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It’s need to coach the mind to compete

Although many coaches recognize the decisive role played by the mind in favor/hinder the sport performance, there are still many who think that mental difficulties are overcome by training more or participating in more competition. Typically those who think in this way are convinced that at some point the athlete will be unlocked and will start for him/her a new winning phase of  the career. Briefly, you have to compete, gain experience and then, won the first tournament, things will settle. I meet many athletes and they tell me stories like these one but with a different and negative end,  because they still have the same problems, affecting more and more their self-confidence. They say that they train well and in competition they always repeat the same mistakes. I then explain, what I have repeated hundreds of times and that is that to have the technical skill (whatever sport) does not mean to know how to cope with the race, which is a different thing. When these athletes become aware of this difference, usually calm down and at this point I can explain to them that follow a program of mental coaching is really helpful to learn how to drive your own mind in the race.

The Guardiola’s rule: make a mistake to learn

A leader is also recognized by the sentences that he says to his players. Guardiola, new coach of  Bayern, said “We hope to make many mistakes so we learn immediately.” Do not be afraid of making mistakes is the attitude of the leader who has a winning mind, because what it is really important is not to pursue the perfect performance but how you react quickly to the mistakes.

Learn from mistakes: teach it to coaches

How difficult is to learn from mistakes!  It’s the key to success but for many ie is instead a swamp in which to sink more and more under this weight. With ease we think “I should not make mistakes” instead of “What do I do to recover.” It ‘s true that many of us have learned as young  in this way, as they say you have thrown into the sea and those who have learned to swim went ahead, while the others perished. But how many boys/girls in this way have hated the sport, have become not confident toward themselves and probable talents are lost without having the opportunity to test themselves. The question is to understand if we want to continue in this way or if we want to train better trained the coaches from the point of view of their psychological and relational skills, only in a second time we can see who/how many are those athletes who, despite adequate psychological approach by the coaches, need to be oriented towards a recreational and non-competitive sport.

Jane Fonda: I love the mistakes

“I love mistakes because it’s the only way you learn. You don’t learn from successes; you don’t learn from awards; you don’t learn from celebrity; you only learn from wounds and scars and mistakes and failures. And that’s the truth.” Jane Fonda

Learn from the experience

Thinking of the day. David Seabury, American psychologist, wrote in 1937, “We are able to use the experience more or less like a worm is able to dance on pointe?”