Monthly Archive for July, 2013

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Assess your self-esteem as athlete


Psychological dimensions of the athlete’s self-confidence How do I assess myself What level I want to achieve
Mastering the sport technique
Show this mastery in competition
Being mentally prepared
Feeling to be fit
Being supported by own social  context
Feeling driven by the coach
Feeling at ease in any competition environment
Learn from own bad performances
TOTAL (minimum: 40, maximum: 80)



How are self-confident as athlete?

Instructions for the assessment. Read each sentence and give an assessment from 5 to 10.  First, fill the column “How do I assess myself.” Second, fill the other one “What level I want to achieve.” Meaning of the score: 5=insufficient skill, 6=nearly sufficient skill, 7=sufficient skill and errors caused by stress during competition, 8=good skill during the majority of the competing situations, 9=skill at the optimal level, 10=excellent skill.

Interpretation  of the final score.  If you have a score between 50-60 means that you think to be an athlete of medium level, you are able to show your skills in most of the not very stressful situation, increasing the mistakes when the pressures become higher. Score below at 46 shows a reduced self-confidence as athlete and at the contrary superior at 83 an high level of self-esteem as athlete. If there is a significant discrepancy between how you assess yourself at this moment and how you want to be, you will find benefit to be involved in a program of mental coaching.


The movement to fit every child

It has been opened in Rome today one playground for children from 0 to 6 years that allows them to move, reach out and try games that are suitable for each children. It’s in fact organized on different themes each of which is adapted to the age of the child. It’s a good news the opening of this thematic  park, it means that we  are starting to spread the culture of the movement proper to everyone. The importance of the child growth from the very beginning, its sensory-motor development  combined with proper nutrition, and the opportunity to integrate with the others: these are the foundations of the new frontier of social responsibility plotted by Laboratory 0246, Association of Social Promotion who was born in Treviso (Italy), from the strong experience within sport and social environments by Verde Sport, a company operating in the sports branch for the Benetton Group, who has decided to focus its attention on children from 0 to 6 years of age, and their families.





The world toughtest ultramarathon

Dangerous: Despite the warning signs, these racers continue running through the extreme heat

The world toughtest ultramarathon in the Death Valley National Park, California

15° FINA world championship

Syrian refugee camp in Jordan

Mafraq, Jordan

July 18, 2013

An aerial view shows the Zaatari refugee camp near the Jordanian city of Mafraq, some 8 kilometers from the Jordanian-Syrian border. The camp is now home to 160,000 Syrians, equal in size to what would be Jordan’s fifth-largest city.

Individuals or medal machines

The new doping scandal in athletics and the doubt that the next winner of the Tour de France is doped represent facts and questions that lead to the sport destruction. We enthusiasts look “our” athletes, for a moment we their best fans but then we wonder if what we look at is true or if we are looking at the crooks. Maybe that’s why we’re so excited about the London Paralympics, because we cannot imagine the possibility that they are doped. What to do? Argue that we must abolish the fight against doping as some say? Of course not! A first answer might be not to leave alone the young who are into sports, alone with coaches, parents, doctors or managers who can convince them to make wrong choices. I would like to talk to these young people and tell them to talk about this big problem and what are the reasons why you may fall into this trap and what they need to be convinced that they can win without getting hurt. We have to talk and talk and talk without ever leaving alone them with their own ghosts and with the suggestions of the dishonest people. I am convinced that no organization of the sport has never acted in this way, because for them it is only important to say doping is bad for health and it is persecuted by law. But no one is interested to the fears and ghosts of  these young people. We continue with this  biological vision of the athlete but we cannot hide ourselves behind the “I told you.”

The new scandals on doping in track and field

Business and track and field are the same rules: it’s not only sufficient to be the fastest, you need to have ethic behaviors. The last doping cases teach us, read more on

Sophie De Oliveira Barata – The Alternative Limb Project

Sophie De Oliveira Barata - The Alternative Limb Project - Protesi come oggetti di design

Sophie De Oliveira Barata

13° world congress of sport psychology

In few days will start the 13° World Congress of Sport Psychology in Beijing, around 1.000 participants will attend it. It’s the first time for Asia and probably for the next period the International Society of Sport Psychology will be lead by a Chinese president.

Story about the paralympic athlete Sophia Warner

Paralympic Sprinter Sophia Warner

Read on The Guardian the story of Sophia Warner Paralympic sprinter