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To learn from mistakes: a very demanding change

Wanting to learn from mistakes is a positive and necessary desire, but it’s also truly challenging to put into practice. A first obstacle lies in maintaining this motivation continuously during the competitive season.

A second aspect concerns maintaining it even when the athlete feels prepared and fit and would expect to perform at their best because of this condition. Forgetting that the environment of the competition, the opponent, and the importance of the competitions are other factors that influence how they will compete.

A third aspect, closely related to the previous one, lies in the presumption of thinking that since one is in good shape, it will be assumed that they will make few mistakes and everything will go well. Being surprised if this doesn’t happen. Thinking about winning rather than thinking about how to play at one’s best is considered to be a performance killer.

A fourth aspect refers to the emotional component triggered by the mistake. The athlete knows the reasons for the mistake and would know how to change, but they allow themselves to be dominated by the frustration of the mistake and emotions of anger, disappointment, or guilt instead of encouraging themselves. In this way, even if they think correctly, the negative mood towards themselves prevents them from effectively implementing their choice.

Mental training should focus on teaching the young athlete to overcome these negative mental states, stimulate constant forms of encouragement, and develop a positive self-dialogue.

How to teach learning from experiences

A teacher can play a fundamental role in teaching their students how to learn from experiences and mistakes. Here are some strategies that a teacher can adopt:

  1. Build a nurturing environment – Students need to feel safe in making mistakes and exploring new ideas. A teacher should promote an environment where students do not fear judgment or punishment for their errors.
  2. Encourage reflection – Invite students to reflect on their experiences and mistakes. Questions like “What have you learned from this experience?” and “What could you have done differently?” can help them develop awareness of their errors and ways to improve.
  3. Promote a growth mindset – Teach them that error is not an obstacle but a normal part of the learning process. A growth mindset teaches that improvement happens through hard work and dedication and that failures are opportunities to grow.
  4. Provide constructive feedback – Offer feedback that is specific, objective, and geared towards improvement. Help students understand what aspects they need to improve and how to do so.
  5. Encourage experimentation – Encourage students to experiment, explore new ideas, and take calculated risks. This promotes creativity and learning through experience.
  6. Incorporate stories of success and failure – Share stories of successful individuals who have faced challenges and failures. This can inspire students to persevere and learn from their experiences.
  7. Teach problem-solving strategies – Provide tools and strategies for your students to address problems and overcome obstacles. This may include learning methods for analyzing problems, planning solutions, and evaluating outcomes.
  8. Promote personal responsibility – Teach them that they are responsible for their own learning and personal development. Personal responsibility will motivate them to learn from their mistakes and seek ways to improve.
  9. Cultivate patience and perseverance – Help students develop patience and perseverance, encouraging them not to give up in the face of obstacles or mistakes but to persevere in their efforts.
  10. Support self-esteem development – Assist students in developing their self-esteem and well-being, so they feel confident enough to experiment, fail, and learn without fearing the judgment of others.

Teaching students to learn from experiences and mistakes is an ongoing process that requires patience and consistent encouragement from the teacher. However, these skills are valuable for personal growth and long-term learning.

Learn and think

How to learn to improve

Learning to compete is one of the stages of an athlete’s development.

One must train to compete. One learns to ride a bike by riding a bike. One learns to write by writing.

In other words, you learn by practicing doing something, which in our case is the competition. Only the exercise, motivated (for those who do it) and intelligent (for those who propose it, the coach) allows one to achieve excellence. We all possess the ability to practice, let’s use it.

After the exercise, we need to develop the capacity for self-analysis. This involves a meeting with oneself after the competition is over to ask oneself:

  • What skills did I use today?
  • What limits have I overcome?
  • What limits do I still need to overcome?
  • How am I better?

Following this approach is learning how to compete.

The 3 pillars of my job

These the 3 pillars of my work.

