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Is it possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled?

It is possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled. In fact, many people find great satisfaction and enjoyment in challenges that require their abilities and skills. Here are some reasons why this is possible:

  1. Sense of achievement - Overcoming a difficult challenge and completing a complex task can lead to a strong sense of achievement and personal pride. This sense of success can be very rewarding and enjoyable.
  2. Flow - People enjoy themselves more when they are in the so-called “flow state.” This state occurs when one is fully immersed in a challenging activity that requires skills and concentration. In this state, time seems to pass quickly, and one can experience a deep sense of pleasure.
  3. Competition - If you participate in a race or competition, the desire to win or improve can be very motivating and enjoyable. Competition can add an element of excitement and adrenaline to the experience.
  4. Personal growth - Facing difficult challenges can contribute to personal growth and the improvement of one’s skills. This sense of progress can be extremely gratifying and enjoyable.
  5. Passion and interest - When you are passionate and interested in what you are doing, even difficult challenges can be fun. Passion can fuel motivation and make the entire experience more rewarding.
  6. Social connection - Participating in a challenge or complex project with others can create a sense of community and social connection. Collaboration and sharing challenges can increase the enjoyment and satisfaction of the experience.
  7. Continuous learning - Facing difficult situations can result in continuous learning and the discovery of new skills. This learning process can be exciting and rewarding, as new knowledge and skills are acquired.
  8. Creativity - Solving complex problems often requires creative and innovative thinking. Finding unique and creative solutions can be a very enjoyable aspect of facing difficult challenges.
  9. Sense of purpose - Working on challenging and meaningful projects can give a sense of purpose and meaning to one’s activity. Knowing that you are contributing to something important can increase satisfaction and enjoyment in doing the work.
  10. Personal experience - Every difficult challenge is a unique personal experience. The process of overcoming these challenges can lead to precious memories and exciting adventures, which can be a source of fun and satisfaction when remembered later.

In summary, having fun while doing something difficult in which you are skilled can result from a combination of personal achievement, growth, social connection, continuous learning, and the discovery of new possibilities. These elements contribute to making the experience rewarding and fulfilling for many people.

However, it is important to note that not everyone finds it enjoyable to face difficult challenges. Some may feel stressed or anxious in such situations. The key is to find a balance between the challenge and personal competence so that you can fully enjoy the activity. Additionally, it’s important to manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way to ensure that the experience remains fun and satisfying.

Identifying and developing young potential talents

The Global Challenge
The ability to perform at a high level, make appropriate decisions in the required timeframe, without losing sight of the big picture and long-term goals are necessary and critical skills for today’s managers. According to The Economist, the most significant challenge companies face is identifying, selecting and developing individuals who can work successfully at the middle and senior management levels.

A daunting task
In relation to career and management development planning, firms often find it difficult to find individuals who have the skills required to deliver absolute value under the pressures of today’s marketplace. This is attributable to two main reasons: 1. today’s levels of competitiveness require considerable commitment and dedication from managers, and 2. the skills required to excel in technical and professional roles are very different from those needed to succeed in senior management roles. Therefore, it is not easy to identify and coach individuals who are willing to become intensely involved in the work and who have the willingness and application skills to take on increasingly complex and decision-making roles.

Identifying Young Potential Talents
For the Italian business system, the identification of young potential talents represents a strategic objective to be pursued in order to compete successfully on the global market. The activity carried out in recent years with world-class athletes and leading companies has allowed me to build, in collaboration with Enhanced Performance Systems with Robert Nideffer, a system of identification of young talents based on the use of interviews, questionnaires and observations on the job. The concentration patterns and interpersonal skills required to fill specific roles at different levels of responsibility were thus detected.

Training Young Potential Talents
Having identified the individuals, it is a matter of formulating a course that promotes their skills and significantly reduces the most critical areas. It is the beginning of a real training that involves the achievement of certain professional and behavioral results to be cadenced in agreement with their direct managers. It is a work program organized on an annual basis, during which the young people involved will have to pursue the improvement goals they have set themselves, will be supported and confronted with the consultant who will follow them in this process and evaluated by their direct superiors.

The challenge for psychologists and coaches

As psychologists and coaches we will teach to develop in our athletes an open attitude towards mistakes if we are willing to accept that we may even fail in this task.

Are we willing to take this risk by getting 100% involved in this challenge?

