Tag Archive for 'concentrazione'

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Assess your serve in tennis

The serve in tennis does not improve during the match, but whatever it’s your level of technical mastery of this act, it’s necessary for the implement to the highest level you’re capable of , regardless of the outcome of that moment. Remember:

When the ball went into the net or goes out, the error is obviously technical. So you say you ‘d have to hit it the ball in another way or the arm rather than your legs did not do the job right … all this is true but do not forget that the body does not move by itself  is ‘THE MIND  THAT LEADS, TELLING WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.

The error is always technical, but you should always ask yourself, ” How important is the mental component in this mistake I made in the serve?” And then you have to know how to reduce the error percentage, certainly the first answer that comes to say is:  ”I need to improve my technique.

To improve the mental approach to the serve you have to be aware of what are the psychological pitfalls that you fall down when you run this fundamental. To this end, I propose to answer a questionnaire in which you are asked how often you make mistakes more related on your mental attitude. No matter about your current technical limitations in the game you have to serve proving the quality of your action as well as now you possess, without being affected by the mental condition of the match- moment. If you use a mental approach also correct your technique will benefit from it and you can play in a more satisfactory way.


“How I cope with my serve”


Instructions: Please read each statement and indicate how often you behave in situations as outlined below with an X marking the number that best indicates what is true for you.

1 means never and 7 forever – All other numbers indicate intermediate levels

How often:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Never                  Always

  1. The quality of my serve during the match and training is the same.









  1. During the match when I serve I feel in a hurry or too slow









  1. I make errors because I am angry or down









  1. When I serve I am not focused?









  1. Before to serve I know that it will be bad









  1. I am too anxious to serve at my best and I don’t try to change this idea









  1. I serve because I want to get out fast from this situation









  1. I tell to myself that my serve is so bad









  1. When I feel to win the set, I start to serve bad








  1. When I shot the seond ball of the serve I don’t feel confident








First International Conference in Sport Psychology and Embodied Cognition
UAE University–Abu Dhabi Sports Council
24th-­‐27th February 2014,
Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE

This academic conference aims at exploring important points of connection between the empirical studies of sport psychology and the embodied approach to the cognitive sciences. It will offer a unique occasion of interdisciplinary collaboration, and foster opportunities of reciprocal learning between theoretical and applied sport scientists, exercise and performance psychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, psycholinguists, philosophers of mind, phenomenologists, and practitioners who work in the sport environment, including coaches, trainers, and athletes of various disciplines.

Embodied cognition theory offers the most suitable paradigm to pursue this integration and cross-disciplinary collaboration: successful sport psychologists recognize that the results and the models of embodied cognitive science can allow them develop more effective training methods; reciprocally, attentive cognitive scientists can’t overlook sport and exercise psychology, as this field is one of the richest terrains for empirical exploration, experimental discovery, and epistemological validation of models and theories. Cooperation between these two fields promises immediate and tangible benefits, as it allows proving the correctness of the theoretical models by testing how effectively they can improve the athletes’ performances; at the same time, it raises the value of sport science for cognitive science, proving how the empirical study of athletic performance can inspire and validate new explanatory models of sensorimotor capabilities, control, attention, memory, and language-action interfaces. Sports can provide invaluable insights for the sciences of mind, telling how skills are actually enacted and controlled, through the body, defining dynamic boundaries between mind and world.

I will be there with a keynote entitled “Improving concentration in football teams.”

The mental warm-up

Many athletes have no idea about the mental warm-up and think that it’s enough to heat only the body to be ready for training and the competitions. The mental warm-up guide the mind towards the main activities that the athlete will perform during the training session. It’s useful to activate the relationship between body, mind (cognitive and emotional processes) and motivation. When the athletes activate only the body, the risk is that they do not feel motivated to perform that workout or to begin without having reached the level of concentration needed to work effectively. It also allows to train the sense of responsibility of the athletes to get in each training session in the best physical and mental condition and it’s a way to prove to yourself that you want to be totally involved in what you will do in that day. A question that it should be asked is: ” How do I know that I am ready? And if not,  what I have to do to immediately change this attitude that prevents me”.

