Tag Archive for 'Treviso'

The movement to fit every child

It has been opened in Rome today one playground for children from 0 to 6 years that allows them to move, reach out and try games that are suitable for each children. It’s in fact organized on different themes each of which is adapted to the age of the child. It’s a good news the opening of this thematic  park, it means that we  are starting to spread the culture of the movement proper to everyone. The importance of the child growth from the very beginning, its sensory-motor development  combined with proper nutrition, and the opportunity to integrate with the others: these are the foundations of the new frontier of social responsibility plotted by Laboratory 0246, Association of Social Promotion who was born in Treviso (Italy), from the strong experience within sport and social environments by Verde Sport, a company operating in the sports branch for the Benetton Group, who has decided to focus its attention on children from 0 to 6 years of age, and their families.