Or do we just teach sports or psychological techniques convinced that they are enough to become good athletes and save ourselves from the  professional failure?

Win one football, give one football

With the “Win one football, give one football,” Coca-Cola has tried to link the soccer of the superstars to the social: the spark that created this link is represented by the football Brazuca, the same used during the World Cup in Brazil. 3.000 football will be given to Uisp sport clubs involved mainly in ethical and social projects. This colorful balloon was the protagonist of a great festival on the beach in Rimini, where it has been organized the “Challenge collective dribbling” among all participants.

Brazuca was donated at the first. Uisp-Italian Union of Sport for All along with Coca Cola are together to promote the ethical and social football. During the month of June, Coca-Cola has raffled off 50 footballs every day. Thanks to the “Win one football, give one football” to win every football Coca-Cola gave another to Uisp, non-profit association, for football projects with characteristics of ethical and social commitment.

“Uisp football is  passion and fun, not forgetting to look around – says Simone Pacciani,  Uisp vice-president  - this popular sport provides  opportunities of relationships and integration, each team is a small community of people who know each other and helps each other. Uisp football  is friendship and active lifestyle for all ages. Every weekend Uisp organized throughout Italy 10,000 football matches. A world of social cohesion that does not know no borders.”

Will to challenge

Domenica si corre la 40° edizione del Passatore, 100km di corsa da Firenze a Faenza su e giù per l’Appennino. Sono circa 1500 gli iscritti, molti dei quali hanno già più volte corso questa distanza. A parte quei pochi che gareggiano per la vittoria, i partecipanti sfidano se stessi piuttosto che gli avversari. Anzi la partenza rispetto alle altre gare su strada è molto più gioiosa e rilassata, perché è inutile spendere energia in una partenza nervosa quando si hanno davanti a sé 100 km da percorrere in un tempo che per + del 50% degli arrivati sarà superiore alle 13 ore. Matti o masochisti, nessuno dei due credo che sia una dimostrazione di quanto profondo sia nell’essere umano il bisogno di mettersi alla prova e di servirsi di se stessi in modo totale, fisico e mente lavorano insieme. E’ un’impresa estrema ma che non mette in pericolo la propria vita come invece succede nell’alpinismo o nelle traversate oceaniche. E’ la corsa non certo quella dei campioni, ma simile a quella che l’uomo e la donna hanno sempre fatto quotidianamente per migliaia di anni, sino a quando l’invenzione del motore ce ne ha privati, e allora abbiamo dovuto inventare le gare di corsa per simulare quella di una volta. Informazioni: www.100kmdelpassatore.it

Le difficoltà dell’Inter

Ranieri dice che con il CSKA l?inter è stata sfortunata e che i suoi ragazzi hanno mostrato carattere ma sono stati sfortunati. Non ho un commento su questa affermazione ma credo che i risultati ottenuti in campionato nonchè i punti in classifica, consentano di affermare che il problema non consiste certo nella sfortuna, anzi appellarsi al caso non aiuta a trovare la soluzione e non stimola la voglia a impegnarsi di più. Aldilà dei problemi tecnici di cui molti parlano e di cui non sono esperto voglio dire qualcosa sulle emozioni. Come sappiamo le emozioni positive o negative delle persone che ci stanno vicine sono contagiose. Abbiamo addirittura delle espressioni che usiamo per sottolineare l’importanza dehli altri su di noi. Diciamo infatti: “Quando lo vedo mi si allarga il cuore”, “Basta che apra bocca che mi va il sangue al cervello”, “Vederti mi rende felice”, “Mi si stringe il cuore a pensare a quello che gli è successo”, “Andiamo da lui che sa sempre cosa dirci”. Siamo influenzati dagli altri e a nostra volta li influenziamo. Perchè questo non deve avvenire anche all’interno di una squadra? Perchè non insegnare ai calciatori e all’allenatore a ridurre questo tipo di stress? Si potrebbe obiettare sostenendo che solo la vittoria sul campo può innescare un processo di riduzione dello stress: non è vero. Imparare a rilassarsi sarebbe invece un’ottimo sistema per diminuire in maniera significativa questa condizione mentale negativa e passare da un approccio allo stress inteso come minaccia, a viverlo in termini di sfida positiva in cui mostrare le proprie abilità come squadra.