Tag Archive for 'sacrifici'

When making plans for the new year it’s useless

Every new year, we set goals for the following months, discussing them with friends. Some aim to lose weight, others to exercise more, or to dedicate more time to their loved ones, and so on. Usually, after a few days, these goals are abandoned because one feels overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. This leads to the classic explanation of ‘I would like to, but I can’t.’ It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s life that prevents me.

Therefore, I suggest to all of us to avoid playing with change if we know that we will easily abandon these good intentions. In this sense, thinking positively and believing that we will succeed in meeting our goals is misleading. Positive thinking is wishful if it’s not accompanied by the awareness that achieving what we set out to do will be difficult and if we’re not willing to make sacrifices.

It means committing ourselves regardless of the results. We must be willing to commit knowing that we might fail. We must understand that changing habits takes time and is difficult because we have to start thinking and acting differently from usual at the very moment we are inclined to behave in our habitual way.

If we want to succeed, let’s start with short-term goals, investing limited but daily time. Let’s think in terms of, ‘What do I want to do for myself today that is different from what I usually do?’ If we answer affirmatively to this question, we are moving in the right direction. Even just a minute spent differently will give us a positive signal. Without rushing, let’s learn to gather these moments.

The stereotypes of the coaches on youth

For the umpteenth time, few days ago during a coach course, several participants asked me why young people are no longer willing to make sacrifices and to commit or if staying continuously attached to the smartphone does not prevent them to have other interests. This question is increasingly common in recent years, now almost 10 years, and these coaches are not asking if their impression is true or false but deem right and want to know what they should do.

The question certainly does not lie in the use of new technologies, these do not represent a limit at the development of young people. They are for example:

  • be parked in front of the TV because it does not bother
  • be brought on the stroller, when it is better to walk, because so parents do not waste time
  • stay at home rather than to the gardens because then you take cold
  • stay every day hours listening boring teachers to talk

This type of education to be passive and sedentary leads to exaggerate in the use of new technologies at the expense of a more active life. The question is not in the use of smartphones, but in knowing what are the daily activities of young people. It’s the world of adults who should organize their lives so as to bring them up to the pleasure of being active, until they have reached the maturity to drive themselves alone.

Returning to the coaches who complain, it must also be said that the answer  usually expected is the confirmation to this belief but especially they want to hear that the only answer to give in these cases, it’s just a punishment. It seems to be back to 30 years ago when it was common to give punishment like: 20 pushups or four laps of the pitch. But why the sport organization do not invest more on adult education to which we entrust our children? Do not forget that the majority of sports clubs exist only because the parents provide their funding. And if they stopped paying them? But it never will happen, because it’s convenient for parents to park their children so that they stay involved in some activities, without worrying about the quality of the managers and coaches.

Stiamo tornando a 30 anni fa

Pochi giorni fa durante un corso per allenatori, diversi partecipanti mi hanno chiesto come mai i giovani non sono più disposti a fare sacrifici e a impegnarsi, mentre quando erano giovani loro era tutto diverso. Questa domanda è sempre più ricorrente in questi ultimi anni e questi allenatori non chiedono se la loro impressione sia vera o falsa ma la ritengono giusta e vogliono sapere cosa dovrebbero fare. Inoltre, la risposta implicita che si aspettano di ricevere è non solo di conferma a questa loro convinzione ma soprattutto vorrebbero sentirsi dire che l’unica risposta da dare in questi casi è una giusta punizione. Sembra di essere tornati indietro a 30 anni fa quando era comune dare punizione del tipo: 20 piegamenti sulle braccia o quattro giri di campo di corsa. Ma perchè non s’investe di più sulla formazione degli adulti a cui affidiamo i nostri figli? Non dimentichiamoci che la maggior parte delle società sportive esiste solo perchè i genitori le finanziano. E se smettessero di pagarle?