Monthly Archive for May, 2015

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Lizzy Hawker ultramarathon mentl coaching

Interview to Lizzy Hawker, five-time winner of the 103-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc and former 24-hour road running world record holder . (by The Guardian)

What do you think makes you good at running ultras? Have you got something different – or have you managed to connect to something everybody has inside them? For me, endurance just comes naturally. It’s always been a way of life – from before I ever got into racing and long-distance running. Even when I was a child I preferred to walk than to take the bus – to cycle rather than drive. That’s always been there. That’s probably different for most people. With ultra and endurance sports the mental side is really very important, and that’s also part of who I am. I guess we’re all looking for something in life – I find something through running.

What’s the best thing about running for you? I think I just like moving – but under my own power – and of course I love the mountains. The love of running is a little bit separate from that because I’ll run wherever I am, whether it’s pavement or trail. Maybe it’s the physical movement … and the mental freedom.

If someone asks you for a training tip, what do you say?
With long distances, it’s really about staying in the moment. If you can do that, and have the confidence to try a long run, then our limits are never where we think they are. You realise you can go beyond what you thought was possible for you.

When you’re running these enormous distances you must hit ‘the wall’ numerous times. How do you deal with that? I think it’s matter of knowing that there will be times when you feel great and there will be times where you feel really, really not great. It’s one of those truths about life – that nothing lasts, everything is impermanent – so it’s just knowing that those bad patches are going to pass and you’ll come through the other side and trusting in that.

If you stand on the start line of a 24-hour race and think about how long you’ll be running it’s almost inconceivable. You have to take it moment by moment. It’s the same in a 100-mile race – if you think about the finish at the start then you’re probably not going to make it – but if you take it step by step, stage by stage, then you realise it is actually possible to run that far. If I have a race strategy it’s just to run the best that I can at any point in the race.

The mind in the ultramarathon: how to train it to overcome the crisis moments

As part of the events organized on the occasion of the 100 km of Passatore, Italy, Thursday, 21 May (h.20.30), at the Faenza Galleria Comunale  will host a meeting on nutrition and training. The meeting, organized in collaboration with Iuta (Ultramarathon Italian Association) provides interventions with Luca Speciani on “Diet and performance in sports, in competition and out: the paradigm shift power signal”, and Alberto Cei, on “the mind in the ultramarathon: how to train it to overcome the crisis moments.”

Who wants to meet me can do it during this evening.

For Federer impossible is nothing

This means to believe that impossible is possible.

Juventus new winning mind

Before the fury, then the technique. It seems to me that this is the evolution, in last years, has had the mentality of Juventus. Undisputed champions like Buffon and Pirlo, among others, had already won a lot and shown to have this approach to football, but a winning team is a lot more of their individual personalities and it had to prove that all possess and bring to the pitch this mentality. The work of Conte had the merit of bringing the fury in the game, that  physical and mental intensity coming before the technique, the team had to show for ninety minutes each game. Allegri has completed this team, which had won three consecutive Italian championships, changing the play ssystem and bringing more attention to the technical work, and on how necessary it’s to continually improve it. Today we talk about what it has been unexpectedly reached the final of the Champions League, but in sports there are no miracles. The team has, however, been shown to have exceeded the psychological limitations that prevented it from playing in order to achieve this goal. This results comes from a great training but also from a winning condition, at least in Italy, and on this confidence it has been possible to build, obstacle after obstacle, this willingness to go beyond the limits. Now everything is possible, because history teaches us that David beat Goliath. Juventus goes to Berlin with a joyful attitude, because they are months that it’s pursuing the dream that, day after day, with the hard work and dedication, it has become a reality and this is a significant psychological advantage to better address this last game. Barcelona, ​​super-favorite may run into a false start as Bolt did in the 100m final at the 2011 World Championships, resulting in disqualification. An example of superficial mind approach dictated by feel fated to win. Juventus will serve the enthusiasm accumulated in the last weeks combined with calm, that will enable it to enhance its play, the one taught by Allegri. Certainly Juventus, on its way in the Champions League, was also lucky and this has highlighted another characteristic, typical of the winning teams: to take advantage of favorable conditions. In fact, it won when it had to win and it’s not easy to get this result, because not confident teams often lose these games not thinking, losing their cool when the goal does not come immediately or if the opposing team is showing more difficult to overcome. In these cases, who should win become insecure, while the opponent gains confidence and can overturn the result in its favor, including the disbelief of the favorites. Commitment, total dedication and technique are the key to this success.

#RealMadridJuventus needs calm and patience

Calm and patience two words that reflect the mental approachto show during an important match like Real Madrid – Juventus. Ancelotti said: “We have to stay calm and focused on every detail. It’s just calm that brings you to give my best.” So before the mind and then the technique.

