Tag Archive for 'dieta'

Are you fighting with your body

Wanting to change in order to feel more beautiful and more attractive is a legitimate need of every individual. In everyday life, putting on makeup or shaving are activities carried out by hundreds of millions of people who testify to the desire to take care of themselves. Not doing so would, on the contrary, lead to an unpleasant perception of oneself. Therefore, the search for beauty consists in taking actions to like oneself more, avoiding or at least significantly reducing conflicts with one’s body. What is the limit beyond which the attention to one’s own person becomes excessive if not even pathological? Here is a short list of what not to do:

  1. Do not eat because you want to look like a model
  2. Do not take medications or carry out treatments of any kind to reduce weight outside of medical supervision
  3. Do not abuse drugs or doping substances to improve your physical performance
  4. Do not rely on charlatans, individuals without an appropriate qualification to perform the activity in which they claim to be experts
  5. Do not trust the opinions of those who say they have obtained exceptional results, always verify this information with competent people
  6. Do not kill yourself with physical training just to “make a physical beach”. You can get very hurt and injured.
  7. Dislike yourself because you have a physique that is not perfect and not be aware of your qualities.
  8. Do not go from one diet to another, from one instructor to another, from one doctor to another, or from one idea to another just because you are not happy with the results you have achieved
  9. Don’t do what your best friend/friend did is not necessarily going to work for you or match your needs.
  10. In summary, do not decide with the head of others, listen to them and then reflect, talk to experienced professionals, reflect again and only at the end of this path decide and if you are not convinced: wait, taking more time before deciding.

Eat better, less and all

Risultati immagini per eat better eat less food for all

France. And then Japan and Canada. Are the three countries where the food is the best in the world. Not for its own taste, but because these are       - among the 25 countries surveyed, representing more than 2/3 of the world population and 87% of global GDP – the most virtuous in the produce, distribute and consume food. Are the countries where farming is more sustainable, they waste less food (and adopt innovative policies to fight the waste) and people eat in a more balanced way, without excesses and deficiencies, attentive to their own health and that of the planet. France gains the first place especially for its innovative policies against waste and for the balanced approach to food. Japan and Canada are the second and third place, thanks to their policies on sustainable agriculture and dissemination of correct and balanced diet. Bottom of the league, India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which are facing the dual challenge of obesity and malnutrition.
Italy is a close to an honorable sixth place. It is among the top 10 countries for sustainable agriculture – with excellent performance for diversification in agriculture and the management of water consumption – and it is the European country that marks the best performance for greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. In addition, Italy has indicated among the countries that are doing more to prevent the waste of food, as demonstrated by the law promulgated last August (together with France, Italy is one of the few countries to have a law that addresses this problem).
Less positive performance regards the nutritional aspects. In brief, we eat too much: we are the third country to overnutrition and in second place for overweight and obesity in the age group between 2 and 18 years. It saves us, however, the awareness – widespread in the population – of the importance of following a balanced diet and healthy, as the Mediterranean diet. Yet, just when the rest of the world celebrates this diet as the best on the planet, the data show that the Italians are leaving, especially the younger generations.

By Filomena Fotia da http://www.meteoweb.eu/2016/12/food-sustainability-index/800895/

Does it exist in Italy a diffuse sport culture?

Is it possible that one Country with the highest rate of overweight and obese children in Europe, and with a high percentage of sedentary adults be considered a Country with widespread sports culture, defined and shared?

Could it be that it is precisely the model of the sedentary parent to determine the overweight children?

Could it be that it is the absence of physical activity in kindergartens and primary schools to determine the belief that sport and movement are something of peripheral in the well-being of a young development?

Could it be to bring the children to play outdoors is regarded as exhausting ,while it is easier to let them to watch cartoons or to play with the play station?

Could it be to assess the degree in sport science and Prof of physical education as graduates and teachers of lesser value than the other school colleagues, does not serve to continue to depreciate the value of human development through movement?

Could it be that to consider sport as a leisure activity and not as an activity that also permit to improve academic performance leads to its chronic underestimation by the school and parents?

Could it be that if the parents does not share the sport with their children and friends is a way to not get them to play outdoors?

The mind in the ultramarathon: how to train it to overcome the crisis moments

As part of the events organized on the occasion of the 100 km of Passatore, Italy, Thursday, 21 May (h.20.30), at the Faenza Galleria Comunale  will host a meeting on nutrition and training. The meeting, organized in collaboration with Iuta (Ultramarathon Italian Association) provides interventions with Luca Speciani on “Diet and performance in sports, in competition and out: the paradigm shift power signal”, and Alberto Cei, on “the mind in the ultramarathon: how to train it to overcome the crisis moments.”

