Tag Archive for 'Recupero'

The training characteristics

The factors that make up training.

  1. Duration - you need to practice for a long time in order for your body and mind to adapt effectively to the effort to do.
  2. Intensity - it reveals the desire to tackle challenging tasks and react immediately to mistakes.
  3. Frequency - you must repeat, repeat, repeat and then repeat again. For how long? Long enough.
  4. Recovery - you must know how to rest physically and mentally. You can’t just spend.
  5. Thinking - you must think to evaluate the work being done. To learn to appreciate yourself, be grateful to those who teach you.                          Understand how you can do better next time.

The mental fatigue in football

Overload from mental fatigue is a cost that athletes must learn to manage for staying at the top. The most successful athletes at the end of the Olympics will take a long rest period to eliminate the stress and to recharge their motivation for the future engagements. In the individual sports choices such as Federica Pellegrini did, to dedicate a season to do lower-intensity activity are common in athletes at international level, because mentally you cannot live each year with the hassle of having to prove that you are always the best. Tiger Woods himself spent three years to recover from this crisis, in which it was stuck and go back to being number 1. Three years are the equivalent of 1,000 days when he lost many, many more times than winning . In team sports, take a rest period is not possible. The strong teams are organized every year to achieve the highest possible goal, in football it’s reflected in winning the championship or at least get in the Champions League. Juventus players are in this state of mind, they are tired and so far have not been able to enter in the field with the attitude needed to win . They have made up for with the skills and with the quality of some players, but it’s not enough. It would take clones of Pirlo and his mates but it’s fantasy and the new one are not necessarily best of theothers. Juventus must, however, reduce the level of fatigue and mental stress to find again that motivation to the effort and sacrifice in training and match, which are behind the successes of the two previous years. Certainly a sport psychologist who could help them to relax and recharge would be helpful.

The goal of the mental coaching in August

For most sports August is a month of the start of the preparation for the new season or the holiday period because it’s just finished. For all of these athletes should be a period of recovery from the fatigue of the past season or return to a acceptable shape level. From the point of view of mental coaching, the athletes should be directed to carry out activities that enable them to improve the management of stress in competitions. In this sense, it’s useful the daily practice of relaxation exercises (for all) and concentration exercises  (only for those who have already started the raining) in order to be ready for the new and challenging season.

Recovery is a key factor to win

In team sports, players compete a lot, often too many matches, and travel frequently. This happens to the European teams in the different team sports as well as for American teams who often play every three days. This is what comes out from the first day of the “International Week of Sport Psychology” held in Paris at the INSEP. To manage this situation the mental and physical recovery must become a priority, in order not to have players on the pitch tired or absent. It is therefore important that the teams are able to acquire those psychological techniques permitting them to turn off the mind from the game and recover through the use of relaxation techniques. Very few teams in the professional world has created an environment in their sports center, the mind room, where players can play this activity to mental recovery. It’s important that managers and coaches improve their awareness of this need and do not think that the solution is only to have more players so as to be able to maintain an effective turnover.

The new calmness of Federica Pellegrini

The story of Federica Pellegrini  shows that even one of the most talented and successful athlete,  needs at some point in her career a period of recovery after years of very intense work. She has not taken a year off but she has reduced the competitive commitments, the training hours and she is dedicated to a different swimming specialty. The example of Federica Pellegrini is true for everyone, not just for the athletes to the Olympic level. It teaches us that recovery is part of the sport career that you can not put stress on for years without having a recovery period. You can not always push hard, because in the long run this attitude leads to drop out and loss of serenity. You have to desire to train and to sacrifice yourself and to feel joy in being tired, when it becomes a burden you have to stop or reduce the commitment. This is also important for amateur athletes, who must not win anything but too often they consume themselves without ever taking a moment’s rest. We must never forget that the recovery is part of the workout.

Three days to recovery the stress of the match

Il calendario del campionato europeo di calcio rispetta la regola dei tre giorni di riposo tra una partita e l’altra. Questo è il tempo necessario ai calciatori per recuperare la fatica della partita. Sono risultati che emergono dall’analisi dei match della scorsa stagione effettuata dall’allenatore olandese Raymond Verheijen, che ha studiato questo fenomeno in sette paesi per 10 stagioni. Con un recupero più breve la maggior parte delle squadre segna meno reti, ne subisce di più, perde più partite e s’incrementa la probabilità d’infortunio. Solo il campionato portoghese ha preso in considerazione la questione e ha spostato le partite al venerdì e al lunedì. A conferma della validità di questa scelta, le squadre portoghesi sono le uniche in Europa a non avere subito questo tipo di difficoltà.

L’importanza del recupero nello sport

Per molti atleti questo è un periodo dell’anno in cui devono recuperare dalle gare (è il caso della pallavoliste che hanno appena vinto il mondiale juniores o dei nuotatori). Il riposo è una fase decisiva della vita sportiva di un giovane, tanto quanto lo è l’allenamento. Diciamo che abbiamo “staccato la mente” al ritorno da una vacanza in cui ci siamo veramente riposati o viceversa “quest’anno non ho proprio staccato.” Maggiori sono gli impegni agonistici, maggiore è la necessità di riposo. Bisogna sapersi gestire anche in questa fase dell’anno, evitare di rinunciare a riposarsi perchè si hanno solo pochi giorni e non tutto il tempo che si vorrebbe. Riposarsi, un fatto tanto banale a cui spesso si rinuncia perchè non se ne ha il tempo. E invece no! Anche questo è parte del successo.