countries in which ASP is at a developing phase.

ISSP is pleased to announce that applications to the ISSP-Registry (ISSP-R) are now open for [i] Established Practitioners, [ii] Emerging Practitioners and [iii] ISSP-R Established Supervisor. Applications will remain open until Friday, December 30, 2022. Below is some of the key information.

There are two routes to being accepted onto the ISSP-Registry – the Established Practitioner route and the Emerging Practitioner route. Presently, we are accepting applications for both Established Practitioner and Emerging Practitioner routes. Secondly, there are two routes to being accepted onto the ISSP-Registry as a Supervisor – the Established Supervisor route and the Emerging Supervisor route. Presently, we are accepting applications for Established Supervisor only. Please visit the ISSP Registryand ISSP-R Supervisors pages for more information.

For Emerging Practitioners: applicants must have successfully completed the ISSP-R modules in Cultural Competence, Mental Health, and Professional Conduct to apply. For prospective ISSP-R Emerging Practitioners, online versions of these ISSP-R modules will be available in the near future. Beginning in Spring 2023, we will process and assess applications on a continuous basis, allowing applicants to submit any time.

Please direct your completed applications or questions to isspr@issponline.org

How did you prepare to become a sport psychologist

I want to talk about an important and often underestimated topic in sport psychology: supervision. I state that this activity is now required and defined by the main international organizations of sport psychology including the world association, International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) and the European Society of Sport Psychology (Fepsac).

However, I often receive letters from psychologists who would like to do the internship with me and, as they often literally write, “see how I work”. This is not possible for me because of the type of organization of my work. However, through the Master of Sport Psychology and the activity of the Academy of Integrated Football I follow psychologists for the internship. On the contrary, I have never had a sports psychologist ask me to supervise their work. I leave to you the explanation, perhaps due to the fact that the internship is free while the supervision has a cost for the psychologist; the work is poorly paid so you would lose the gain; the work is simple and therefore even a novice can handle it effectively; the area of sport psychology is still only one of the areas in which they work and therefore there is little interest in implementing the specific skills; however, it is believed that once qualified to carry out this profession you have already invested enough so the supervision is unnecessary.

Everyone gives their own explanation and I want to give you mine.

Personally, when I met Ferruccio Antonelli in 1981, he gave me the task of translating the abstracts of the International J. of Sport Psychology from English into Italian and then corrected them, pointing out where the translation did not make sense in our language. I understood that what mattered was to make myself understood as a reader. Then he gave me books to read. Through him I never saw an athlete, but I read a lot and after a year I knew who the main authors were at the international level on the main topics of sport psychology. At the same time, in 1981, I met Carmelo Pittera, coach of the men’s national volleyball team and a great man of culture and open-mindedness. And even in this experience that lasted 7 years, we spent time studying motor anticipation, how to train it, how to transfer this knowledge to the children of minivolley. This approach allowed the production of 4 books on motor education (still valid today), a book on the psychology of volleyball referees (never repeated in any other team sport), my book on Mental Training and research published in international journals.

This is to say that at the base of success there is specific knowledge, otherwise we will be like that doctor who improvises orthopedics or cardiology. In the meantime, during those years I did two schools of psychotherapy for a total of 6 years. Today, my approach remains the same. In 1998 I published with Il Mulino the manual “Sport Psychology” and in 2021 a totally new and updated edition entitled “Fundamentals of Sport Psychology” came out.

So how did you prepare for this profession?

Coaching: 10 ideas for thinking

Today at the Master of Sport Psychology we talked about training with Prof. Bruno Ruscello, Tor Vergata University.

What we learned:

  1. The ability to listen, guide and give constructive feedback for a coach is important.
  2. Too often, youth coaching is left to inexperienced coaches.
  3. The invisible aspect of coaching is just as important as the visible aspect.
  4. The invisible aspect is about the lifestyle of the athlete.
  5. The data scientist is an essential role to use at every level of expertise, finding the necessary adaptations.
  6. The coach is a curious person who must continually deepen and broaden his or her skills.
  7. Coaching is getting out of the comfort zone.
  8. For a player, the following are decisive: anticipation, decision-making ability, speed, ability to cooperate.
  9. The coach is a visionary who builds ladders to reach his dreams.
  10. The team game is not the sum of the performance of individuals but the product of their cooperation.

Sport psychology: know the past, to build the future

The Master of Sport Psychology in Rome is going to start. The first topic that will be addressed is the development of sport psychology since the foundation of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in 1965. It is the story of the so-called founders of this discipline in the contemporary world. We will therefore talk about Ferruccio Antonelli but also about many other scholars of those early years. It is an important aspect that concerns the knowledge of the origins of the profession in which one works and that is ignored by most professionals and researchers.

