Tag Archive for 'cultura'

Sports to grow up as a person

Sport is not just about competition or results: it’s a living part of the community, a tool to unite, inspire, and shape better people. Sports organizations have the power and the responsibility to go beyond technical training or winning on the field; they are guardians of fundamental cultural values that can change lives.

Sport teaches respect because it forces us to recognize others, whether as teammates or opponents, and to value every effort as worthy of acknowledgment. It fosters inclusion, breaking down social, cultural, and physical barriers, welcoming anyone who wants to participate. Sport reveals that we share more in our passions and ambitions than we differ.

Sport also conveys discipline and resilience. Through hard work and effort, it builds character and prepares individuals to overcome challenges not only on the field but in everyday life. It educates in collaboration: no victory is entirely individual; every success is the result of a team that shares common goals and values.

For a sports organization, promoting these principles means leaving a legacy that goes far beyond the boundaries of the field. It’s about making sport a school of life, a point of reference for young people and the community, a space where individuals grow both personally and as citizens. Helping someone believe in themselves, discover their potential, and feel part of something greater: that’s true success.

By promoting sport as a cultural value, organizations become places where a better future is built for everyone—a future grounded in respect, fairness, and shared passion.

Enjoy the journey and not the result

We live in the culture of instant gratification. When we want something, we want it immediately. This has resulted in a significant lowering of our frustration tolerance level. Often the young people I meet get angry with themselves if they don’t improve right away and when they make mistakes, they feel incapable because they haven’t learned yet.

In our culture we place too much importance on the outcome and much less on the path to get there. We should learn to stop this race to the result. Instead, let us learn to love the journey in which we are immersed. Athletes often act as if an elementary school child wants to write a paper like a high school kid. It’s a nice dream, but let’s not mistake it for reality.

The same goes for people my age, over60, who think they train as if they were 30 or 40 years old. After a series of physical problems that prevented me from training for three years, and after resuming for about six months, I realized the need to reset my thinking and start again with a mindset appropriate to the years I am living and find pleasure in this project. So, it is not just a matter of following a proper training program for a person over60 who has been stationary for three years, but of adapting the mindset to this real condition and gaining satisfaction from the flow of the days engaged in this physical, athletic and mental training. Never think “I used to do it this way, why can’t I do it?” That would be the road to failure. The positive and optimistic idea is exactly the opposite: “I am doing what I enjoy and what makes me feel good.” This mental approach combined with practice results in improvement over time and allows me to meet the goals I set out to achieve.

In this way, I focus on the daily practice and listen to myself to prepare for what I have decided to do. The pleasure is in feeling the changes that take place, mental and physical, that occur as a result of training. In fact, gradually not only the body but also the mind is shaped by the type of activity to be done. For example, in the beginning running was very tiring, you go slow and feel heavy, so I picked up like any beginner by alternating running and walking for 5/6 km. On the other hand, I did not rely on memories of me being a marathon runner, having run more than 50, or of someone who had run the 100 km Passatore. This second approach would lead me to injury and convince me that running was no longer suitable for me. With this mental approach and a proper variety of workouts in a few months I came to run 40k a week in three sessions. So, one rule over all I learned: train with an intensity that allows you to train the next day as well. Currently I train 5 days a week, once only physical training, once cycling and three running. Always 30 minutes of free body before each workout. I enjoy it. Where I will get to doesn’t matter to me; I like to find out week by week.

Why a champion needs a coach

In an interview Novak Djokovic spoke about his co-operation with his coach Goran Ivanisevic. The Serbian player said: “I hired him because we basically have the same culture. Our mentality is very similar, he understands me very well.

I am very respectful towards him because he was the greatest player back in the day in our region and I wanted to be like him. We are friends. He is an amazing, honest and open man and a great player. He knows how it feels like to compete at the highest level.

