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Individuals or medal machines

The new doping scandal in athletics and the doubt that the next winner of the Tour de France is doped represent facts and questions that lead to the sport destruction. We enthusiasts look “our” athletes, for a moment we their best fans but then we wonder if what we look at is true or if we are looking at the crooks. Maybe that’s why we’re so excited about the London Paralympics, because we cannot imagine the possibility that they are doped. What to do? Argue that we must abolish the fight against doping as some say? Of course not! A first answer might be not to leave alone the young who are into sports, alone with coaches, parents, doctors or managers who can convince them to make wrong choices. I would like to talk to these young people and tell them to talk about this big problem and what are the reasons why you may fall into this trap and what they need to be convinced that they can win without getting hurt. We have to talk and talk and talk without ever leaving alone them with their own ghosts and with the suggestions of the dishonest people. I am convinced that no organization of the sport has never acted in this way, because for them it is only important to say doping is bad for health and it is persecuted by law. But no one is interested to the fears and ghosts of  these young people. We continue with this  biological vision of the athlete but we cannot hide ourselves behind the “I told you.”