Tag Archive for 'obiettivi'

When making plans for the new year it’s useless

Every new year, we set goals for the following months, discussing them with friends. Some aim to lose weight, others to exercise more, or to dedicate more time to their loved ones, and so on. Usually, after a few days, these goals are abandoned because one feels overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. This leads to the classic explanation of ‘I would like to, but I can’t.’ It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s life that prevents me.

Therefore, I suggest to all of us to avoid playing with change if we know that we will easily abandon these good intentions. In this sense, thinking positively and believing that we will succeed in meeting our goals is misleading. Positive thinking is wishful if it’s not accompanied by the awareness that achieving what we set out to do will be difficult and if we’re not willing to make sacrifices.

It means committing ourselves regardless of the results. We must be willing to commit knowing that we might fail. We must understand that changing habits takes time and is difficult because we have to start thinking and acting differently from usual at the very moment we are inclined to behave in our habitual way.

If we want to succeed, let’s start with short-term goals, investing limited but daily time. Let’s think in terms of, ‘What do I want to do for myself today that is different from what I usually do?’ If we answer affirmatively to this question, we are moving in the right direction. Even just a minute spent differently will give us a positive signal. Without rushing, let’s learn to gather these moments.

Cohesion and shared goals

I want to continue the reasoning of yesterday’s blog on the importance of the relationship among soccer players, emphasizing that this is the basis of cohesion. In fact, the interpretation of events by group members, especially the evaluation of negative ones, is influenced by the degree of cohesion. If the group shows a poor level of cohesion, individual players tend to blame other team members for what happened. On the other hand, if, on the other hand, the team is united the players tend to be more objective in their evaluations and more readily admit their share of responsibility.

It is clear from what has been illustrated that team performance is more effective if there is agreement on goals and the means to achieve them. This finding is also present in the very definition of cohesion, understood as a dynamic process that reflects a group’s tendency to stick together and remain united in pursuit of its goals. One of the most frequent problems that arise is that sometimes the goals the team has set for itself do not match those chosen by the club. In sports it happens, for example, that players’ goals may diverge from those of their club, and coaches find themselves in the position of having to find effective ways of communicating to reconcile these differing needs.

It is indeed necessary for the members of a team to identify with the goals of the sports club in order to provide optimal performance as a team. To approach this problem, reference can be made to the system used 70 years ago by Kurt Lewin during World War II and reported by Forsith [1983] in a study of group change dynamics. Because of the lack of veal, the National Research Council asked Lewin to develop a strategy to change the eating habits of the population. A short period of time was given to persuade housewives to serve quickly prepared but less desirable dishes for families. Lewin devised a strategy based on two different approaches.

In the first, groups of housewives attended conferences in which the nutritional benefits of the new diet were explained to them within a discourse that included appeals to patriotism. In this situation, no form of interaction between the participants was provided. Instead, in the second approach, moments of discussion on the same topics addressed by the lecture were introduced. Participants were stimulated to agree on at least one issue.

Lewin later verified that only 3 percent of the housewives who had participated in the first situation had changed their eating habits, in contrast this figure rose to 32 percent among those who had participated in the interactive situation. Lewin verified the validity of this interactive group approach in relation to other problem situations as well, concluding that it is easier to change individuals when they are united as a group than to act on them individually.

From these results, therefore, it can be concluded that although various approaches can be used to convince individuals of the goodness of the chosen goals, an approach centered on group enhancement will certainly be very effective. In this way, a positive relationship is built between individual motivation and commitment, leading to effective performance and a consequent positive perception of the value of individual contribution to collective work.

Federica Pellegrini and the need to have a goal

Federica Pellegrini: underlines the need in this period to have an goal and pursue it even in the uncertainty of the moment. This is what she summarizes in the interview published today in Repubblica and of which I report below the answer to the question of what she would do if there was another lockdown

If there was another general lockdown what would you do?

“I honestly don’t know, I don’t know how I would react. I have set myself the goal of getting to August. Whatever happens in the middle of the year, unless they tell us tomorrow that the Olympics are cancelled and then everything would change there, I’m moving forward towards my goal”.

Track & field and training after coronavirus

The blog “10 goals to train with pleasure and success” continues to be diffuse in Italian sport.

Now it’s on Italian track and field federation web site.

Sofia Goggia at 9 years old wrote: “I want to win the gold in downhill”

It’s never too early to dream. When Sofia Goggia was 9 years old, she wrote: “I want to win the gold in downhill.”

She did it filling the questionnaire on Goal Setting from my book “Mental training.”

She wanted to be mentally ready and at long term very ready. She asked her coach to work at maximum with her.

17 goals to transform our world

I wishes Happy 2018, hoping the daily work of sports science community contributes to diffuse @GlobalGoalsUN program to take action for a better world

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Risultati immagini per What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Conference: Sport rules and goals

Know your-self through your priorities

Show me your priorities and I’ll show you your focus 

Good question to know if we are goal or result oriented the events

Each athlete has to set clear goals

Do nothing for chance

and always set clear goals

Marcus Aurelius