There are many things to improve. There are days where you do not feel that well. That’s why the coach is very important. He understands how I am doing mentally and physically. So far the relationship has been great and hopefully it continues.”Risultati immagini per djokovic ivanisevic

Italian President #Mattarella #study #culture

Italian president #Mattarella said:

“Italy need study, to go in deep, ability to understand reality and avoid improvisation. The culture teaches us openness to the world and the refusal of any isolation.”


The culture of mental toughness

The development of mental toughness has often been regarded as a strictly individual factor and we have few information to understand how the sport organizations show and build their culture of toughness and how this promotes the athletes’ toughness .

The article by Eubanks, Nesti e Littlewood (2017), A culturally informed approach to mental toughness development in high performance sport, IJSP, 48, 206-222, revived some new insights about this topic.

The purpose is to explore the importance of culture in the development of Mental Toughness (MT). This is done by means of a critical review of the current literature that exists in relation to the conceptualisation, definition and development of the concept. We argue that despite recent advances in our understanding, most research into MT has focused on the characteristics of mentally tough individuals. Although important and useful, the role of the environment, culture and context, and how these impact MT and its development has been given somewhat less attention and is perhaps not well integrated into practice.

The notion of Mental Toughness (MT) being broadly represented by “the ability to achieve personal goals in the face of pressure from a wide range of different stressors” (Hardy et al., 2014).

One of the criticisms frequently levelled at psychology as an academic discipline is that it often focuses on the individual, and forgets, or ignores the environment within which the individual exists.

Culture may be best seen as the hidden yet influential force, involving core values, beliefs, and traditions that operates as a type of soft power, which shape the working practices, ideas, strategies and philosophies of groups and individuals.

Weinberg et al. (2011) focused on the views of ten National Collegiate Athletic Association head coaches, who reported that a tough physical practice environment, a positive men-tal environment and an environment that provided mental toughness awareness and learning opportunities were fundamental to MT development.

The authors said that is clear that the optimum environments to build MT are those that are imbued with a challenging and stimulating culture, where personal responsibility is emphasised in all things.


Do like in Manchester to win terrorismo fear

The events of recent weeks have driven us to be afraid to go to the public events or take a trip to London but the response should not be to close inside home but to do as in Manchester, 50,000 people together again to say that we trust and believe in freedom. We live in a present dilated at global dimension. Whatever happens somewhere in the world we immediately know, from bombs in Kabul, the attack in London until the panic of the crowd in Turin. They are different stories but linked by the information; we are constantly overwhelmed in real time. This continuous whirl of news has made smaller the world in our perception, because this instant sharing reduces geographical distances and stimulates us to feel in danger. The attacks want to achieve this goal by hitting our lifestyle, the freedom to walk freely in the streets, going to concerts, having fun, going to a game or see it in a square. The speed of information is an additional weapon used by the terrorists, as we know all the while after that happened, without being prepared to mitigate the backlash on our minds. To not feel crushed by the weight of these news and insecurity that can generate, we must then learn to reassure ourselves and who lives with us. In fact, there is no ready way to respond to these tragedies and fears that we seek, we have to keep doing what we’ve always done. Sports and music can help, because they are passion shared and meet in deep the desire to be together. They represent, therefore, an antidote to the unspoken tension lived under skin, which accumulates every day if not melted in the practice of interests that unite, feeling shared emotions and which enrich our existence. We must continue to spread the culture in all its forms from sports to music and art. As individuals we are the keepers of our culture, that we must be able to demonstrate freely, don’t forget it when we’ll we have the doubt to go to a game, to participate in a race or allow our sons to go to a concert.

