Tag Archive for 'presidenti'

The perversion of Italian football

In any company that wants to be competitive the selection of personnel is one of the essential elements that the management should design and implement in an accurate and competent way. The selection of the right people to put in the right places is one of the keys to the success of any company. Phil Jackson, coach of 9 NBA championships, has always sustained that the difference between a good team and a great team is the toughness and will to win of each player. This is true for any team in business as in sports. In this approach there is an exception, however, carried out by most of the Italian professional soccer teams. In fact, in these years the players that are chosen by the clubs are often players who are not able to represent in a field added value. They are also foreigners (only 84 new in this new season) reducing the access to young Italian players in the teams. The damage created is very serious. Hindering by the fact the young Italians to play, the young activities become useless because the best will not find teams willing to integrate themselves in the team. Furthermore, clubs spend money unnecessarily for foreign players who are not of value, the team loses further value because cannot rely on players who want to win. There are no logical explanations allowing us to understand this phenomenon so negative for the clubs. I do not know if this will serve to cover financial assets that enable tax evasion. Certainly the professionalism of the managers of football is defeated by this approach and the fact that this practice is so widespread evidently not worried indeed it emerges strengthened.

It’s a new football season: win who will manage the emotion


It starts a new football season, this year even more important because it will end with the World Cup in Brazil. There is therefore a further reason for the players to want to play your best, with the aim to be among the 22-man squad for the World Cup in South America. In any event, each team will have its goal to be achieved: for some will not go back, for others to get into the UEFA  or confirm the result of the previous season, for others it will be to win the championship or play the Champions League. Beyond the technical and tactical level possessed, each team will show its value only if the players on the field, the bench, the coach and the president will demonstrate a high level of emotional control. The management of the competitive stress affects everyone, without exception. In Italy we were often champions of stress. We have the record of coaches fired during the championship by presidents who can not contain their fears or their wounded narcissism also by a few negative results. We are also a League where the players make too many fouls and it is not true that the players would not be able to avoid them, because when they play at the European level they did less. In Italy they feel free to not respect the rules, protected by fans, coaches and presidents always ready to blame the referees,  to talk about a conspiracy against their team or to not have understood that football permit the physical contrasts. The coaches knowing that half of them during the championship will be probably fired risk to live in a dramatic way the negative results of their team, for many it is a temporary job, certainly very well paid, but risky as climbing an eight thousand knowing the number of victims it kills every year. Despite these uncertainties, however, it’s absolutely necessary that the protagonists of football know to keep a cool head, reminding themselves the team’s objectives and how to achieve them. Self-control, effective stress management, aggression loyal and respectful of the opponents must be the basis of the behavior on the field, in other words it means knowing how to manage the emotions in a context, the match, which itself is a highly emotional situation. Therefore the teams have to live for 90 minutes this mental condition showing able to manage it effectively. This is in my opinion the challenge that each team must prepare to face and win each match, as well as the final result.

Read on  http://www.huffingtonpost.it/../../alberto-cei/al-via-la-serie-a-una-sfida-alle-emozioni_b_3805629.html


Il clima ambientale

Il clima ambientale costruttivo per un gruppo o una società sportiva è l’equivalente di un respiro profondo. Un respiro permette di ridurre la tensione vissuta in un determinato momento di una gara e di restare concentrati su quanto si sta facendo, è un modo per continuare a essere focalizzati sul presente, sull’azione in corso. Il clima costruttivo è quella condizione emotiva positiva che fa da sfondo costruttivo a qualsiasi attività che viene svolta da un’organizzazione sportiva. Come si può lavorare con efficacia quando il presidente della società continuamente mostra il suo disappunto (Inter), come si può quando qualcun altro dice che è meglio la caccia (Sampdoria), come si può quando vi sono continui infortuni (Juventus), come si può quando è sempre colpa di qualcun altro (Palermo), come si può quando si è sull’orlo del fallimento (Bologna). Sono situazioni cher avrebbero dovuto avere soluzioni diverse, ma sono tutte accomunate da problemi di clima ambientale che i singoli attori devono sapere ammortizzare altrimenti la tensione cresce a livelli estremi e i risultati si vedono la domenica. Quanti fra questi attori milionari ne sono consapevoli e sanno che di Napoleone ne è bastato uno? Perchè è chiaro che queste sono persone che dall’alto dei loro guadagni cadono sempre in piedi, nel peggiore dei casi saranno pensionati extralusso.