Monthly Archive for July, 2013

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Rudy Garcia starts with a mistake

Rudi Garcia is the new coach of Roma footbal team and he started bad the relationship with the environment of the Roma supporters, saying that anyone who contests the team is a Lazio fan. It seems to me that it is not certain this stage of the year to appear combative and aggressive by a coach to his early days working with a new team. Rather, it is the time to understand the reasons for these dislikes, to understand the social and sport environment in which he is entering. Understanding does not mean please the fans, because there is a way to understand the moods and at the same time condemn the lack of respect for the players. To become immediately angry  shows we react to the frustration of the protests only insulting the fans. I agree with the coach who is tough in his statements but he must go on the ball and not the on the player, in other words it’s fine to condemn the way of the protest, but not the protest itself that is legitimate expression of dissent.

Made ourselves the phrase representing us

Stop thinking with the phrases of others, made ourselves the phrase representing us. Mine is “pushing positive” and yours?

Coach the mind with John Wooden

Some of the John Wooden‘s best sentences to remember when we lose our confidence.

“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”

“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”

“The importance of repetition until automaticity cannot be overstated. Repetition is the key to learning.”

Pamplona’s annual running of the bulls

Four people were hurt on Sunday on the first day of Pamplona’s annual running of the bulls. The good news: no one was gored this year! During the event, several thousand participants ran alongside eight fighting bulls in the northern Spanish city. See photos.

Gianluigi Quinzi: dream as well but work hard

Gianluigi Quinzi has just won the Wimbledon junior tournament. He is in an enviable position (he won the most prestigious tournament and just another Italian has succeeded in the past) but he is on the abyss of personal expectations and pressures  from the external environment extremely strong. He succeeds? Nobody knows, but if he will effectively manage this uncertainty and he will train very hard, then he will have acquired such strength of mind that the future could be his friend.

The Guardiola’s rule: make a mistake to learn

A leader is also recognized by the sentences that he says to his players. Guardiola, new coach of  Bayern, said “We hope to make many mistakes so we learn immediately.” Do not be afraid of making mistakes is the attitude of the leader who has a winning mind, because what it is really important is not to pursue the perfect performance but how you react quickly to the mistakes.

Top athletes need the coach-leader

Crucial skill for the coaches of elite athletes is not only to have a technical background updated continuously, but especially the ability to manage the best athletes. They are coach – leader  acting as a leader to conduct them to achieve their best performances.  They are not coach – teacher as they should be with those less experienced.  These coaches talk and make themselves in the shoes of the other to establish emotional closeness. This is necessary because the top athletes have built through their careers a specific profile summarized as follows:

  1. have achieved some of the goals they had set, and therefore are considered successful people
  2. are characterized by the energy and commitment
  3. their skills emerge in a decisive manner in situations of increased competitive pressure
  4. are convinced to be able to deal with most of the situations or problems
  5. assume responsibility for the results of their performances
  6. are perceived by others as reliable and competent
  7. are often considered by most people as young as a model to emulate
  8. derive maximum satisfaction from the continuous renewal of the challenges facing
  9. are driven to find solutions
  10. seek the contribution of people who can help them in achieving their goals

Of course we must not fall into the trap of believing that a good level of effectiveness in these areas will be achieved with ease or that these individuals do not live moments of difficulty. On the contrary, these skills and standards are achieved and maintained through a continuous work, an effort to improve even when it seems far away, pursued even in those days that are frustrating.

To become top athlete is a long journay: are you ready?

To become an international level athlete needs a very long journey: are you ready?

Learn from mistakes: teach it to coaches

How difficult is to learn from mistakes!  It’s the key to success but for many ie is instead a swamp in which to sink more and more under this weight. With ease we think “I should not make mistakes” instead of “What do I do to recover.” It ‘s true that many of us have learned as young  in this way, as they say you have thrown into the sea and those who have learned to swim went ahead, while the others perished. But how many boys/girls in this way have hated the sport, have become not confident toward themselves and probable talents are lost without having the opportunity to test themselves. The question is to understand if we want to continue in this way or if we want to train better trained the coaches from the point of view of their psychological and relational skills, only in a second time we can see who/how many are those athletes who, despite adequate psychological approach by the coaches, need to be oriented towards a recreational and non-competitive sport.

Why are Kenyans the best long distance runners?

In recent years, the 25 fastest marathon runners were Kenyans, too many to wonder how this is possible and once again the debate is as always between genetics and environment.

Marathon runner and manager of a Kenyan athlete, Tom Payn attaches great importance to the mental component of the running and so responds to : “The main thing I learned from the Kenyans regards their mental attitude, the way they run, they are relaxed and even if they have a negative race immediately forget it, thinking I’ll win next time and beat the record. They are very confident and show an eternal optimism about the next race.” The same concept is something that is reported by Boniface Kiprop Kongin, the athlete he coaches, which says “to have success you have to be optimistic and patient.”

Interview and video on Guardian