Roma and Napoli must stay cool

Roma and Napoli have an internal enemy that they must beat, this is the euphoria to be since a long time alone at the top and have won their first four matches, the last of which was particularly rich in meaning . For Roma it was the derby against Lazio, which is perhaps the most important match to play in the season and often in this city has the value of an entire season. Napoli has not won since the days of Maradona with AC Milan at the Giuseppe Meazza stadium, the Scala of football. Therefore, these two wins have certainly boosted the confidence of these teams in their capabilities. At this point it could be possible fall into the trap of euphoria, where everything seems to be positive and the team starts to play with lower concentration, especially the matches perceived as easier. If this happens it would be a serious error, that the two coaches should avoid. Games with teams that do not aspire to the top of the ranking should be addressed to the maximum of the commitment, because if the teams lose these points they cannot be recovered. They will then direct matches with the other best teams that will determine who will win the championship, but if they have lost points, any successes in direct confrontation does not allow to outdistance the other teams. Therefore, the mentally toughest games are those that appear more obvious. In this regard it’s necessary that the teams should remember that in football the goal is a rare event and that sometimes just a shot to do a goal, while other times 10 shots are not enough.

It’s possible to perform well and make trivial mistakes

A reader wrote  asking for a comment:

“on a tennis player Francesca Schiavone as she has a lot of potential and recently in many games when then she earns points she starts to make some rookie mistakes like double errors and direct mistakes. How is this possible?”

I do not follow the matches of Francesca Schiavone and then I have no idea of how many are in percentage terms this kind of errors and how they affect the result,  it’s any way possible to talk about these types of errors.

Physical problems – the courts requires optimal physical condition otherwise it’s difficult to maintain the quality of the game. It’s possible to play well some games and then make mistakes even trivial because the body “takes a break” to recovery.

Concentration problems – The concentration is another aspect whose presence must be constant during each game and it’s influenced by the physical shape. It’s also influenced by the thoughts and moods that the athlete develops after an error and therefore it interferes with the ability to refocus on the next game.

Toughness problems – A long sports career also wears the toughness. It is not easy to maintain an high desire to succeed.

The goal of the mental coaching in August

For most sports August is a month of the start of the preparation for the new season or the holiday period because it’s just finished. For all of these athletes should be a period of recovery from the fatigue of the past season or return to a acceptable shape level. From the point of view of mental coaching, the athletes should be directed to carry out activities that enable them to improve the management of stress in competitions. In this sense, it’s useful the daily practice of relaxation exercises (for all) and concentration exercises  (only for those who have already started the raining) in order to be ready for the new and challenging season.

Choose your mental coaching program

Tell your dreams. We will help you  to reach them


 CEI Consulting helps athletes to: 

  • Identify their specific concentration strengths and weaknesses with the most sophisticated performance enhancement assessment system.
  • Be aware of their performance profile with a 360° assessment program (technical, mental and physical).
  • Be aware of their skills when compared with those of the best athletes in the world.
  • Develop coaching programs for improving and performing at their best.

CEI Consulting uses The Athlete’s Mental Edge, an exclusive performance enhancement system used by Olympic and championship-level athletes worldwide. It is a distillation of 30 years of research made in USA and Canada, Europe and Australia and hands on consulting with many of the world’s greatest athletes.

CEI Consulting is an assessment and coaching program including:

  1. Your goals 
  • How establish goals
  • Which commitment show the tough athletes
  • The correct mental habit during the coaching sessions
  • The focus: on the performance and not on the results
  • The athletes’ main mental mistakes 
  1. The stress management 
  • What is relaxation
  • Strategies of optimal activation pre-event
  • How to learn relaxation and reach the right activation
  • When/how to use them during the competition 
  1. The concentration 
  • Which kind of focus you need
  • Strength and weakness points of each athlete
  • The focus during the performance
  • Exercises to be focused during the coaching 
  1. Which are your fears 
  • Are you worried about what?
  • Are you ready to perform, to do your best?
  • Is the fear useful?
  • How to manage the fear 
  1. Planning the competition 
  • How to stay in your individual zone of optimal activation
  • One hour before the events: what to do
  • Your thoughts and feelings before the beginning and during the event
  • What to do during the competition days
Contact for further information: info@ceiconsulting.it

The main role played by the attitude (2)

Have the “right” attitude means being totally focused only on what should be done to provide the best performance of which we are able. Just before the start of the competition and during its course, the athlete should be focused on making at the best her work. The training and the past performances must should be taught to manage the distractions, in order to react to them almost unconsciously. In those moments every kind of thinking is immediately classified as useful or useless to do well. The first is maintained and allows to remain focused on performance, while the latter must be eliminated. In this way the athlete is in control of his performance, he lives only in the present and is able to respond quickly to what happens in the competition.

Refocus after one mistake

Many athletes stay focused for a long time, but when they make one mistake it becomes difficult to re-focus themselves on what they have to do. This happens in all sports. I wish to whom is starting a new competitive season to conduct workouts that have the aim of improving this ability to refocus after an error.