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The fundamentals of the mental training

It is important for a coach and psychologist to understand the basis of the psychological training.

It’s about answering the question of what aspects are the basis for mental improvement in young people. I would say that from the age of 14, one can introduce an activity centered essentially on mental education for sports. The purpose is twofold. Those who will continue in their development as athletes will begin to develop the mental skills they will need, while those who will not follow this specialized path will have had the opportunity to learn skills that will be useful to them forever.

With this approach we are always in the area of teaching what it is necessary to learn, from the mental point of view, to learn to compete effectively or successfully overcome challenging situations (even non-sporting).

  1. Self-control - to improve it you can start by learning to take deep breaths, it predisposes to reduce physical and mental tension, increases the concentration on training tasks and the use of visualization.
  2. Proprioceptive awareness - Essential for an athlete to know how to move, what are the sensations to be perceived, for example during the warm-up, to know if how I think I’m moving corresponds to how I’m really moving.
  3. Talking to yourself - you have to learn to talk to yourself in a way that is helpful and encouraging, in every training and competition situation. This is simple to understand but difficult to practice if you don’t live in an environment geared in this direction.
  4. Be task-oriented - We need to embrace the concept that “we improve through our efforts”, so the feedback I give to myself should relate first to the quality of effort and only after the result.
  5. Visualize the sports actions - the mental repetition of sport technique and tactics is indispensable in each part of the training process, for beginners as well as for experienced athletes.

These, in my opinion, are the main skills to be developed in young athletes at the beginning of the training process.

World Autism Awareness Day

genitori « Alberto Cei

Never give up in face of the evidence

The world is full of examples that should serve to convince us that in any situation it is possible to find a solution to solve a problem or get out of a difficulty. How is it then that many people do not look for these solutions? They think instead that there are no solutions and that the examples given do not concern them but are more related to luck and chance or to the particular qualities of a person who, because of his individual characteristics, has found a solution that only he was able to implement. This is the interpretation often used to describe how a champion of sport came out of a situation judged impossible by others. The exceptional character of his/her condition, the talent, serves as justification for all those who think that, not being champions, they could never get out of that problem.

In my opinion, the problem refers to the way of thinking used by an individual. When something goes wrong, for example a bad grade at school, a badly lost race or an argument at work, what is my reaction? Do I think it is someone’s fault? Do I think I wasn’t able to do the job? Was I unlucky?

It’s important to know your own way of assessing performance.

We know that pessimists and when we are depressed, we tend to think in this way, which has the effect of devaluing personal skills and reduces the possibility of committing to finding solutions. Optimism characterised by a superficial approach to difficulties is also harmful and of little help. Thinking about succeeding is not in itself a help to the solution.

Instead, the optimism that goes hand in hand with commitment and an awareness of the difficulty of what you are about to face must be constantly trained and pursued. Only by combining these three aspects, maximum commitment, awareness of the difficulty and optimism, will it be possible to find the appropriate solution to our problem.

The science indispensable value

Science: when this coronavirus nightmare will be behind us, let’s remember the essential role of science to solve the problem. And let us not forget to eliminate from any public debate all those charlatans who have confused public opinion and poisoned the social climate. Let us also reduce to silence the people who play a public function and who have given space to these charlatans, discrediting the work of the scientific community.

Some ideas published, to confirm that in these days the awareness about the science role is increased:

In Italy, “over the days, scientific awareness has also grown, in the map indicated with the term “modernity”, where it is understood that the modernity of science allows to better govern phenomena. This space has constantly grown and has allowed to lower the anxious part, even if it has maintained the feeling of fear. That is, the greater awareness has taken away indistinction from the epidemic, but has confirmed its dangerousness”.

Others can be found reading the HuffingtonPost

Mistakes coming from a poor awareness coaching

If your athletes commit any of these mistakes, it means that you have not taught them to give value at their commitment in training:

  1. When you ask them to take a deep breath, they snort or sigh
  2. Without no reason they modify times and ways of the warm-up
  3. They say: “But I thought I was ready while …”
  4. They get angry or easily disappointed even in training
  5. In training they have result outcomes  and less frequently process outcomes.
  6. They are focused on the results of their performance and not on how to perform effectively
  7. They are only partially aware that it is how you prepare yourself that determines the quality of the performance
  8. They think: “I have the technique therefor I know how to compete
  9. They are deluding themselves to do well only because they have done it before and they are not aware that every time it is different and the commitment must be consistent
  10. Usually from their favorite champs they take only the most superficial and most glamorous behaviors

How many types of athletes’ awareness do you know?