Conference: Sport rules and goals

In Italy only the 33% of persons practice sports

Since 10 years the number of persons practicing sports in Italy is not growing and continues to be among the lowest in Europe. It is not just an economic issue due to the crisis, there is no adequate sports and the movement culture

Persons 3 years old and more practicing sports, some physical activities & sedentary persons in Italian Regions ersone sedentarie Year 2015 (percentages)
di cui in modo: Praticano
solo qualche
attività fisica
Non praticano
sport né
attività fisica
continuativo saltuario
Piemonte 35,8 24,7 11,2 33,8 30,0
Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste 45,0 31,5 13,5 30,0 24,5
Liguria 32,7 24,1 8,6 30,8 36,2
Lombardia 40,7 28,5 12,2 27,2 31,4
Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol 50,9 34,0 16,9 35,4 13,5
Bolzano/Bozen 56,6 36,2 20,4 32,1 10,8
Trento 45,4 31,9 13,5 38,6 16,0
Veneto 40,3 27,9 12,4 32,6 27,0
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 38,5 28,1 10,4 31,6 29,8
Emilia-Romagna 36,0 25,7 10,3 31,7 31,9
Toscana 34,9 25,0 9,9 31,1 33,6
Umbria 31,6 23,0 8,6 28,0 40,0
Marche 35,6 26,5 9,1 27,6 36,4
Lazio 34,8 27,3 7,5 20,6 43,9
Abruzzo 31,7 21,8 9,9 25,7 42,5
Molise 25,4 19,2 6,2 19,0 55,1
Campania 19,5 13,0 6,5 23,1 57,2
Puglia 27,4 19,4 8,0 21,2 51,1
Basilicata 23,9 18,2 5,7 24,0 51,7
Calabria 24,5 17,9 6,6 18,4 56,7
Sicilia 24,4 18,0 6,4 17,5 57,3
Sardegna 34,0 24,6 9,4 29,3 36,3
Nord-ovest 38,6 27,0 11,6 29,4 31,5
Nord-est 39,4 27,7 11,8 32,4 28,0
Centro 34,7 26,2 8,5 25,3 39,5
Centro-Nord 37,7 27,0 10,7 29,0 32,9
Mezzogiorno 24,9 17,7 7,2 21,5 53,2
Italia 33,3 23,8 9,5 26,5 39,9
Source: Istat, Indagine multiscopo sulle famiglie “Aspetti della vita quotidiana”

The run for all and the ultramarathoner

Friday, February 20th at the Press Hall “P.Maccherini” Palace Berlinghieri, Siena, Italy, will host a press conference at 11:30 of the second edition of  ”Terre di Siena Ultramarathon”, track event competitive and not to be held on Sunday, March 1 with departures differentiated from S. Gimignano for 50 km, from Colle val d’Elsa for 32 km and 18 km from Monteriggioni. Will also be a walk of about 6 km through the streets of the historic center of Siena. An event that combines the theme of sport for all organized by UISP Siena, to promote the Siena tourism and culture.
Saturday at 17.30 will be held also a conference on “Psychological Preparation in ultramarathon” by prof. Alberto Cei, consultant psychologist at the Olympics in Atlanta, Sydney, Athens, Beijing and London. At the end of the meeting will be presented the race courses.

Registration is open until Wednesday, February 25 on the site  www.terredisienaultramarathon.it

Speaking to confirm our sport biases

On Monday we are all soccer coaches and, therefore, at the bar or in the office we speak about players, teams and results with the fervor of those who really could solve the teams’ problems. On the other hand, in Italy we have three sport newspapers, that every day must fill a hundred pages, read by millions of people. So the rule is that every sigh of externalization of a player or a coach are placed well in evidence to give arguments to our bar-reasoning. All this talk would be fine if the main effect was to develop a bar sport culture that runs out in the space of a coffee. Unfortunately, most of those who participate in these discussions are also the parents or grandparents of children, boys, playing football. With the same ease with which they express opinions on the coaches of professional teams, they consider themselves competent to criticize the coaches of their children and the children themselves. When they believe to have this right, they also begins to attack the referees because they are against their team and yell advice on how to play.
There is not  a happy ending to this story, because the sport newspapers will continue to enhance  the soccer in all its forms since people want to read exactly this kind of news. Luckly always it will always exist clubs, journalists and parents which make sport and soccer culture, but most people want to know every sigh of Icardi or Eto, because they play in the “big” teams and not how Sassuolo and Empoli succeed in the task of playing a good soccer. Not complain then for the spread of violence or fraud in football, because they are the extreme result of this non-sport culture.