Tag Archive for 'sbagliare'

How to go from a mistake to the right action

One of the reasons why we often continue to persevere with habits and behaviours that we consider to be wrong is because we are afraid of the risks we might run if we decide to change, first of all making another mistake despite the fact that we are changing.

It is certainly easier and less demanding to let ourselves be dominated by the desire to complain telling the classic phrase: “I knew it would end this way”. We continue to defend ourselves by saying that we don’t know what to do, that it’s someone else’s fault, or the bad luck that comes our way, or the fact that there is no other solution.

These are common thoughts in which it is easy to fall into and which serve to mask our deepest fears. When the athletes make the same mistake again and again I often tell to do something different, without being worried about the result, in the worst case they will make another mistake but at least it will be different. To justify this lack of initiative we hide in saying “what if it doesn’t go well?” More rarely we think if it doesn’t go well I will try to do something else until I’ll do right.

This happens because we are emotionally afraid of change and the more we feel the need for it, the more we tend to hide behind reasoning instead of acting differently.

It is important to learn to dialogue with ourselves, accepting mistakes. I propose to write a reflection on “what are mistakes for me and how do I react to them? Think about what you do in different situations in your sport:

  • in competition and in training
  • when you’re ahead or behind
  • with what words you accompany what you do right and wrong
  • when you’re happy in training and racing

Write and then read again and decide how you would like to react and which behaviors and parts you would like to eliminate, and then start training.

It’s never enough the time used to learn from the mistakes

In sports as in every other area of our lives we make mistakes. The perfect performance does not exist. Each performance is a mixture of skills and mistakes; usually win who commits fewer mistakes.

The mistakes are everywhere and they are an important part of human performance. We can’t hide from our mistakes. In addition, the result of the mistakes are always technical aspects, we see the athletes who are accelerating or slowing too much their actions, which miss a shot, too stiff to move, pulling the serve ball in the net and so on. Otherwise the cause of these mistakes can be attributed to different aspects. In fact, the mistake can be caused by different factors, going from technical incompetence to difficulties to manage the competitive stress, lack of concentration or because the athletes are too tired.

“When people feel stressed, of course, they no longer feel safe and are further inhibited in practicing new ways of acting. Instead they become defensive, relying on their most familiar habits … For all these reasons, learning … works best under conditions where people feel safe – but not so relaxed that they lose motivation. There’s an optimal level of brain arousal that helps people to learn, the state which both motivation and interest are high. A sense of psychological safety creates an atmosphere in which people can then experiment with little risk of embarrassing or fear of the consequences of failure” (From: D. Goleman, R. Boyatzis e A.MkKeee, Primal Leadership).

Risultati immagini per mistakes snoopy quotes

Are you willing to make mistakes?

At any age you can choose to change

You can always start over

as long as you are willing to make mistakes.

Make mistakes to accept to make mistakes

Do not accept the mistakes is the main obstacle to improve. Without getting around too, this is the main reason why many young today are locked in the face of difficulties, no one to guide them through this learning. Not the parents, not the teachers. And if  they do not learn then they have a psychological problem for which, in the best cases, they goe to a psychologist. Or parents blame the coaches and viceversa. It’s usually a losing battle where everyone is on his positions, with the effect that boys and girls do not change. In youth sport it should be considered the acceptance of the mistakes as the key parameter to assess if the teaching provided during training has been successful or not. Do not accept mistakes cancels any technical learning. The young in fact develop a not realistic expectations and imagines that are good only if they do not make mistakes. When they start the competition with this attitude, they are not able to etolerate the frustration of making mistakes and they will begin to get angry with themselves, with the outcome to play bad and to reduce the effort, since they consider themselves not to be capable of. At this point, if parents and coaches do not intervene immediately to change this reaction, the young turn into a usual way of being, which it will be repeated every time after a mistake. At this point, it will be difficult to take action to replace this negative belief with a positive one.

Adults should be aware that the competence is the use of all the knowledge, skills and attitudes aimed at a purpose and exercised within the context. The competence is determined by the integration:

  • Knowledge – What you know, ‘what’ and as you know, ‘how’
  • Skill – How much you are able to understand / communicate / do using knowledge learned in training
  • Attitudes – How you are and how you behave in relation to the use of the knowledge and skills learned

So the sport competence should not be confused with the technical skills and the attitude to be taken into the field to be taught as well as the sport fundamentals. Otherwise we will have young athletes technically good but with wrong attitude, consequently they will be less competent in providing sport performancea appropriate to their technical level.

The Guardiola’s rule: make a mistake to learn

A leader is also recognized by the sentences that he says to his players. Guardiola, new coach of  Bayern, said “We hope to make many mistakes so we learn immediately.” Do not be afraid of making mistakes is the attitude of the leader who has a winning mind, because what it is really important is not to pursue the perfect performance but how you react quickly to the mistakes.

Dedicato a chi ha paura di sbagliare

“Nella mia carriera ho sbagliato più di 9.000 tiri. Ho perso circa 300 partite. Per 26 volte ho creduto di fare il tiro-partita e l’ho sbagliato. Nella mia vita ho fallito spesso e ho continuato a sbagliare. Ed è per questo che ho avuto successo” (Michael Jordan ).

Tutti possono sbagliare

Il giovane campione italiano di golf Manassero è partito male all’ultimo torneo con tre bogey e un triplo bogey, cioè con un colpo in più in tre buche e ben tre nella quarta. Questo dato fa emergere in modo evidente che per nessuno è scontato fare bene, anzi come dicono sempre gli atleti “sono più la gare che si perdono che quelle che si vincono”. Questa è buona notizia, nonostante a Manassero non abbia di certo fatto piacere, perchè ancora una volta conferma che nello sport non c’è mai nulla di scontato e che ogni gara è una storia diversa che bisogna sapere interpretare. Meno male altrimenti pensate che noia per loro che giocano e per noi che li guardiamo.

Vietato sbagliare

Nel calcio sempre più spesso quando si parla di squadre e di arbitri si afferma che è “vietato sbagliare” si tratti di una partita, di un tiro, di una parata o di un rigore concesso oppure no. Il lunedì i giornali sono pieni di affermazioni infiammate con cui qualcuno se la prende con qualcun altro per gli errori compiuti. Si dimentica che una partita non è un evento che segue strade razionali e prevedibili ma si muove invece su un piano emotivo, che può esaltare o deprimere il gioco. Così deve essere: perchè come spettatori guardiamo le partite nella speranza di vivere delle emozioni, mentre osserviamo i calciatori alle prese con se stessi per tirare fuori il meglio di cui sono capaci. Esprimersi al meglio, gestendo in modo efficiente questi stati d’animo non è facile e noi spettatori ci esaltiamo nell’osservare l’impegno agonistico e la lotta che avviene sul campo mentre al direttore di gara chiediamo di saperla mantenere nell’ambito del regolamento. Vietare di sbagliare è un obiettivo impossibile, al massimo si può aspirare a giocare la partita perfetta sapendo, però, che sarà impossibile e che sbagliare è fisiologico  Non dimentichiamoci mai che in assenza di errori sarebbe inutile giocare e che le classifiche le farebbero i computer sulla base delle qualità tecniche delle squadre.