Tag Archive for 'stress'

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Stress job related is growing in Europe

Performance anxiety , agitation, nervousness are sensations that affect 40 % of Italians in the workplace. Problems that arise from stress, the second among the work-related health problems. Stress due to the competition, to the fast-paced, fear of making a mistake and for the many precarious even the fear of losing their jobs. In the European Union, the work-related stress affects nearly one in four people and costs 25 billion euros, in part because more than half of lost working days are caused by stress

For seven out of ten Italian workers the most common causes of stress are related to the job reorganization or the workload and working hours. Alarming figures coming out from a study of the national council of the psychologist roster, published in the book Risk work-related stress.

It is apparent that more than six out of ten Italian workers indicate one of the causes of stress also the lack of support from colleagues or superiors and unacceptable behavior such as bullying, harassment or at unclear roles and responsibilities.

Among the groups most at risk are nurses, staff call centers or offices complaint employees, drivers. “Adopting the right approach – says Giuseppe Luigi Palma , president of the national council of psychologists – the workers and the companies can win the battle against stress, is preventable and shared actions can be very effective.” The book presents a large risk of work-related stress cases. Nearly half of workers in Europe (51 %) believe that work-related stress is common in the workplace . Women workers are more likely to consider a common phenomenon (54 % vs. 49%). The perception of work stress also varies depending on the sector, the first sector to indicate cases of work-related stress as a common phenomenon is that health community  (61% , including 21 % who felt that such cases are ” very common ” ) .

Focus in shot skill

During the seminar on Mental Training, that will be held in Roma at Olimpic Committee, Scuola dello Sport, Francesco D’Aniello, who won two world championships and silver medalist at Beijing will talk about his experience during the Olimpic final, so well reviewed through these words:

<<If you think to the result, you increase your distress   …   During the Olympic final I knew that all the people watched me   … but my mind were only on the tasks to perform   …   I knew that the Chinese had my same score and this fact could destroy me   … therefore I told me: now if  I make an error he eats me   …   At the moment that I became aware  that I could make an error … I focused myself only on my technique.>>

Nibali’s courage to have afraid

What is clicked in the head of Nibali after the fall in the rain cycling world, because he pulled the brakes once climbed a bicycle?

“This is a problem that only the strongest, not the one who is in the middle of the group. Nibali is a champion, not an amateur cyclist: he found himself in a moment of extraordinary difficulty, one of those cases where one plus one does not makes two but three. Stress becomes excessive and leads you to doubt about your ability. At top level just a nothing not to believe more in yourself. ”

How do you overcome the fear of falling?

“I do not know the person but Nibali should consult a psychologist, not a motivator. He have to determine which is the measure of risk, because again it will rain, only you do not know when.  The athletes must do everything possible to reduce the emotional stress, these top athletes have to work on specific mental aspects. Nibali is not like us, he’s a world-class athlete: he’s like the first violin of  Scala Teather that he/she cannot take a cue.”

(I have been interviewed by Nando Aruffo, Corriere dello Sport)

It’s need to coach the mind to compete

Although many coaches recognize the decisive role played by the mind in favor/hinder the sport performance, there are still many who think that mental difficulties are overcome by training more or participating in more competition. Typically those who think in this way are convinced that at some point the athlete will be unlocked and will start for him/her a new winning phase of  the career. Briefly, you have to compete, gain experience and then, won the first tournament, things will settle. I meet many athletes and they tell me stories like these one but with a different and negative end,  because they still have the same problems, affecting more and more their self-confidence. They say that they train well and in competition they always repeat the same mistakes. I then explain, what I have repeated hundreds of times and that is that to have the technical skill (whatever sport) does not mean to know how to cope with the race, which is a different thing. When these athletes become aware of this difference, usually calm down and at this point I can explain to them that follow a program of mental coaching is really helpful to learn how to drive your own mind in the race.

We only improve through the difficulties

Thought for the day

The races are to challenge ourselves to overcome moments of difficulty that inevitably there are in every competition. Who wants to escape this challenge will never expand his/her limits.