  1. “What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with appropriate prior and current conditions of learning” (Bloom, 1985).
  2. Performance is not a theoretical construct but a measurement: each observed score (Performance) on a measurement is equal to the true score (Skills) corrected for the error (deviation of the observed score from the true score or deviation of Performance from Skills). Performance = Skill + Error (Aoyagi, Cohen, Poczwardowski, Metzler and Statler, 2018).
  3. You must accept the error, rather than consider it as something to avoid, because it will always be present in every performance. You must learn to reduce its frequency and severity, to maintain the effectiveness of the performance at the highest level of personal competence. It is necessary to allow mistakes to be made, in order to obtain the information that will be useful to improve/upgrade skills, increasing the probability of providing performance in the future more and more corresponding to the level of skill acquired (Dweck, 2006).


The young have to learning how to learn

This is the thought of Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy concerning the role of the knowledge:

“The challenge we face is not only to provide younger energies to our teachers but especially as to attribute to the many teachers who daily have to cope with limitations and difficulties imposed by tradition, school programs, budgetary constraints, new goals: that is to say, to teach their students “learning how to learn”, to convince them of the importance of ongoing training throughout their lives, working or not, to become permanent researchers, regardless of their occupation contingent “(from Investing in Knowledge, 2014, p. 141).

This is one of the main actions to be put in place to cope with the challenges of the new century.

Make mistakes to accept to make mistakes

Do not accept the mistakes is the main obstacle to improve. Without getting around too, this is the main reason why many young today are locked in the face of difficulties, no one to guide them through this learning. Not the parents, not the teachers. And if  they do not learn then they have a psychological problem for which, in the best cases, they goe to a psychologist. Or parents blame the coaches and viceversa. It’s usually a losing battle where everyone is on his positions, with the effect that boys and girls do not change. In youth sport it should be considered the acceptance of the mistakes as the key parameter to assess if the teaching provided during training has been successful or not. Do not accept mistakes cancels any technical learning. The young in fact develop a not realistic expectations and imagines that are good only if they do not make mistakes. When they start the competition with this attitude, they are not able to etolerate the frustration of making mistakes and they will begin to get angry with themselves, with the outcome to play bad and to reduce the effort, since they consider themselves not to be capable of. At this point, if parents and coaches do not intervene immediately to change this reaction, the young turn into a usual way of being, which it will be repeated every time after a mistake. At this point, it will be difficult to take action to replace this negative belief with a positive one.

Adults should be aware that the competence is the use of all the knowledge, skills and attitudes aimed at a purpose and exercised within the context. The competence is determined by the integration:

  • Knowledge – What you know, ‘what’ and as you know, ‘how’
  • Skill – How much you are able to understand / communicate / do using knowledge learned in training
  • Attitudes – How you are and how you behave in relation to the use of the knowledge and skills learned

So the sport competence should not be confused with the technical skills and the attitude to be taken into the field to be taught as well as the sport fundamentals. Otherwise we will have young athletes technically good but with wrong attitude, consequently they will be less competent in providing sport performancea appropriate to their technical level.

How to learn the Killer instinct

  • Never think that it will be easy to win. No one can guarantee the final result, not even ourselves.
  • Never relax when you are making a game, if the tension drops give to you specific and concrete goals, to maintain a high concentration.
  • When you’re winning you can reduce the competitive tension and this is dangerous. Use mental images that maintain a constant level of activation.
  • The overconfidence can become a trap that surrounds and supports game distractions. We must act to stay mentally focused game by game, because the assessment must be made only after the last shot of the match.
  • Never think about the end result but you have to stay only focused on the present and play to the best of your abilities.
  • Keep up the pressure on the opponent is one of the keys to success. The purpose is to convey to your opponent the idea that anything can be done, he/she will always remain below.
  • Never hurry ‘s action during the ball change, you must  have always the same timing is that you serve or reply .

Are you proud to do your best?

An important key point for athletes is to be proud with themselves  for having done their best even if they have made ​​mistakes. In doing so, they will have less fear of making mistakes, as they consider the  information coming from the errors as necessary, though not pleasant, to do better next time. This thinking can lead them to continue  to choose challenging targets because they are not frightened by failure and they are aware that they will always have the opportunity to try it again. In the long period, being focused on performance (do your best) and not on the result (win, lose) will lead them most likely to achieve their potential and to abandon the idea of being afraid of making mistakes.