Tag Archive for 'risultato'

The reasons to play football

A master’s thesis discussed today by Michele Aquila, Tor Vergata University, Roma, clearly illustrates how the dominance of task- or result-oriented motivation determines in each age group differences in the reasons for playing soccer.

It’s essential to coach the habit to be ready

The athletes often imagine that on race day they will be ready to face it. The results teach that this result occurs infrequently. It happens more often that athletes get scared, they get too worried and provide poor performance.

The athletes have to train themselves to change. The habits become useful only when behaviors that define them were repeated, repeated and repeated again. We must not settle for train-enough-well, because we do not build winning habits. We have to continually improve and consolidate the progress made.

It’s a kind of emotionally compelling work. Each exercise must be first mentally imagined, just as if we were providing that exercise at that time. Only after this mental exercise, the athletes should switch to perform the exercise. The principle is: the performance starts when the mind is ready to begin. Never before.

The justification don’t follow this procedure  it’s to think: “If I’m wrong anyway?” We are too focused on the outcome. We find difficult to accept the mistakes and when we do wrong, too easily we become upset or depressed.

One of the main purposes of the workout is to accept the mistakes, going immediately back at the personal optimal emotional condition.



Know your-self through your priorities

Show me your priorities and I’ll show you your focus 

Good question to know if we are goal or result oriented the events

The 10 ultimate questions to build a winning attitude

10 ultimate questions for coaches and mental coaches:

  1. How much are you convinced that beyond the technical/tactical and physical fitness, attitude is the basis to achieve great successes?
  2. How much time do you spend to change the attitude of your athletes to their mistakes?
  3. How do you teach that the warm-up is not only physical but also mental?
  4. How do you teach that the attitude towards the physical and mental fatigue is crucial for improving confidence during the events?
  5. How do you teach that it’s necessary to fight moment to moment without thinking about the result?
  6. Do you stop the training because the attitude is wrong?
  7. How often do you award the attitude rather than the result?
  8. How much time do you spend on teaching that attitudes before the competition and during the breaks are the basis of the following performance?
  9. How much time do you spend thinking about how your attitudes affect those of your athletes?
  10. How do you specifically assess and talk with athletes about their attitude in training and competition?

Sports are tough games

  • More events lost than won – always fight
  • Failure + Frustration are part of the game
  • A lot of time to think: Boredom and worries
  • 3 or 4 moments become critical in every competitions
  • Control of performance processes not the results
  • Athletes must be focus to win/perform/learn