Negative self-talk can be motivating

At 35 years old Tommy Haas is the oldest tennis player at the U.S. Open. How did a player of this age do to maintain a mental approach so effective that it is still 13 in the world? A video of 2007 during the quarterfinals of the Australian Open opens a window on his thoughts in a very stressful moment. In fact, the video shows the Tommy Haas self talk during a break. Dialogue mainly negative and offensive to himself but with some positive statements almost exclusively centered on the result to get (do not go to the net, you can win, you will win the match, you cannot lose it, fight). In this case, the system that Haas has used with himself was useful as he won that match. Sport psychologists emphasize the importance of having a positive dialogue with yourself, centered not on the result to be achieved but on the actions to be performed. Although it is important to teach this positive approach to young people, in my work I have lived many situations where the negative dialogue has served as a motivational drive to provide the best performance. I met athletes in the break between two trials or before a final passing long minutes to insult themselves as Haas and then at some point ask: “Tell me something positive” and some times I talked about the sacrifices that had done to get to that point and other times of the obstacles and races who had won for being there, at that point they changed attitude and said: “Now go and do it” rather than “Ok! I will give my best.” They are almost always kept their word.

The referee mistakes

Start a new season in football as for the other team sports, and referees play a vital role for the proper running of the championships. To the umpires does not like to be told that they can make mistakes for excessive personal arrogance or  subordination to the teams and players. I’m not talking about technical incompetence, because in this case the mistake is not so much the referee showing this difficulty, but rather of those who have designated him for that game. On the contrary, even the most experienced international referee can make mistakes due to an excess of will to impose himself or viceversa due to an excessive caution in respect of the home team or  the most famous players. Errors of presumption or subjection toward the opponents are also showed by the high-level teams, because they are part of those behaviors in which anyone can fall when the competitive tension is very intense. The referees and their managers should not therefore deny this kind of errors, because they can occur even in the most competent people. The referees should be trained to recognize when these attitudes begin to appear in their behaviors on the field, so as to correct them immediately. A rule that I would like to transmit to the referees is to never deny themselves a difficult time but instead to recognize it as soon as possible and change their behaviors in a positive way.

It’s a new football season: win who will manage the emotion


It starts a new football season, this year even more important because it will end with the World Cup in Brazil. There is therefore a further reason for the players to want to play your best, with the aim to be among the 22-man squad for the World Cup in South America. In any event, each team will have its goal to be achieved: for some will not go back, for others to get into the UEFA  or confirm the result of the previous season, for others it will be to win the championship or play the Champions League. Beyond the technical and tactical level possessed, each team will show its value only if the players on the field, the bench, the coach and the president will demonstrate a high level of emotional control. The management of the competitive stress affects everyone, without exception. In Italy we were often champions of stress. We have the record of coaches fired during the championship by presidents who can not contain their fears or their wounded narcissism also by a few negative results. We are also a League where the players make too many fouls and it is not true that the players would not be able to avoid them, because when they play at the European level they did less. In Italy they feel free to not respect the rules, protected by fans, coaches and presidents always ready to blame the referees,  to talk about a conspiracy against their team or to not have understood that football permit the physical contrasts. The coaches knowing that half of them during the championship will be probably fired risk to live in a dramatic way the negative results of their team, for many it is a temporary job, certainly very well paid, but risky as climbing an eight thousand knowing the number of victims it kills every year. Despite these uncertainties, however, it’s absolutely necessary that the protagonists of football know to keep a cool head, reminding themselves the team’s objectives and how to achieve them. Self-control, effective stress management, aggression loyal and respectful of the opponents must be the basis of the behavior on the field, in other words it means knowing how to manage the emotions in a context, the match, which itself is a highly emotional situation. Therefore the teams have to live for 90 minutes this mental condition showing able to manage it effectively. This is in my opinion the challenge that each team must prepare to face and win each match, as well as the final result.

Read on  http://www.huffingtonpost.it/../../alberto-cei/al-via-la-serie-a-una-sfida-alle-emozioni_b_3805629.html


Never think that the opponent is stronger, mainly if it is true

Never think that your opponent is stronger, especially if it is true. It ‘s like driving with the parking brake pulled up a steep road. Would you do that?