Who wants to meet me can do it during this evening.

Lifestyle and dementia

Lifestyle is responsible for up to 76% of changes in the ageing of the brain according to “Age UK and there are 5 steps people can take to maintain brain health and reduce their risk of developing dementia.

The review of academic studies and data reveals that about 76% of cognitive decline – changes in thinking skills with age including memory loss and speed of thinking – is accounted for by lifestyle and other environmental factors including level of education.

The finding from The Disconnected Mind, an Age UK funded research project into how thinking skills alter with age, which was part of the analysis, suggests that there is significant potential to influence these changes.

Furthermore, Age UK’s review, which included the latest international dementia studies, indicates that certain lifestyle factors – regular physical exercise, eating a Mediterranean diet, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation  – decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, and other forms of dementia. In addition, preventing and treating diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity were also found to reduce the risk of dementia.

Exercise ‘most effective’ way to prevent cognitive decline

One large UK study carried out over 30 years found that men aged between 45 and 59 who followed 4-5 of the identified lifestyle factors were found to have a 36% lower risk of developing cognitive decline and a 36% lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not.

Age UK’s evidence review  also revealed  that physical exercise – aerobic, resistance or balance -  was the most effective way to ward off cognitive decline in healthy older people and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Studies suggest that exercise 3 to 5 times a week for between 30 minutes and an hour is beneficial.

Significantly more cases of Alzheimer’s among smokers

But the evidence review also showed that a healthy diet, moderate alcohol intake and not smoking also play a role in ensuring healthy brain ageing  as well as reducing the risk of developing dementia.

It found that there are significantly more new cases of Alzheimer’s among current smokers compared with those who have never smoked.

The review also backed up claims that very heavy drinking is also linked to dementia, resulting in the loss of brain tissue particularly in the parts of the brain responsible for memory and processing and interpreting visual information.

Moderate levels of alcohol, however, were found to protect brain tissue by increasing good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol.

According to the latest estimates, there are 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia. It will affect one in three people over the age of 65.

‘There are simple and effective ways to reduce our risk’

Age UK hopes the new evidence will spur people to make changes which will help them reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director of Age UK said ‘While there’s still no cure or way to reverse dementia, this evidence shows that there are simple and effective ways to reduce our risk of developing it to begin with.

‘What’s more, the changes that we need to make to keep our brains healthy are already proven to be good for the heart and overall health, so it’s common sense for us all to try to build them into our lives. The sooner we start, the better our chance of having a healthy later life.”

(From Age UK)

Disappointed sports fans increase consumption of fat and sugar

Being fans of a team that wins it may be beneficial to health. So this year the Roma fans should feel much more healthier than last year. It’s what emerges from two studies of North American and French football fans who showed that if your team loses on Monday you eat more fatty foods and sweeter in order to mitigate the frustration resulting from the negative result, while this does not happen if it win. “Although prior studies had shown that sport outcomes influence reckless driving, heart attacks, and even domestic violence, no one had examined how they influence eating,” says Yann Cornil, researcher at INSEAD Business School and lead author of the study. By comparing the outcomes from two seasons’ worth of NFL games with people’s food consumption in over two dozen cities, Cornil and INSEAD professor Pierre Chandon were able to determine the amounts and types of food consumed after victories and losses.

The data do not show what happens to the fans of teams that recede, they are all suffering from liver or after a certain number of losses they put your soul in peace and on Monday they do not eat lasagna?

Life style and diet

The srudy of Malik  Falkenmark and his colleagues of the Stockholm International Water Institute shows that food reserves are steadily decreasing, while the global population continues to increase: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/SWW2012/. We must therefore change, becoming vegetarian because as outlined Umberto Veronesi: “We cannot use half of the cereals, and three quarts of soy products in the world to support the growth of grazing animals while a piece of humanity dies of hunger.” Are in fact 900 million hungry people and 2 billion malnourished ones. In addition, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and obesity already in childhood are determined in large part by this diet, that consists of too much food. It’s clear that in the West we  often are sedentary, overfed and without the social support to change. Therefore, next to the radical change of diet,  we must combine physical activity and positive social relations. Certainly, the genes of which we are provided give us a hand, but a life style based on the satisfaction of these three aspects will allow us to lead a healthy and positive lifestyle as long as possible.