Brad Gilbert said that the tennis players usually spend for their mental preparation the same time they spend to learn to jump the rope. This means that usually they are not aware about their mental skills. Therefore you as psychologist how much time you spend to improve the athletes’ awareness? The question is also:
How many types of athletes’ awareness do you know and how is your intervention?
  1. Proprioceptive awareness
  2. Mistake awareness
  3. Awareness about the reaction to the mistakes
  4. Skill awareness
  5. Goal awareness
  6. Awareness about his/her learning style
  7. Value awareness
  8. Confidence awareness
  9. Awareness of the coach role
  10. Performance awareness
  11. Awareness about his/her life style
  12. Awareness of his/her relationship with the coach and staff

Mental coaching in the Romanian football

It’s not easy to accept that the main limits of the team performance are in the psychological area. Giani Boldeanu talks about this subject in the Romanian football.

”Jucătorii români refuză să discute cu psihologul”. Verdictul dur al lui Giani Boldeanu, mental coach. ”N-au mentalitate de învingători”

Understand the athletes’ solitude

It starts a new season, which it means new challenges. In this work there is little room for the routine, for consolidated assets repeated year after year. Working with athletes and coaches, committed to get the best of themselves, always represents a novelty and the final result is never done.

Although I teach valuable skills like to improve concentration or the stress management, the most important aspect for me concerns the acceptance of their loneliness in front of the daily work and to drive themselves in those unique moments represented by the competitions. So I wish to the athletes to accept these moments, living them as significant aspects of life and not as weak moments to hide or delete. I wish also to the psychologists to know how to be in contact with this part of the athletes’ life and be able to help them to live it responsibly and constructively

Understanding the destructive emotions

The destructive emotions are often the most frequent cause of failure of the athletes. At this regard I want to report a talk between one of the greatest scholars of emotions, Paul Ekman and the Dalai Lama. Everyone can draw their own teaching.

The Dalai Lama asked for clarification: “I think there are two things here. One is the process of the emergence of emotion, the other the feeling of emotion. You are suggesting that we become aware of both only in retrospect?”

“No,” said Paul, “we become aware when the excitement has already appeared. It focuses and directs attention once it has begun, but not during the process that generates it. For better or for worse our lives would be very different if in fact we judge knowingly, becoming responsible for the onset of emotion. But it seems that the excitement happen to us. I do not choose to have an emotion, to become frightened or angry. Suddenly I’m angry. I’m usually able to understand what someone has done to create that emotion in me, but I’m not aware of the process that assesses, for example, the action of Dan that made ​​me angry. It’s a key issue for the Western understanding of emotions: the starting point, a crucial process, it is something we can only speculate because we do not know. We become aware only when we’re in the excitement. at the beginning it’s not us that we command. ”

“I wonder,” said the Dalai Lama “if there is perhaps a similar situation in meditation practice, where it’s grown the introspective ability to monitor our own mental states … In developing this capacity for introspection, there is an initial phase in which it does not particularly refined, so we can grasp the presence of excitement or weakness only after it’s arisen. However, penetrating deeper into this practice and cultivating with more and more attention, even when we can understand the excitement or weakness are going to occur. ”

Basically these are the useful to take home for us:

  • The emotions suddenly appear and direct attention.
  • Meditation develops self-awareness and allows us to react to the emotion as soon as it’s harmful to manifest.
  • The focus is thus kept on the important aspects of the performance.
(The text is from the Italian version of Destructive emotions, by Dalai Lama & Daniel Goleman, Bantam Books, 2003, p.168-169)

Consciouness is the first step of mental coaching

The awareness can be defined as the “miracle that, in a heartbeat, draws our mind and reassemble it, allowing us to live every moment of our lives” (Thich Nhat Hanh). Jack Kornfield has described it as “the innate human ability to deliberately pay full attention to the situation in which we find ourselves, to our practical experiences, and learn from them.”

Awareness is the basis of mental coaching, maximize learning and improve performance requires an understanding of ourselves and the emotions that underlie it.  The consciousness of this moment  is specific to each activity and determines the condition of readiness for action: a global psycho-physical state, involving what is going to happen, that is the performance.