Tag Archive for 'etica'

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Win one football, give one football

With the “Win one football, give one football,” Coca-Cola has tried to link the soccer of the superstars to the social: the spark that created this link is represented by the football Brazuca, the same used during the World Cup in Brazil. 3.000 football will be given to Uisp sport clubs involved mainly in ethical and social projects. This colorful balloon was the protagonist of a great festival on the beach in Rimini, where it has been organized the “Challenge collective dribbling” among all participants.

Brazuca was donated at the first. Uisp-Italian Union of Sport for All along with Coca Cola are together to promote the ethical and social football. During the month of June, Coca-Cola has raffled off 50 footballs every day. Thanks to the “Win one football, give one football” to win every football Coca-Cola gave another to Uisp, non-profit association, for football projects with characteristics of ethical and social commitment.

“Uisp football is  passion and fun, not forgetting to look around – says Simone Pacciani,  Uisp vice-president  - this popular sport provides  opportunities of relationships and integration, each team is a small community of people who know each other and helps each other. Uisp football  is friendship and active lifestyle for all ages. Every weekend Uisp organized throughout Italy 10,000 football matches. A world of social cohesion that does not know no borders.”

Are too old the ethic rules?

At least 10 years ago in a publication of the Italian Football Federation dedicated to football, school and education we wrote .

Whatever my role in the sport , even that of a spectator , I pledge to:

  • Make each game , no matter the stakes and the importance of the event, a special moment, a kind of celebration
  • Conform to the rules and the spirit of sport practiced
  • Respect my opponents like myself
  • Accept the decisions of the referees and judges sports, knowing that, like me, have the right to error, but they do everything to commit
  • Avoid aggression in my actions, in my words and in my writings
  • Do not use tricks nor deceit to gain success
  • Remain worthy in victory as in defeat
  • Helping other sports with my presence, my experience and my understanding
  • Help any athlete injured, whose life is in danger
  • Really be an ambassador of the sport, helping to enforce around me the principles established here

But now we hear that saying “S… ” is just a word like any other because it is widely used in everyday language and so it is not offensive. It’s clear, the guys who insult the players are not delinquents as those that football has accustomed us to see, and who are not prosecuted. This does not mean that children should be taught the good manners and to behave in public, primarily by parents.

Ezio Glerean’s ideas to save Italian football

Are we  facing the Italian football perniciously contaminated ?
“We have become poor and we do not want to admit it. Many of my colleagues who also train in second division would like to go abroad tomorrow, because there is no future here . There are more samples , we are stuck with Totti and Del Piero and it’s a problem of education. In Spain they win so much because there are talents well behaved since the football school. Here, the schools are all to be rethought.”

That’s the problem, but the solution?
“Less campus paid for the ambitions of parents and more “ethical campus” where to teach children the fundamental rule: play for fun with the friends and not to be or become ” numbers “of this football grinder.”

Truce: did we arrived at the end?
“No, we can still hope if we decide to follow the direction of Cesare Prandelli. The head coach of the national team is the only one with his football, that first of all like to play, education and respect for rules, continues to hide the many flaws in our system.”

His philosophy, that perhaps no president would be willing to marry .
“One , yes, but sadly no more. It was Angelo Gabrielli , the president of my Citadella. I still have a dozen letters of this remarkable man and the most beautiful are those who wrote to me after the defeats. Someone will end up in the book I’m writing ( Mazzanti publisher) and so I hope that will make people think and read those officers and prosecutors who are ruining this game.”

You insists on the concept of “game”, maybe that is not the case you recommences coaching boys.

“If there is a serious and educational project I am willing to start over even the last step of amateurism. But first I would like to see a country where football is played at school. I would like to youth matches at the sun light and not matches in the spotlight or the frozen fields, only to show them that at 10 years they have already professionals. I would like to see everyone play on the same team: good and less good, rich and poor, healthy children and those with disabilities and to do it with a smile . Because what it’s missing above all things in this sport is the joy, the smile . “

But who can restore the smile to this generation.
“We need teachers, like those that I had. Gino Costenaro, who went to take us to school in his team at “oratorio” in Portogruaro. Then, from there, put me in the arms of Luisito Suarez who coached the young players of Genoa. Suarez came into the locker room with his elegant shoes tied on the shoulder and said to us: ” Do you see ? They are shiny and I clean them always me alone. It is for this reason that I came up to the Golden Ball.” If we teach these little things, as to take care themselves at own football shoes, then maybe these guys will still grow big dreams in the pitch, and perhaps also in life.”

(By Massimiliano Castellani, Avvenire.it)

The intensity of the personal ethic

“Dignity. Wonder if the meaning of this word will ever be able to make inroads in the sport of  epo damned” (Eugenio Capodacqua) that the  investigation of the French Senate Commission about the 1998 Tour de France  has revealed and among which there are also Marco Pantani (winner of that edition) and Mario Cipollini. I suggest that there cannot be dignity without the presence of a certain degree of personal morality intensity, that can be described as follows:

“A further psychological dimension that has emerged as relevant to explain the unlawful conduct concerns the moral development, the ability to recognize an ethical dilemma and to deal with ethical situations. The intensity of individual morality affect the four phases of the moral decision cycle: the recognition of the existence of a moral problem, the moral judgment, the moral actions and act following these intentions. These phases interact well with the six dimensions that constitute the moral intensity:

  1. relevance of the results – refers to the sum of the benefits from having completed the actions;
  2. social consensus – refers to the extension of the acceptance regarding the ethic of the behaviors;
  3. the probability – refers to what percentage is considered conceivable that the consequences have a positive effect;
  4. temporal immediacy – is the amount of time that elapses between the end of the action and the beginning of the consequences;
  5. proximity – defines to what extent, who will use the impact may become identified as the beneficiary or victim;
  6. concentration effect – refers to the number of persons affected by the results obtained. “

