Tag Archive for 'allenamento mentale'

Why should I train mentally?

Many athletes and coaches still do not understand this simple concept.

“Psychological skills training refers to the systematic and consistent practice of psychological or mental skills for the purpose of increasing performance, enhancing enjoyment, or achieving high levels of satisfaction in sport and physical activity.”

Instead, many have a conception based on:

  1. Talent doesn’t need it
  2. I don’t need it for now
  3. It’s not for me
  4. I should just have a little more confidence
  5. The important thing is the training
  6. These are things that you learn when you compete
  7. I only need one experience
  8. I already have a coach who tells me what to do
  9. I tried that and it didn’t help
  10. I already know what to do

Free service to know the mental coaching

We are at the beginning of the Pre-Olympic year. In fact the Olympic Games begin in Rio on August 6, 2016 and the Paralympic on September 7, 2016. For most of the athletes will start a decisive period for their sporting careers: they must train and compete to qualify for the most world important sport event. Each of them will live this time in a personal way. There are those who have not participated in the Olympics that they hope to achieve this goal, and next to them there are the more experienced athletes who have already had this experience but who want to be there and be competitive again. Even the psychological preparation is now an integral part of the programs of many athletes and teams. These programs are not only popular in Europe, North America and Australia but also in many Asian countries. So much so that it was just published a book  entitled “Secrets of Asian Sport Psychology” which contains 22 experiences conducted in many nations of this continent.

Below there are the major psychological skills of Olympic medalists:

  • High motivation and commitment
  • Toughness
  • High level of confidence under pressure
  • Identification of objectives
  • Emotion self-regulation in the decisive moments
  • Having well-organized routine during competition
  • Knowing cope with distractions and unexpected events
  • Focus
  • Visualization

In the world, this approach is not diffuse every where as it should be and for this reason many athletes do not reach the level they aspire also if they are technically and physically well prepared, because they do not spend resources in the mental coaching or because they rely on low-skilled professionals with no experience in international competitions.
In addition there is not an organization recognized to ask questions on this issue or to request a contact with a counselor for information on what is a program of mental coaching.
My company, CEI Consulting, wants instead to offer this FREE SERVICE to athletes, coaches and sport managers who want to know more about this aspect of sports training and competition.

To undertake a process of mental training necessary to know what to expect from it. In particular athletes and coaches will find specific answers in relation to:

  • Timing of implementation of the program
  • Skills that will be developed and optimized
  • Utilities for the athlete and the coach
  • And his mode of training periodization
  • Frequency of participation of mental coach to practices and competitions
  • Psychological evaluation of past races

Finally, the proposed system is absolutely new in collaboration with Enhanced Performance System of San Diego related to:

  • Analysis and workout style attentional staff (team) compared with the demands attentive and speed / accuracy of the sport practiced
  • Comparison between attentional and interpersonal style and that of the coach of the athlete (strengths of the report and likely points of friction)
  • Identification of the level of Killer Instinct athlete, decisive in times of increased competitive pressure
  • Feature Comparison attentive athlete with those of athletes from many nations who hold a world record

Those interested in knowing more in relation to mental coaching applied to their sport do not hesitate to contact us on: info@ceiconsulting.it


When to start the mental coaching?

To develop and maintain during the season a good set of mental skills, the athletes must train them as they do for the physical skills.  The mental skills training must be integrated into the daily sessions. Mental and physical skills have to proceed in parallel every day. The best moment to start this practice is off-season or early pre-season. For instance, to start the attentional training it’s easy at the beginning when the athletes are more calm and less tired and practice is not yet  very difficult as compared to the following training periods. The worst moments to start is when the athletes have shown problems during their performances and the coaches thinks that they are mind difficulties. At those moment they ask for an intervent of the sport psychologist. Usually this happens because the coaches believe that they have done all that they can do but the athletes look de-motivated, or anxious or distracted and they do not know any other options to training them.   It’s a crisis intervention that the sport psychologis can manage but the coaches and the athletes need to understand that the mental training must be integrated inside their sessions and not only used as a solution for the bad moments.

The poor stress management in women tennis

Today I watched a tennis match between two girls number 300 in the world ranking  with the following score: 6/2, 0/6 and then at the 3rd set 0/3, 2/4, 4/4, 6/6 , 5/7. It’s a score common among women tennis players, showing the lack of emotional control of the two opposing, of how you can lose a set with ease without showing any form of reaction. Then who won the 2nd set to zero and after 9 games won did two errors from which she never recovered, allowing to the opponent of the equalizing and than to win the match. According to coaches and parents of women tennis players this emotional distress is a widespread difficulty while it is absolutely absent some form of mental coaching. The most common advice of the coaches is to tell the girls that, playing many tournaments, they will learn to manage themselves in a better way, if they don’t learn the coaches say “with you there’s nothing to do.” Certainly not all of them can become a champion, but I am convinced that most could improve if they were mentally coached . My advice is that coaches begin to work with sports psychologists in the construction of training programs that are intended to teach the tennis players to acquire a winning mentality. Today even more in football the coach does not work alone but while maintaining its leadership works with a team of experts. In tennis in most cases there is only the physical coch, a little for those who want to reach the excellence.

