Tag Archive for 'atletica leggera'

Track & field and training after coronavirus

The blog “10 goals to train with pleasure and success” continues to be diffuse in Italian sport.

Now it’s on Italian track and field federation web site.

Sport motivation is the same in all ages of adult life

The preliminary results of a study on track and field Master show that the intrinsic motivation (“I think that this activity is interesting and pleasant”) and the identified regulation (“ I think that this activity is good for me”) are the two most important dimension to persist in sport in all the different period of the adult age. They do not practice sport  ”because it is something that I have to do” (external regulation) or if you are not motivated: “I do this activity but I am not sure if it is worth it” (Amotivation).

(Source  Fidal, G. Carbonaro, A. Cei e C. Quagliarotti , data not published).

Psychology and track and field

Psychology and track and field read on: http://www.iocorro.net/autore/Alberto-Cei/39

New blog on track&field

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

L’atletica italiana non esiste

Se fossi la Federazione di Atletica Leggera farei un bel concorso per richiedere progetti che rifondino questo sport in Italia e nominerei un piccolo gruppo, metà uomini e metà donne, di intelligenze brillanti e operative, che non abbiano mai ricoperto incarichi nell’atletica per scegliere alcuni di questi progetti e realizzarli.