The new scandals on doping in track and field

Business and track and field are the same rules: it’s not only sufficient to be the fastest, you need to have ethic behaviors. The last doping cases teach us, read more on http://huff.to/12VdYSC

We are an impersonal society: individual without self-awareness and relation with collectivity

We are a country  with many trouble and once again Censis highlighted some of the main flaws:

  1. 31% of parents play every day at video games for more than two hours.
  2. Not more than 20% of Italians have the minimum skills to guide and resolve, through the appropriate use of the Italian language, complex situations and problems of everyday life.
  3. We are third in the world for number of interventions in aesthetic medicine and surgery in relation to population. In 2012 in Italy the interventions of aesthetic medicine increased by 24.5%. There are 900 centers for the tattoos (cost varying from 40 to 2,000 Euros each). Every week in Italy open 4 new centers specializing in tattoos.
  4. Growing pessimism about the future and it is expected to further ethical degradation: 55% increase for the bribes, such as tax evasion (58.6%) and the practice of accepting dubious businesses (59.8%).
  5. Increase the consumption of psychotropic drugs: 16.2% of anti-depressive in 6 years.

Yesterday I wrote about the necessity to redefine the success concept, here it has been has already been redefined. Rather than the wisdom of the development of new skills,  they search fo a luck in the video games; the well-being is reached through the psychiatric drugs, tattoos and aesthtetic medicine/surgery; instead of the idea of ​​return/sharing, growing passivity and helplessness to the future and ethics; the desire to wonder gives way to an  impersonal lifestyle, copy of that one told through the lives of celebrity gossip.

The football moral corruption

Il GIP sostiene che “L’insieme degli atti di indagine – si pensi solo al numero dei giocatori e delle partite coinvolte e all’esistenza di accordi non solo tra singoli giocatori ma addirittura tra intere squadre – testimonia che l’inquinamento etico del mondo dei calciatori e forse anche di alcuni dirigenti non è stato episodico ma diffuso e culturalmente accettato in spregio ai principi di lealtà sportiva nei confronti dei tifosi innanzitutto”. Dall’analisi di Salvini emerge chiaramente come ricondurre il fenomeno calcioscommesse all’operato di alcuni trafficanti stranieri sarebbe un grave errore. Il problema è tutto interno al calcio italiano: “Non è sbagliato affermare che trafficanti come Ilievsky o gli ungheresi di Kenesei Zoltan, e i loro referenti asiatici, non abbiano introdotto il virus della corruzione in un ambiente pulito ma abbiano stimolato, fornito strumenti operativi e moltiplicato scelte di disonestà sportiva già mature: in sostanza abbiano seminato in un campo che era già dissodato e pronto ad accoglierli”. (Da www.repubblica.it)

“Emerge abbastanza chiaramente che gli individui che frodano sono persone psicologicamente “normali” che vivono in contesti organizzativi e sociali in cui l’orientamento al risultato è estremamente intenso. Queste condizioni tendono ad imporre modi di procedere in cui bisogna scegliere tra modi di agire legali o illegali, in questo ambiente gli individui sono immersi e sviluppano comportamenti in una direzione piuttosto che in un’altra in base alle decisioni che prenderanno. Si trovano, infatti, nella situazione di essere pressati tra un contesto che richiede risultati e le proprie convinzioni personali; da questa interazione nascono le loro scelte. Il clima etico permissivo che in questi anni si è diffuso nella società contribuisce ulteriormente a influenzare le scelte del mercato sportivo … e può alleggerire i sensi di colpa individuali che potrebbero generarsi in chi froda. Difatti spesso la questione etica è diventata subordinata alle scelte economiche o di prestazione lasciando … liberi di pensare in modo illegale … dato il clima etico permissivo, un’enfasi sugli obiettivi finanziari (con i premi commisurati al successo) e un’opportunità di agire in modo amorale o immorale, i fini possono rapidamente giustificare i mezzi, portando alla decisione di corrompere. Inoltre, la scarsa probabilità di sanzioni formali da parte del governo e delle associazioni professionali spesso rende la corruzione economicamente ragionevole.
Ovviamente esistono anche altri fattori scatenanti la frode, che riguardano ad esempio l’incompetenza … o la dichiarata non accettazione delle leggi dello Stato ma la maggior parte delle frodi avviene per l’agire amorale di persone competenti, che trasformano atti illegali in routine stabili.” Da: A. Cei, I signori dei tranelli, FrancoAngeli Editore.

Bounties on football players

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Again about rules and football

L’etica nelle azioni si sviluppa attraverso la coscienziosità e il coraggio. La persona coscienziosa ha senso di giustizia e di onestà e coniuga insieme l’impegno nel lavoro con il rispetto dei propri doveri etici, professionali e sociali. Il coraggio aiuta a gire anche nelle situazioni difficili altrimenti si rischierebbe di agire in modo etico solo nelle situazioni più semplici.

Finalmente si riconosce il valore l’etica nel calcio

Prandelli ha accettato il suggerimento di Giovannni Capuano di regalare a Giovanni Farina una giornata in nazionale. E’ un eroe dei nostri giorni che ha rifiutato 200.000 euro per truccare la partita tra la squadra il Gubbio e il Cesena. Persone con questo senso dell’etica non devono sentirsi isolate e questa è finalmente un’iniziativa piena di significato e pubblica. Per leggere la proposta di Giovanni Capuano vai a www.calcinfaccia.blogspot.com/2011/12/e-adesso-prandelli-regali-simone-un.html