But we will look not only at the past but also at the present and the future. A very topical issue that ISSP and Fepsac, the European association, are pursuing concerns the continuing education of psychologists. They are defining what are the paths not only educational but also of continuing education in sport psychology that are recognized internationally. Participation in this worldwide movement of professionals will become increasingly important and will allow easier accreditation of professionals who have done different training courses in different countries but the same in terms of hours of training, supervision and maintenance of the required update over time.



Master in Sport Psychology: 40 years later

This week starts the new Master in Sport Psychology organized by Psicosport in Rome.

I am happy because this new Master starts exactly 40 years after I obtained the specialization in sport psychology with a training course held in 1982 at the School of Sport in Rome under the direction of Ferruccio Antonelli.


The training in sport psychology

In Italy in the last 5 years, the number of members of the Order of Psychologists has increased by thousands of professionals, in 2016 were 100,566 and in 2020 became 117,762. In 2011 there were far fewer, 81,757.

At this time, I am busy organizing a master’s program in sport psychology and I am realizing that it is not easy to reach a large number of enrollees. Some colleagues tell me that this is due to competition from other masters, some online, which better meet the needs of young psychologists and consequently have a more limited cost.

This explanation, however, I do not find convincing for the simple fact that in the last 10 years the number of psychologists enrolled in the Order has increased 36,005 units and only in the last 5 years by 17,196; with an increase of about 5,000 new psychologists enrolled in 2020 compared to the previous year. Therefore, there is a large number of psychologists who after finishing their studies should undertake postgraduate training in one in the different fields of psychology.

Sport psychology is often not chosen because it is not clear what career paths this field of work can offer. In our country people often live sport psychology as a choice between two options, to be lucky enough to work with a Champion or to work at the level of youth activities (such as soccer schools), which is considered a job that does not require specific skills.

It is clear that if this is the reading of the labor market, it is useless to engage in a demanding training. As a result, being ill-prepared to deal with complex professional situations for lack of adequate training, job opportunities will concern only simple situations and easily manageable with the skills possessed.

The Master organized by Psicosport aims to fill this gap by providing a qualified training, with university professors and consultants of high profile recognizable by their curriculum, a five-month internship at sports clubs supervised and a program of involvement of psychologists even after the end of the Master.

Those interested in learning more about the topic of new professional orientations in psychology can write to me and I will send them the article I published on this topic in the magazine of the Scuola dello Sport.

Master Roma: January 26 Open Day

Webinar: Journey in the athlete mind. Presentation of the Master in Psicologia dello Sport Roma-2022

Prendendo spunto dal record del campione NBA Stephen Curry: dalla sua tenacia nel volere perseguire il miglioramento delle sue prestazioni e dall’essere considerato anni fa inadeguato a giocare ad alti livelli sino invece a stabilire il record NBA di triple segnate in carriera (2974).

Psicosport organizza domani; martedì 21 dicembre, ore 19- 20.30 un webinar gratuito sul tema “Viaggio nella mente dell’atleta” parleremo di questo argomento. E’ un tema che riguarda tutti gli atleti, allenatori, dirigenti sportivi e gli psicologi. Vedremo infatti come sia possibile e auspicabile sviluppare la “mentalità orientata alla crescita” nei giovani che praticano sport e non solo negli atleti di livello assoluto. I campioni possono indicarci la strada ma il miglioramento è un tema essenziale per chiunque e, proprio per questa ragione, non ci si deve nascondere dietro l’idea che queste cose riguardano solo il mondo sportivo dell’alto livello. Quindi, ognuno quale che sia il suo ruolo deve imparare a declinarlo sulla base delle proprie esperienze di vita quotidiane.

Rifletti sulle tue prestazioni: Stai migliorando o rimanendo al tuo posto? Stai crescendo o fai sempre gli stessi errori?

Durante il webinar verrà presentato il l’edizione del Master di Psicologia dello Sport organizzato a Roma a partire da Febbraio 2022.

Iscrizione al webinar: https://www.psicosport.it/blog/open-day-master-psicologia-dello-sport-roma-2022-dic

Viaggio nella mente dei campioni

Per presentare l’edizione del Master di psicologia dello sport organizzato da Psicosport che si terrà a Roma nel 2022, abbiamo organizzato questo webinar dedicato al tema “Viaggio nella mente dei campioni”.

Da Robert Nideffer e dagli atleti di élite ho imparato che ciò che hanno in comune i top performer in qualsiasi ambito professionale come i top manager o i corpi speciali dell’esercito consiste nell’abilità a prestare attenzione, a non farsi distrarre e a rimanere focalizzati su un compito alla volta. Se sei un manager o un atleta non potrai fornire prestazioni efficaci se non sei concentrato.

Parleremo di questo tema e di come si sviluppa questa mentalità che considera, come ha detto Novak Djokovic, lo stress come un privilegio.