Tag Archive for 'obiettivi'

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Goals of psychological counseling

Main goals of psychological counseling in top sport

  • Development/improvement psychological skills athletes for competition
  • Athlete psychological assessment
  • Counseling for coaches on specific issues of interest to them
  • Solutions to athletes’ problems that coaches do not know how to cope
  • Collaboration in the management of the group outside training
  • Support to athletes and coaches during the competition
  • Competition stress management for athletes, coaches and staff
  • Improving well-being and life outside sport
  • Injuries management

Choose your mental coaching program

Tell your dreams. We will help you  to reach them


 CEI Consulting helps athletes to: 

  • Identify their specific concentration strengths and weaknesses with the most sophisticated performance enhancement assessment system.
  • Be aware of their performance profile with a 360° assessment program (technical, mental and physical).
  • Be aware of their skills when compared with those of the best athletes in the world.
  • Develop coaching programs for improving and performing at their best.

CEI Consulting uses The Athlete’s Mental Edge, an exclusive performance enhancement system used by Olympic and championship-level athletes worldwide. It is a distillation of 30 years of research made in USA and Canada, Europe and Australia and hands on consulting with many of the world’s greatest athletes.

CEI Consulting is an assessment and coaching program including:

  1. Your goals 
  • How establish goals
  • Which commitment show the tough athletes
  • The correct mental habit during the coaching sessions
  • The focus: on the performance and not on the results
  • The athletes’ main mental mistakes 
  1. The stress management 
  • What is relaxation
  • Strategies of optimal activation pre-event
  • How to learn relaxation and reach the right activation
  • When/how to use them during the competition 
  1. The concentration 
  • Which kind of focus you need
  • Strength and weakness points of each athlete
  • The focus during the performance
  • Exercises to be focused during the coaching 
  1. Which are your fears 
  • Are you worried about what?
  • Are you ready to perform, to do your best?
  • Is the fear useful?
  • How to manage the fear 
  1. Planning the competition 
  • How to stay in your individual zone of optimal activation
  • One hour before the events: what to do
  • Your thoughts and feelings before the beginning and during the event
  • What to do during the competition days
Contact for further information: info@ceiconsulting.it

Obiettivi e insuccessi

“Quanto ti dai obiettivi troppo elevati e non sei in grado di raggiungerli [competenze], il tuo entusiasmo si trasforma in amarezza [motivazione]. Cerca una meta più ragionevole e poi gradualmente sorpassala [esperienza]. È il solo modo per arrivare in vetta” (Emil Zatopek). Quanto succede nel mondo rivela che spesso le persone non sono in grado di accettare i propri limiti e i risultati negativi, quindi, alcuni abbandonano, altri perdono la fiducia in se stessi, qualcun altro cerca delle scorciatoie o si rivolge a dei guru che dovrebbero farli cambiare. Altri ancora senza saperlo seguono i consigli di Zatopek e continuano così il loro viaggio con rinnovato entusiasmo. Questa frase dovrebbe essere presente in ogni classe scolastica, in ogni spogliatoio o luogo lavoro perchè spiega quale sia l’atteggiamento da avere di fronte agli errori e alle difficoltà. Fa vedere con chiarezza come non esistano scorciatoie ma solo impegno e dedizione (il sudore di cui parlava Hemingway). Ovviamente neanche l’allenatore o lo psicologo possono sostituirsi a questo atteggiamento, possono certamente spiegare che questo è il modo migliore di reagire, ma il vero lavoro per fare proprio questo pensiero è solo quello della persona che si trova in difficoltà, nessuno può sostituirsi a lui/lei.