Choose your mental coaching program

Tell your dreams. We will help you  to reach them


 CEI Consulting helps athletes to: 

  • Identify their specific concentration strengths and weaknesses with the most sophisticated performance enhancement assessment system.
  • Be aware of their performance profile with a 360° assessment program (technical, mental and physical).
  • Be aware of their skills when compared with those of the best athletes in the world.
  • Develop coaching programs for improving and performing at their best.

CEI Consulting uses The Athlete’s Mental Edge, an exclusive performance enhancement system used by Olympic and championship-level athletes worldwide. It is a distillation of 30 years of research made in USA and Canada, Europe and Australia and hands on consulting with many of the world’s greatest athletes.

CEI Consulting is an assessment and coaching program including:

  1. Your goals 
  • How establish goals
  • Which commitment show the tough athletes
  • The correct mental habit during the coaching sessions
  • The focus: on the performance and not on the results
  • The athletes’ main mental mistakes 
  1. The stress management 
  • What is relaxation
  • Strategies of optimal activation pre-event
  • How to learn relaxation and reach the right activation
  • When/how to use them during the competition 
  1. The concentration 
  • Which kind of focus you need
  • Strength and weakness points of each athlete
  • The focus during the performance
  • Exercises to be focused during the coaching 
  1. Which are your fears 
  • Are you worried about what?
  • Are you ready to perform, to do your best?
  • Is the fear useful?
  • How to manage the fear 
  1. Planning the competition 
  • How to stay in your individual zone of optimal activation
  • One hour before the events: what to do
  • Your thoughts and feelings before the beginning and during the event
  • What to do during the competition days
Contact for further information: info@ceiconsulting.it

Tennis mental coaching

The tennis mental component of the performance is one of the aspects that determine its quality.
The mistakes made have always  a  technical or tactic value, the players sends out a ball for millimeters and  the will make mistakes to be in delay of milliseconds.

It ‘s the mind that leads these actions and training is the moment where to learn and refine this ability “to do the right thing” in the right moment. The mental coaching is a system that helps athletes get in this optimal condition, it is the training to be ready not only physically but also mentally before a match and to manage the competitive event in the best way.

The mental coaching is a systematic  and constant training of the psychological skills and attitudes.

Just think at the service: how many times the player make it even if he is not ready. For example he speeds up the preparation of the shot because he wants to immediately recover or he slows down the service because otherwise he is afraid of making a mistake.

These are situations that the tennis player lives every day and he will not improve just working on technique or playing a lot of games. These two solutions are very useful but they must be accompanied by a change in the mind player before serving, otherwise he will not  be able to show his technical and tactical skills.

Most of the players and also those of tennis clubs spend countless hours in training to improve technically and do not spend 5 minutes to improve their head.

What are the reasons for this neglect:

  • they don’t  know
  • they just want to have fun
  • they think that they cannot change their mind
  • only the champions do these things
  • they have not time
  • or, as Cesare Maldini said: “I’m not crazy”

The players of the clubs do not do it for all of the above reasons, but the effect is that they do not improve as much as they would like.

My dear reader is with this thought that I want to leave: “Imagine, if you will, to the games you’ve played and to the difficulties you encountered and  ask to yourself  if a different mindset would help you to play better, win more often or to have more fun. ”

(Read more at http://www.tennisworlditalia.com/Perch%25E9-allenarsi-mentalmente-nel-tennis—parte-1-artt755.html)

Perché seguire un programma di allenamento mentale

1. Quando le prestazioni in allenamento sono migliori di quelle fornite in gara.
2. Quando ci si trova in una fase di passaggio di carriera: da junior a senior, la prima volta nella squadra nazionale, una società sportiva molto più importante, fine carriera sportiva, ricerca di un nuovo lavoro al di fuori dello sport, cambio di allenatore.
3. Quando non ci si diverte e l’allenamento è solo stress e fatica.
4. Quando si è infortunati, per mantenere un approccio attivo al recupero completo.
5. Quando si hanno problemi con l’allenatore o i compagni di squadra o con la famiglia che non si sa come risolvere.
6. Quando si vuole migliorare abilità psicologiche specifiche (gestione stress agonistico, attenzione).
7. Quando si vuole gestire con più efficacia le emozioni che si provano prima e durante le competizioni.
8. Quando si vuole aumentare la fiducia in se stessi come atleta.