Tag Archive for 'atleta'

Master athlete secrets

More and more people over35 continue to play sports at a competitive level and this article published by the Canadian organization that deals with sports and physical activity proposes how coaches should behave with this type of athletes.

The training of masters is a relatively new topic, which has caught medical experts and physiologists off guard because, thinking in the traditional way, they have reached an age in which it is no longer possible to provide absolute level performance. These limits are scientifically demonstrated but the relevant question seems to me to be another.
What are the limits that masters who play sports in a competitive way can reach is not so clear, we know much better the damage caused by sedentariness. It would be interesting to know more about the relationship between genetics, psychology, medicine and physiology. Also to know better the numbers would be useful. If I think of people my age, that is, over 65, we know that in Italy only 10% of men and 8% of women practice sports continuously and that 5% of marathon runners fall into this age group. However, we do not know how many are those who train regularly weekly in a specific sport rather than those who walk. We know that an activity carried out in a balanced way, not wearing out the body is desirable, but what is the difference between these people and those who instead perform competitive activities. Does the secret lie in lifestyle or in genetics, in the wear and tear to which they subjected themselves in previous decades? These are the questions to which we can give answers, in my opinion for now generic or based on social stereotypes.

In the meantime, let’s read this Canadian research that opens a glimpse into the training of masters and the skills of coaches.

Courses to understand the athlete development

Long Term Athlete Development promotes sport professional culture and science in sport experts (coach, psychologist, physician, manager).


How much a medal really is worth

The athlete development is a long term process

How many of us know that these are the phases of the athlete development from the very beginning to the adolescence, the years of the athlete activity and the retirement.

What do you want for you? 4 questions to know it

Three questions are important for those who want to get the best from themselves.

  • What have I done so far to get the best of me?
  • What am I willing to do to improve the most?
  • What do I want to do tomorrow to start to do my best?
  • What frustrations am I willing to accept?

These questions are important for everyone. If you are a coach are useful to know you better and to guide you in the profession. If you are an athlete are helpful to take your life in your hands and decide if you want to succeed and how much you want to challenge you to get it. If you are a professional (psychologist, doctor, physiotherapist, manager) are useful to know what the sport represents for you; a hobby or an essential part of self-realization as a person and how much you’re willing to live in a state of continuous improvement.

Goals of psychological counseling

Main goals of psychological counseling in top sport

  • Development/improvement psychological skills athletes for competition
  • Athlete psychological assessment
  • Counseling for coaches on specific issues of interest to them
  • Solutions to athletes’ problems that coaches do not know how to cope
  • Collaboration in the management of the group outside training
  • Support to athletes and coaches during the competition
  • Competition stress management for athletes, coaches and staff
  • Improving well-being and life outside sport
  • Injuries management

Assess your self-esteem as athlete


Psychological dimensions of the athlete’s self-confidence How do I assess myself What level I want to achieve
Mastering the sport technique
Show this mastery in competition
Being mentally prepared
Feeling to be fit
Being supported by own social  context
Feeling driven by the coach
Feeling at ease in any competition environment
Learn from own bad performances
TOTAL (minimum: 40, maximum: 80)



How are self-confident as athlete?

Instructions for the assessment. Read each sentence and give an assessment from 5 to 10.  First, fill the column “How do I assess myself.” Second, fill the other one “What level I want to achieve.” Meaning of the score: 5=insufficient skill, 6=nearly sufficient skill, 7=sufficient skill and errors caused by stress during competition, 8=good skill during the majority of the competing situations, 9=skill at the optimal level, 10=excellent skill.

Interpretation  of the final score.  If you have a score between 50-60 means that you think to be an athlete of medium level, you are able to show your skills in most of the not very stressful situation, increasing the mistakes when the pressures become higher. Score below at 46 shows a reduced self-confidence as athlete and at the contrary superior at 83 an high level of self-esteem as athlete. If there is a significant discrepancy between how you assess yourself at this moment and how you want to be, you will find benefit to be involved in a program of mental coaching.


Story about the paralympic athlete Sophia Warner

Paralympic Sprinter Sophia Warner

Read on The Guardian the story of Sophia Warner Paralympic sprinter

Be confident under pressure

The athletes often do not understand that emotions are an integral part of their job and when they feel to be fit do not understand that there is another step: be fit under pressure. This is the difference between a good athlete and a champion.

The relationship between coach and athlete: is that all to win?

In Italy there is still a craftsmanship conception of high-level sport particularly true in individual sports. In most cases, the development and success of an athlete is based on a deep collaborative relationship with his/her coach. It is not uncommon that the coach is the husband of the athlete or the parent (father/mother). It’s obvious that this system is subject to all interference that are typical of the dual relationships. The psychological components of each of these relationships have unbelievable significance, because the training is to build situations with predetermined levels of stress that the athlete must successfully deal to improve in his/her performances. In this context, the coaches have a reduced exchange of ideas and discussion with other colleagues and the use of innovations produced by the sports science depends only on their curiosity and desire to upgrade. The limitation of this approach lies not only in the limited use of the contributions of science by the coaches but also the failure of researchers to listen and understand what are the needs and demands of the coaches. In other words, there is need to talk together, to share ideas, to criticize each other in a constructive way and to build work plans based on collaboration.