Tag Archive for 'intelligenza'

How to combine play intensity with competitive intelligence

To combine the intensity of play in team sports with competitive intelligence, it is necessary to develop a series of both physical and mental elements. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  1. Physical Preparation - Adequate physical preparation is fundamental to sustain a high level of intensity in the game. This includes endurance, strength, speed, and flexibility. A high level of physical fitness enables players to maintain intensity throughout the duration of the match.
  2. Game Tactics - Tactical intelligence is crucial. Players need to understand team tactics, have the ability to adapt during the game, and make quick and intelligent decisions on the field.
  3. Game Reading - Excellent players have the ability to quickly read the situation on the field, anticipate opponents’ moves, and make intelligent decisions based on the current game situation.
  4. Mindset and Concentration - Maintaining concentration throughout the entire game is essential. Competitive intelligence also involves the ability to handle pressure, stay focused, and positively respond to challenges and mistakes.
  5. Specific Training - Training sessions should focus on simulating high-intensity game situations, encouraging players to make quick and intelligent decisions under pressure.
  6. Communication and Cooperation - Competitive intelligence also manifests in the ability to effectively communicate with teammates, coordinate actions, and work together to achieve common goals.
  7. Winning Mindset and Resilience - Athletes with high competitive intelligence demonstrate a winning mindset, resilience, and the ability to face defeats by learning from mistakes and continuously improving.
  8. Energy Management - Knowing when to increase or reduce energy during the game is crucial. Intelligent players from a competitive standpoint know how to manage their energies effectively throughout the entire match.
  9. Adaptability and Flexibility -  Players with developed competitive intelligence can quickly adapt to changes in game conditions, opponent strategies, or tactical variations within their team. They can alter their playing style or position on the field to meet the demands of the situation.
  10. Post-Match Analysis and Continuous Learning - Athletes with competitive intelligence constantly seek improvement. After each match, they analyze their performances, identify strengths and weaknesses, and consistently work on those aspects to progress over time.

In summary, the combination of adequate physical preparation, a tactical understanding of the game, high game reading ability, strong mindset, and concentration are all fundamental elements to blend game intensity with effective competitive intelligence.

An eternal dilemma: the relationship between intelligence and certainty

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Charles Bukowski

The movement as and expression of intelligence

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is manifested through the ability to control one’s movements with mastery and to use tools expertise. These tools vary greatly depending on the activity to which we refer. It can be the classic ball in sports games or the surgeon’s scalpel, skis or the tailor’s needle, the clavettes in gymnastics or the cane used by Charlot. Competence in physical activity consists of the use of a fairly broad range of skills, such as strength, endurance, balance, dexterity, expressiveness, and coordination. It is very important to be able to carry out physical activity programs that develop all of these skills. Eastern culture, compared to ours, has traditionally been more inclined to follow these paths and, among the many forms of expressiveness it has produced, martial arts represent an example of integrated development of these different skills. In our Western culture, however, more attention has been paid to the development of skills such as strength and endurance and less to that of other skills.

Assess your kinesthetic intelligence

  • I play at least one sport or do physical activity on a regular basis
  • I find it difficult to sit for a long time
  • I like to engage in manual activities
  • I get the best ideas when I walk, run or otherwise engage in some physical activity
  • I spend most of my time in outdoor activities
  • When I talk to other people I gesture a lot
  • To appreciate an object I have to touch it
  • I feel like a person who moves in a coordinated way
  • I enjoy experiences that give me intense physical sensations
  • I cope well with physical fatigue

Add up all affirmative responses:

  • up to four – you have a long way ahead of you to increase your kinesthetic intelligence;
  • between five and six – you are trying hard but can do more, don’t give up;
  • between seven and eight – you are showing excellent kinesthetic skills, keep believing in them and above all, practice them;
  • between nine and ten – don’t get ahead of yourself; you’re good.

Assess your kinesthetic intelligence

Years ago we published this test to evaluate your kinesthetic intelligence, it’s fun, try it too.

The mental skills of the soccer teams

Today begins the Italian football championship. The  Napoli exclusion from Champions League immediately put in evidence the importance of the psychological capacities in determining the supremacy on the field as well as the final result. Among the main features to look for in the game to know if a team is a match positively oriented are:

  • Tactical Intelligence: do the right thing at the right time
  • Combat: do not allow to the opponents to be comfortable when they play with us
  • Toughnes: try harder and persist longer under adversity
  • Responsibility: accepting the role and instructions provided by the coach
  • Sense of belonging: feeling an active player of the team, collaborate and support the teammates at all times
We’ll see during the season which teams will show more of these psychological skills.

Impegno o intelligenza

La questione di come le persone acquisiscono livelli elevati di competenza è un tema ancora oggi dibattuto. Quanto pesano le caratteristiche innate, i doni genetici, rispetto a quelle acquisite? Le ricerche di Ericcson sembravano avere dimostrato che ciò che conta fosse la quantità di tempo dedicata. Studiando un gruppo di giovani violinisti di 20 anni aveva evidenziato che “i migliori” si erano applicati per 10.000 ore, mentre “i bravi” si erano fermati a 8.000 ore di pratica e i meno bravi a 5.000 ore.
Questa e molte altre ricerche hanno portato a formulare la regola delle 10.000 ore in 10 anni per chi vuole eccellere in una qualsiasi attività. Secondo questo approccio l’intelligenza viene considerata come un fattore importante solo fino al punteggio di 120 dopo di che non è di alcuno aiuto nel migliorare le prestazioni.
Altre indagini scientifiche hanno contestato questo approccio sottolineando al contrario il ruolo decisivo dell’intelligenza. Ad esempio gli studi sui giovani intellettualmente precoci di di Lubinski e Benbow hanno dimostrato che i giovani che sono al 99,9 percentile di intelligenza rispetto a quelli che sono “solo” al 99,1 hanno da tre a cinque più probabilità di pubblicare un articolo scientifico, di prendere un dottorato, di pubblicare un lavoro letterario o di depositare un brevetto. Quindi un livello intellettuale molto alto sembra invece fornire un enorme vantaggio nel proprio sviluppo personale. Analogamente Hambrick e Meinze hanno scoperto che possedere una elevata capacità di memoria di lavoro è predittivo del successo in una vasta serie di attività. Per cui se si prendono in considerazione due pianisti con lo stesso numero di ore di pratica quello che avrà più memoria di lavoro avrà più successo nel leggere uno spartito mai visto sino a quel momento. Il pensiero in questi casi corre a Mozart che scriveva brani musicali già a 6 anni, è però altrettanto vero che in realtà sembrano essere stati scritti dal padre e che anche nella prima adolescenza le sue creazioni non fossero altro che adattamenti di musiche già composte da altri, mentre il suo primo capolavoro l’avrebbe scritto a 20 anni e quindi dopo 10 anni di formazione musicale. La questione su quanto pesi la genetica o l’apprendimento resta ancora una volta aperta.