Monthly Archive for May, 2013

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The rugby mindset

Life is good. Said the Italian rugby player Lo Cicero when he left this sport. Others have not been able to say goodbye to rugby till now. Players like O’Driscoll and Wilkinson,  rugby legends, they had all from this sport and they did all for it, and they continue to stay on the field for another year. About the mind of the rugby players read more on:

Mental rehearsal in tennis

Looking at the qualifying matches for the Italian International Tennis Tournament in Roma that began today is immediately apparent the poor of mental education of the young tennis players in the game. The routine between the games is often absent, you can see that the layer never usu the mental repetition of the service before its execution, often they do not even the same number of bounces with the ball before serving. In this sense, I can say that they do not follow any kind of  mental training program but even they do not serve in a adequate state of mental readiness. I hope I was not too bad but if they keep doing it this way they cannot go very far in the tennis career.

The Juventus characteristics

Gianni Mura wrote today that work, humility, sacrifice and sweat were the Juventus’ characteristics, to win the championship for the second consecutive season. He’s right, in fact, there are no special secrets to know what to do to win. As a psychologist I know that concentration, fighting spirit, toughness and sense of group are the psychological dimensions that it needs to develop and maintain. And this happens only when the issues highlighted by Mura are a daily part of the commitment of the players as individuals and as a group. This approach explains why for a coach is not enough to be a good technician but he must also be the commander in chief, who teaches the team to compete to win; to enter in the field with a willingness to fight imposing its mentality to the opponents.

Bikes and again bikes

Hungarian cyclists rise their bikes during an environment friendly demonstration. The protest ride was organized in order to promote cycling, one of the most environment-friendly forms of traveling, and to raise awareness about the need to improve cycling conditions in the city.

The city for human beings

Pedoni + pendolari + ciclisti: a Milano il corteo della Mobilità Nuova

The meeting for the participants in the national event “Italy will change road”, sponsored by the Network #MobilitàNuova, is today in Milan at 14:30 in front of the Central Station: there will meet urban cyclists, pedestrians and commuters to invade peacefully (and zero impact) the streets of the city center walking and cycling until to reach Piazza del Duomo. The start of the parade is scheduled at 15. The initiative – supported by over 150 organizations, movements and national and local committees  has been promoted by #Salvaiciclisti and its campaign of  a year asking for “city on a bike” safer for those who ride and pedestrians in urban areas.

What we teach us the shooting champion Giovanni Pellielo

Giovanni Pellielo, Italian, 25 years of shooting, he won three world championships in Olympic trap and three Olympic medals to mention only the most important results. With this story he could have quit and started another career, becoming the personal coach of some young talent on which to use his competences. But he has not chosen this path. At London he has not entered into the final, certainly his performance was positive with 121 plates hit on 125 but needless to enter into the final. In the rarefied world of the shooting champions started to diffuse the idea that Pellielo was over, others were now the winners. Pellielo, like Tiger Woods and Federica Pellegrini before him,  did not accept this idea and came back to get ready. The results, he won the first major national competition with 124 on 125 targets and at the next session of the World Cup he improved of 1 more target, with the score 125 of 125 taken: world record. Now he can feel comfortable that no one thinks he is finished. Toughness, confidence and pride. Nobody becomes champion for nothing!

Balotelli, the respect and the referees

Article by Paolo Casarin, former Fifa referees, published on Corriere delle Sera, April 30.

Balotelli says “I take one hundred fouls per game, which does not come called, but as soon as I say something I am warned.” Balotelli speaks as a  solitary-man, rather he plays football together with 21 other players and the presence of a referee, at least. All are related too the game: Balotelli to score, the other team to stop him, the referee to see if everything is done in fairness. Mario makes technical errors, the defenders bring a lot of strength, the referee judges not always accurately, but in First Division the errors are significantly lower than the well-made things, from all three. Football is a physical work group, a contest between two teams, when they are of high level, end up beating each other, within the limits of healthy competition, with each other. The duels are measured with respect for others, ready to close the confront with a handshake. “Next time do more attention,” I’ve heard a thousand times between them. The big players have no need of the referee, except to ask how much is remaining. The players competing for the first newspaper pages, first of all, must know the game of opponents, study their moves and try to overcome them. In fairness, without falling to the ground by a gust of wind. With this behavior increases the estimate between samples and aspiring champions, looking right at the “card player” with admiration, even if it is the opponent. For this exchange the shirt at the end. Mario also said that the referees do not speak with him, during the game: they prefer to avoid it and deny it, therefore, any dialogue. Balotelli has the right to be heard, like everyone else: let us remember, however, that the big players cultivate the relationship with the referee with measuring solidarity with almost no waiting.

I like this article for the idea of ​​respect and solidarity without expectations that a player must have with the referee. Balotelli will make a leap forward in her psychological maturity when you do not feel more isolated or discriminated against but as a part of the game that requires the presence of 22 players and the referee to be able to play a game. All are bound to all and respect and solidarity without expectations are necessary because the meeting does not turn into a fight.