Tag Archive for 'tenacia.'

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It’s possible to perform well and make trivial mistakes

A reader wrote  asking for a comment:

“on a tennis player Francesca Schiavone as she has a lot of potential and recently in many games when then she earns points she starts to make some rookie mistakes like double errors and direct mistakes. How is this possible?”

I do not follow the matches of Francesca Schiavone and then I have no idea of how many are in percentage terms this kind of errors and how they affect the result,  it’s any way possible to talk about these types of errors.

Physical problems – the courts requires optimal physical condition otherwise it’s difficult to maintain the quality of the game. It’s possible to play well some games and then make mistakes even trivial because the body “takes a break” to recovery.

Concentration problems – The concentration is another aspect whose presence must be constant during each game and it’s influenced by the physical shape. It’s also influenced by the thoughts and moods that the athlete develops after an error and therefore it interferes with the ability to refocus on the next game.

Toughness problems – A long sports career also wears the toughness. It is not easy to maintain an high desire to succeed.

Sports are tough games

  • More events lost than won – always fight
  • Failure + Frustration are part of the game
  • A lot of time to think: Boredom and worries
  • 3 or 4 moments become critical in every competitions
  • Control of performance processes not the results
  • Athletes must be focus to win/perform/learn

To have the right toughness to start again is not easy

For an athlete who in his career has reached the absolute top, be in a position of having to go back to work on his technique and on a different race management, because the rules of his sport have been changed is not an easy task. Especially if it happens in the post-Olympic period in which the majority of athletes tend to take some time to recover from the Olimpic stress. The combination of these aspects, rules changes and the need to maintain the commitment at the highest level, can lead to a condition of mental stress in which the athlete would not want to be in this stage of his career. In addition, the young athletes of the same sport perceive the post-Olympic period as an opportunity to gain experiences at the international level and therefore they are motivated to make every effort to be noticed by the national coach. There are so many reasons that prevent from living this year so undemanding but instead push in the direction of a fastf adaptation to new technical rules and competition changes.

Italian sprint legend, Pietro Mennea dead

Italian sprint legend Pietro Mennea dead, one of the myths of world sport. Someone wrote that we should not need myths, I am personally convinced of the contrary. Myths are for me the land to which safe return when I feel uncertain. Are those thoughts that you do not have every day, because it would be like wasting them, but they are there when you are in difficult times and give you the conviction to continue. It’s clear that everybody represents them in his/her own way but they have become legends for their intrinsic characteristics of dedication, toughness, strength, the absolute idea of being able to be as you wish. Of course, they reached what they want, as it was for Mennea unforgettable victories and a stunning record on 200m. An absolute life, a real positive Blade Runner.

world record 200m: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sczSLGRXDY

Choose your mental coaching program

Tell your dreams. We will help you  to reach them


 CEI Consulting helps athletes to: 

  • Identify their specific concentration strengths and weaknesses with the most sophisticated performance enhancement assessment system.
  • Be aware of their performance profile with a 360° assessment program (technical, mental and physical).
  • Be aware of their skills when compared with those of the best athletes in the world.
  • Develop coaching programs for improving and performing at their best.

CEI Consulting uses The Athlete’s Mental Edge, an exclusive performance enhancement system used by Olympic and championship-level athletes worldwide. It is a distillation of 30 years of research made in USA and Canada, Europe and Australia and hands on consulting with many of the world’s greatest athletes.

CEI Consulting is an assessment and coaching program including:

  1. Your goals 
  • How establish goals
  • Which commitment show the tough athletes
  • The correct mental habit during the coaching sessions
  • The focus: on the performance and not on the results
  • The athletes’ main mental mistakes 
  1. The stress management 
  • What is relaxation
  • Strategies of optimal activation pre-event
  • How to learn relaxation and reach the right activation
  • When/how to use them during the competition 
  1. The concentration 
  • Which kind of focus you need
  • Strength and weakness points of each athlete
  • The focus during the performance
  • Exercises to be focused during the coaching 
  1. Which are your fears 
  • Are you worried about what?
  • Are you ready to perform, to do your best?
  • Is the fear useful?
  • How to manage the fear 
  1. Planning the competition 
  • How to stay in your individual zone of optimal activation
  • One hour before the events: what to do
  • Your thoughts and feelings before the beginning and during the event
  • What to do during the competition days
Contact for further information: info@ceiconsulting.it

Why Fiorentina loses and Juve wins

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

L’importanza di avere fame … di vittorie

Conte vuole che la Juventus mangi il campo. Anche Berruto ai suoi durante un time out di Italia-Serbia dice “abbiamo fame”. Pure gli atleti spesso dicono: “Se facciamo ancora un errore quelli ci mangiano”. E’ necessario avere fame di vittorie e non sentirsi invece sazi, come ricorda il portiere del Milan dopo la partita persa contro il Napoli: “Loro hanno avuto più fame di noi”. La lotta sul campo attimo dopo attimo o colpo su colpo è il modo in cui si manifesta a se stessi e agli altri che si è dentro la dimensione mentale dell’affamato. Non è certamente vietato pensare in grande (ad esempio vincere lo scudetto o campionati europei) ma queste idee vanno lasciate fuori dalla competizione, perchè in quei momenti bisogna avere pensieri semplici e concreti che permettano di fare in quell’istante la cosa migliore. Avere fame vuol dire essere costantemente concentrati sul presente o meglio ancora su ciò che sta per accadere fra un istante. In questo modo tenacia e consapevolezza del momento di gioco sono gli strumenti mentali utilizzati da chi ha fame.

Fragilità e tenacia

Nell’immaginario collettivo gli atleti sono come i Bronzi di Riace. Fisici perfetti, allenati nel migliore dei modi a fare ciò che il loro talento gli permette. Nella realtà non è affatto così. Sono fragili perchè la ricerca della perfezione nella quale sono quotidianamente coinvolti, li porta a sentirsi insicuri pur dovendo mostrarsi sicuri. Questa insicurezza nasce non da  problemi di autostima come quelli della persone comuni, ma dalla necessità di dovere dimostrare di essere i migliori. L’ostacolo principale alla realizzazione dei loro obiettivi di vittoria è rappresentata dagli avversarsi che la pensano nello stesso modo e a loro volta hanno lo stesso obiettivo, che consiste nel dimostrare di essere loro i migliori. Da qui l’idea che bisogna imparare a perdere, perchè altrimenti ogni volta si subirebbe una ferita inguaribile.

La tenacia: un’abilità per superare le crisi

La tenacia è ovviamente utile a ogni persona e non solo agli atleti. Prendendo ad esempio di attività il nuoto si può dire che serve a mantenere l’attenzione sul presente. In gara significa essere focalizzati sul piano di gara e nel mantenere la condizione emotiva necessaria a eseguirlo. In allenamento permette di perseguire gli obiettivi di una singola seduta al fine di raggiungerli o di avvicinarsi il più possibile. Dopo una gara consente di fare ciò che serve per imparare il massimo dall’esperienza agonistica appena svolta e prepararsi per quella successiva.