Tag Archive for 'squadre'

Change the players and maintain the team cohesion

Serie A teams have been active in the winter market, buying a total of 87 players, about 30 are destined to play leading roles. Salernitana and Genoa have changed at least six elevenths of the basic line-up: in Salerno, the new sporting director Sabatini has bought 11 players in 17 days, a whole team. In Samp, at least 4 new players have been brought in, Cagliari has renewed the entire defense. Juventus has revolutionized midfield and attack.

How can this approach of the clubs be combined with the knowledge we have about the role of team cohesion, a phenomenon that takes time to establish and consolidate. Let’s try to understand it starting from the fact that:

“In order to integrate competencies, it is necessary to distinguish between competency acquired through the experience of playing a particular sport and the experience of playing on a particular team. The importance of this distinction was highlighted by a study conducted in the tennis doubles … This research provided evidence that shared knowledge is important for team coordination and that one comes to share knowledge with other team members by playing that sport but also by playing on that particular team. Shared knowledge is also gained prior to a given game through explicit planning. Coaches routinely provide players with information about the team’s planned actions by communicating to them action plans for dealing with opponents. Planning can occur at different levels of team functioning … At the most general level, the desired outcomes are established, e.g., “win 2-0.” Planning at this level involves a decision about what outcome to pursue. At the next lower level, design refers to the general behavioral approach taken to manifest a particular attitude, such as “aggressive play,” and the decision about which design to employ is referred to as schema. Next, procedures constitute specific sequences of overall actions such as “attacking from the center.” Planning at this level involves a decision, called strategy, about which procedure(s) to employ. At the lowest level, operations constitute micro-level actions such as “player X should attempt, when possible, to pass to player Y”. A decision at this level about which operation to employ is called a tactic. While planning can occur at any level of abstraction, the design and that is the game plan involving only the higher levels places few constraints on how that plan of action might be implemented at the lower levels. For example, in soccer the design of “playing offense with high intensity” provides few specific constraints on moment-to-moment selections of players at the operational level during the game, allowing flexibility in the use of tactics to attack with high intensity” (From Alberto Cei, Fundamentals of Sport Psychology, 2021).

The mood influences the performance of soccer teams

Mood is certainly one of the psychological aspects that can block or make a performance flourish. In soccer the issue is more complex, it is not an individual sport where you only have to control only yourself. The negative mood can become a kind of virus that spreads creating insecurity in the game even in professional footballers. Ronaldo’s orphaned Juve seems to lose the way to victory and conviction, Napoli maybe pushed by Maradona’s memory manages to play and win an excellent match against Roma, Inter immediately recovers from the defeat in Champions and beats a team that is playing an excellent championship (Sassuolo), Lazio after a convincing match in Europe also loses in the league.

These ups and downs are attributable to various causes, one of which I am convinced is psychological and concerns the mood management of the team and individual players. Being in a good mood is a contagious emotion that can ward off fatigue and insecurity and improve collaboration and competitiveness.

How good are these teams in the mood with their sudden ups and downs? How much does the coach care about this psychological dimension? Obviously we do not know because in Italy the coaches do not consider the psychologist as part of their staff.

Where for example in the United Kingdom this dimension is considered these are the considerations on this issue.

  • Understand what is the positive mood of the team
  • Develop a set of strategies to encourage this type of mood
  • Appreciate that the coach and the staff are role models showing this kind of emotions
  • Balancing demands for optimal performance with the need for effective relationships
  • Recruit players with a positive character and stable mood as they are selected for their talent
  • Be aware of mood reducing factors
  • Act quickly to defeat the negative potential.

Teams and athletes to excel need the greatest opponents

Do you believe in this concept?

It is why  good team and players good enough to stand alone, stand straighter and more vividly with a good opponent: the Yankees with the Dodgers, Borg with McEnroe, Ali and Frazier, names permanently linked because in fact they needed each other. After days and weeks of Red Sox and White Sox, Wepners, Nastases, and Mildenbergers, each needed a good opponent to make him best, to make him memorable, to give him cherished lifelong feelings. So, when a career ends, when the passion of the game subsides, towards a good opponent you feel only gratitude. 

(Ken Dryden, The Game, 1983, p. 127)

The perversion of Italian football

In any company that wants to be competitive the selection of personnel is one of the essential elements that the management should design and implement in an accurate and competent way. The selection of the right people to put in the right places is one of the keys to the success of any company. Phil Jackson, coach of 9 NBA championships, has always sustained that the difference between a good team and a great team is the toughness and will to win of each player. This is true for any team in business as in sports. In this approach there is an exception, however, carried out by most of the Italian professional soccer teams. In fact, in these years the players that are chosen by the clubs are often players who are not able to represent in a field added value. They are also foreigners (only 84 new in this new season) reducing the access to young Italian players in the teams. The damage created is very serious. Hindering by the fact the young Italians to play, the young activities become useless because the best will not find teams willing to integrate themselves in the team. Furthermore, clubs spend money unnecessarily for foreign players who are not of value, the team loses further value because cannot rely on players who want to win. There are no logical explanations allowing us to understand this phenomenon so negative for the clubs. I do not know if this will serve to cover financial assets that enable tax evasion. Certainly the professionalism of the managers of football is defeated by this approach and the fact that this practice is so widespread evidently not worried indeed it emerges strengthened.