The enemy is the impulsivity, action without the mind, the rush to make a goal immediately. Feel too much the game is the mistake to avoid  and the first 20 minutes will reveal who between the two teams will have better learned the lesson about calm.

This calm and patient attitude is an example of maturity where: pride for what has been done so far, self-confidence and will to win are so well integrated that they seem to disappear in the calm that prepares the momentum when the teams should instead try to make a goal. Who will have more calm will wait for the moment to put in really difficult opponent.

The momentum is the other key concept of this game will need to build it and play it effectively.

Stephen Curry’s mindset, NBA star

  1. Every time I rise up, I have confidence that I’m going to make it.
  2. I’m not the guy who’s afraid of failure. I like to take risks, take the big shot and all that.
  3. I’ve never been afraid of big moments. I get butterflies. I get nervous, but I think those are all good signs that I’m ready for the moments.
  4. I can get better. I haven’t reached my ceiling yet on how well I can shoot the basketball.
  5. Being a superstar means you’ve reached your potential, and I don’t think I’ve reached my potential as a basketball player and as a leader yet.
  6. There’s more to life than basketball. The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what.

Ecomarathon: the running of our ancestors

If the long distance run is the movement privileged by the human being and it’s a remembering of the actions of our ancestors, the race in the midst of nature is the privileged place where to move. It’s a race that eliminates the obsession of many runners for the time at km, because it’s the nature to hinder this mindset. It can easily become a way to be totally involved in the landscape with its ups and downs and to do this trip of hours with a patient and relaxed style, also in the effort that certainly requires. It’s a path where the runners can alternate walking with running depending on the steepness of the climbs and descents that they have to face, It’s a running that brings us closer to what our ancestors have done for thousands of years, moving from one place to another in search of food. The eco-marathons as well as shorter distances are a lifestyle sport suitable for everyone, because all the people can participate, if they wish, in an ecological walk in the middle of a forest or in the meadows and the most trained can run the longer distances. I hope they have increasingly spread as it’s having the Chianti Ecomarathon, in Tuscany,  with competitive run of 42, 21 and 14 km, as well as the Ecowalking of 10 km, the tour of the wine cellars and 11 km of Nordic walking.

It’s a mistake to give everyone the same opportunity

We need to build situations where each person can perform at his/her best

La psicologia dello sport nella scuola calcio. Strumenti pratici e modalità di azione.

Relatore: Daniela Sepio

Psicologa dello sport ed esperta di attività giovanile negli sport di squadra e individuali. In questo ambito da diversi anni ricopre il ruolo di responsabile dell’area psicologica di SGS-FIGC del Lazio. Tiene una rubrica settimanale su questo blog intitolata “Young and Football”. E’ Vice-Presidente della Società Italiana di Psicologia dello Sport.

Data: 19 MAGGIO ore 19-20,15

Durata: 75 minuti

La scuola calcio è una realtà complessa in cui gli aspetti tecnici, metodologici e organizzativi si intersecano a dinamiche psicologiche legate alle relazioni, alla gestione dei piccoli atleti ed alla crescente complessità del sistema sportivo e delle famiglie.

Il webinar affronterà le tematiche legate agli aspetti psicologici, pedagogici e relazionali della scuola calcio. Gli argomenti principali riguarderanno gli strumenti pratici e le modalità di azione utili per la gestione della scuola calcio e dell’allenamento giovanile.

Il webinar è rivolto a tecnici, dirigenti, psicologi ed esperti in psicologia dello sport. Partecipando si acquisiranno competenze su:


  • Gli strumenti del mental coaching per costruire e dirigere le situazioni di allenamento.
  • Analisi e decodifica delle dinamiche di gruppo nella scuola calcio: costruzione della squadra e gestione dei conflitti
  • Strategie di comunicazione efficace correlate agli esercizi tecnici e alle categorie di riferimento
  • Sviluppare talento e creatività attraverso il divertimento
  • La gestione delle relazioni nella scuola calcio
  • La parte finale del webinar sarà dedicata al question time dove si potranno porre domande al relatore


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What is the marathon?

Many people ask me what is the marathon and if  it’s a pleasure in travelingto run all those kilometers. This thought by Mauro Covacich, Italian writer and runner, is one of the possible explanations.

“The marathon is a kind of permanent faith: just to have  finish it only once to feel marathoners for a life. It’s like psychoanalysis. Yes, I consider it a form of martial art, an inner discipline. It’s intrinsically. For workouts that it requires, for the way that leads you to perceive the environment, for the effort that demands on your body. The marathoner is a samurai with shoes instead of the sword: he’s extremely severe with himself, not never forgives, he is constantly struggling against the limits … it’s a mistake to think at the marathon as a sport, it’s a discipline maximally aesthetic. It’s a vision of the world: not only those forty-two kilometers from running in the shortest possible time, it’s the idea to resist, to go further … “