Modeling or learning by observation is one of the most powerful systems for transmitting values, attitudes, and systems of thought and behavior.
(Albert Bandura)
Underlying this statement is the belief that the imagery is worth a thousand words because it presents information more efficiently than is achieved by verbal instructions. In fact, it is obvious to every teacher that providing simple technical instructions of a movement to be learned cannot be the only mode of learning for their students. While a significant contribution lies in direct observation of the action to be performed.
As early as the 1970s, the effects of modeling in people of different ability levels had been highlighted, showing that for less able learners, peer observation was more effective than teacher observation, while the opposite was true for more able youngsters. In summary, modeling is about learning or improving behavior acquisition through imitation of behaviors we have observed.
Regarding children but also young adolescents, at the initial stage of learning movements, it is very useful to communicate the critical aspects of an action through demonstration that will help learners build a mental image that will allow them to start putting it into practice.
Observing an effective execution does not, however, ensure that it has been observed by selecting the essential elements of the demonstration. It is therefore necessary for direct observation to be accompanied by an explanation of what to observe and with what sequencing, and for the observed model to be at least fairly competent in the performance required of him.
The teacher’s interventions should be brief, specific and affirmative. From a psychological perspective, observation of a peer can result in increased self-esteem and self-efficacy, as the observer believes that the level of skill shown can be achieved as well as the observed peer has been able to demonstrate.