The referee mistakes

Start a new season in football as for the other team sports, and referees play a vital role for the proper running of the championships. To the umpires does not like to be told that they can make mistakes for excessive personal arrogance or  subordination to the teams and players. I’m not talking about technical incompetence, because in this case the mistake is not so much the referee showing this difficulty, but rather of those who have designated him for that game. On the contrary, even the most experienced international referee can make mistakes due to an excess of will to impose himself or viceversa due to an excessive caution in respect of the home team or  the most famous players. Errors of presumption or subjection toward the opponents are also showed by the high-level teams, because they are part of those behaviors in which anyone can fall when the competitive tension is very intense. The referees and their managers should not therefore deny this kind of errors, because they can occur even in the most competent people. The referees should be trained to recognize when these attitudes begin to appear in their behaviors on the field, so as to correct them immediately. A rule that I would like to transmit to the referees is to never deny themselves a difficult time but instead to recognize it as soon as possible and change their behaviors in a positive way.

Team tattoos in NBA

Percentage of team tattoos in NBA: NBA Tattoos Tumblr

80%Atlanta Hawks

73%Portland Trail Blazers

73%Brooklyn Nets

67%Denver Nuggets

67%Los Angeles Lakers

67%New York Knicks

67%Phoenix Suns

67%Utah Jazz

67%Los Angeles Clippers

67%Boston Celtics

60%Miami Heat

60%Memphis Grizzlies

60%Cleveland Cavaliers

60%Chicago Bulls

60%Houston Rockets

53%Milwaukee Bucks

53%Oklahoma City Thunder

53%Golden State Warriors

50%Detroit Pistons

47%Toronto Raptors

47%Charlotte Bobcats

47%Washington Wizards

47%Minnesota Timberwolves

47%Philadelphia 76ers

43%Orlando Magic

40%San Antonio Spurs

40%Indiana Pacers

40%Dallas Mavericks

38%Sacramento Kings

33%New Orleans Hornets

Recovery is a key factor to win

In team sports, players compete a lot, often too many matches, and travel frequently. This happens to the European teams in the different team sports as well as for American teams who often play every three days. This is what comes out from the first day of the “International Week of Sport Psychology” held in Paris at the INSEP. To manage this situation the mental and physical recovery must become a priority, in order not to have players on the pitch tired or absent. It is therefore important that the teams are able to acquire those psychological techniques permitting them to turn off the mind from the game and recover through the use of relaxation techniques. Very few teams in the professional world has created an environment in their sports center, the mind room, where players can play this activity to mental recovery. It’s important that managers and coaches improve their awareness of this need and do not think that the solution is only to have more players so as to be able to maintain an effective turnover.

Get out the racism

E’ utile cambiare allenatore durante il campionato?

Le squadre italiano di calcio cambiano spesso allenatore, talvolta anche prima dell’inizio del campionato, la domanda che ci si pone riguarda ovviamente l’utiità di questo modo di agire dei presidenti della società. Le statistiche sono a questo riguardo di poca utilità, poichè evidenziano che talvolta le squadre cambiano in meglio ma in altre occasioni non si ottienequesto stesso risultato. Si cambia perchè i calciatori contestano il tecnico o per seguire gli stati d’animo dei tifosi o per capriccio del presidente. o perchè l’allenatore vuole imporre la sua filosofia di gioco in modo rigido. In questo periodo si prala spesso di “progetto della squadra” ma credo sia più un modo di dire che un programma specifico e dettagliato costruito su un’idea del tecnico. Progetto vorrebbe dire che società e tecnico sono concordi nel seguire una strada, che dovrebbe essere stata tarata in precedenza sulle caratteristiche dei calciatori che formano la squadra. In caso contrario è una parola vuota, e alle prime difficoltà tutti si troveranno a dare addosso all’allenatore, che diventa così il capro espiatorio, che viene di conseguenza licenziato. Giocare al genio incompreso da parte del tecnico non è a mio avviso per lui professionalmente utile perchè i presidenti non sono dei mecenati pazienti e i calciatori se non capiscono non sono motivati, pur se sono professionisti, a impegnarsi a realizzare quanto richiesto. In altre parole, l’allenatore che vuole porare avanti le sue idee deve tenere presente il contesto nel quale le dovrà applicare, di questo fanno parte i calciatori e il presidente, se non è convincente nel suo operato nessuno sarà disposto a dargli quella fiducia che serve a realizzare un progetto nuovo. Ogni situazione avrà poi anche altre specificità che sono solo sue, ma la regola principale è che non si può far fare alle persone ciò che non vogliono fare, specialmente se come cantava Giorgio Gaber: “… tu sei solo e loro sono tanti.”

La mentalità delle squadre

Stiamo per pubblicare uno studio sulla mentalità delle squadre di calcio. Questa idea è nata dall’affermazione assai comune secondo cui: “tutte le squadre di tizio giocano in quel modo, hanno quella mentalità”, ma non vi sono studi che abbiano voluto verificare cosa sia questa mentalità. Abbiamo pensato che le reti segnate possano rappresentare un indice valido per mettere in luce questo atteggiamento: è noto che nel secondo tempo vengono effettuate più reti che nel primo, ma anche in questo caso si sprecano le interpretazioni che pongono al centro la fatica ma nessuna parla degli aspetti mentali del gioco. A breve racconterò più nel dettaglio i risultati che stanno emergendo.