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Webinar experiences in Italy

On December we held 1 national and 2 international webinars on the theme: “Mental aspects of sport coaching.”

Alberto Cei: “It was a different experience from the one-hour lecture to an audience physically present in a hall. The webinar also motivate the speaker to maintain a fast pace in exposure and eliminate breaks and downtime, so you can convey more information than you would normally deliver when the action takes place in a hall.”

Emiliano Bernardi: “The webinar management needs two persons, because the speaker cannot maintain the contact with the participants. This is a new and effective way to talk about a subject, permitting to save time and money and allowing people from different geo-area to attend the event but in the comfort of their home or office.”

After 3 webinars we can say they represented a fantastic way to share knowledge and we also think that in the case of sport psychology the webinar could be used to create a community of people interested in this professional area. The comments we have received were positive and in 2015 these webinars will be followed by others on the issues more relevant for the athletes, coaches and sports professionals.

University master in Sport Psychology

It’s with great pleasure that I introduce the new initiative of Telematic University San Raffaele, Rome. It decided to open a University Master Degree in Sport Psychology in which I  will be the scientific director. It’s a unique experience in Italy, because the challenge facing us is to combine teaching with web, workshop in the classroom and a supervised internship in sports organizations. We are building the best that can be provided in the Italian sports science and certainly the internship will provide an opportunity for psychologists to know and learn from the world of sport. As you know I have dedicated my life to the affirmation and development in Italy of this discipline of psychology and I am honored that the Telematic University San Raffaele has agreed to take on this new challenge in an innovative field requiring  specific and competent professional skills.
The course is open to graduates in psychology. For admission, you must have to graduate in Psychology obtained in Italy or degree in Psychology.
The Master provides 1,500 hours of work by the student (60 credits), divided into online classes, workshops on-site, a supervised internship in institutions and sports organizations and the preparation of a final project work.
The internship, which lasts for four months, will be held in structures such as the FIGC Football Schools, sports clubs and other sports organizations on the national territory.
The work carried out during the internship will be presented in the Project work discussed at the end of the Master.
In order to participate in the Master, whose launch is scheduled for December 2014, you need to reach the pre-registration application no later than October 1 pv.
The registration fee amounts to € 2,500.00.
At the end of the course of study will be graduating from the Master’s Degree in “Sport Psychology” awarded by the Chancellor of the Telematic University San Raffaele, Rome.

For more information: masterpsicologiadellosport@unisanraffaele.gov.it


Book review: Le Mete dell’Allenatore

Le Mete dell’Allenatore

Flavia Sferragatta


Il libro di Flavia Sferragatta è particolarmente interessante per diverse ragioni. La prima delle quali è che permette di comprendere quali siano le implicazioni psicologiche del rugby. Chiunque voglia avvicinarsi alla conoscenza della componente mentale di questo sport, con questo libro, potrà sviluppare una conoscenza approfondita di questi aspetti. Un secondo pregio consiste nel trattarli dal punto di vista delle loro applicazioni professionali. In tal senso, allenatori e psicologi possono trovare descritti non solo gli atteggiamenti e le competenze psicologiche tipiche del rugby ma anche indicazioni operative “su cosa è meglio fare” in funzione degli obiettivi che s’intende perseguire. Un terzo aspetto centrale del libro risiede nelle molte citazioni di rugbisti e allenatori che permettono a Sferragatta di illustrare le tematiche psicologiche, con il risultato di fare emergere  in che misura allenatori e giocatori di alto livello sono assolutamente convinti del ruolo giocato dalla mente e di come le competenze interpersonali della squadra siano al centro delle prestazioni sul campo. Non ultimo aspetto positivo di questo libro è che si legge con facilità e piacere. Ciò non significa che i temi esposti siano semplici ma che l’autrice oltre a dimostrare un’approfondita conoscenza di questo sport e della psicologia ha saputo esporre il suo pensiero con chiarezza.

Coach psychological training

I’ve never organized training courses in the field of sport dedicated to improving the psychological skills of the coaches. Instead it’s  a bit of time I thought about it, because the psychological role played by coaches is of the great importance at all levels, from beginners to top athletes, from personal trainers to children coaches, from team sports to individual ones. Now that the competence profile of the coach cannot longer be based as it was in the past on an industrious “do your best” it’s necessary that technical knowledge is accompanied by a knowledge on how to manage individuals and groups. So here I gladly accepted the idea of the Center for Sport Psychology of Macerata to organize in Roma four days of sport psychology devoted to practical issues having as goal to increase the professional skills of sports coaches.

Each meeting one is organized on a main theme. The first “I coach” will address the issues of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence. How many problems arise because we do not feel understood, during this day we will talk about this and how to improve ourselves. The second day will focus on “Team”, be able to set team and individual goals, understand why some are joined together while others hate each others, and yet is it true that it is easier to lead a group of boys rather than a group of girls ? Can male coaches understand their female players? These are just some of the questions that this second meeting will provide guidance and practical solutions. The third day is dedicated to the “Training mental aspects” and it will be dealt with the psychological aspects of physical preparation. Are the routines  just a ritual or play a more complex function? Is it correct ask for more attention or is a phrase that means nothing? Is the imagery useful  only during competition or its practice is also useful in training? Can we talk about mental preparation for an exercise or not? The fourth day is instead focused on “Working in the youth program.” We will speak of course of the parents: are they a resource or just a problem? And then if the kids do not think like adults , because do we continue to train them as if they were ? And many other topics , including: which are the characteristics of the coach of the youth activity?

With this brief summary, I wanted to point out that the issues will be addressed by the professional side, because our aim is to provide an opportunity for critic reflection on their skills and an opportunity for professional improvement . These are our goals and what we will ask the participants is to be ready to interact in an active approach so as to make these days really special for all of us.

Main issue of coaches with their athletes are always the same

The problems faced by coaches around the world are the same. Another aspect, compared to twenty years ago, the coaches are more competent from psychological point of view; it’s therefore a major challenge for psychologists to be able to represent an added value for them. It is  now the more urgent that psychologists who wish to orient themselves professionally in sports are really qualified. On the other hand no one is going to a cardiologist when he needs an orthopedic surgeon, or a rocket scientist when he needs a civil engineer. The same must be true of the different specialties of psychology, otherwise if all just because are graduates may intervene in any situation without knowing the traits, needs and so on, maybe then it’s good to choose a motivator with a degree in political science to work with a team.

13° world congress of sport psychology

In few days will start the 13° World Congress of Sport Psychology in Beijing, around 1.000 participants will attend it. It’s the first time for Asia and probably for the next period the International Society of Sport Psychology will be lead by a Chinese president.

Learn from mistakes: teach it to coaches

How difficult is to learn from mistakes!  It’s the key to success but for many ie is instead a swamp in which to sink more and more under this weight. With ease we think “I should not make mistakes” instead of “What do I do to recover.” It ‘s true that many of us have learned as young  in this way, as they say you have thrown into the sea and those who have learned to swim went ahead, while the others perished. But how many boys/girls in this way have hated the sport, have become not confident toward themselves and probable talents are lost without having the opportunity to test themselves. The question is to understand if we want to continue in this way or if we want to train better trained the coaches from the point of view of their psychological and relational skills, only in a second time we can see who/how many are those athletes who, despite adequate psychological approach by the coaches, need to be oriented towards a recreational and non-competitive sport.

Psychology and track and field

Psychology and track and field read on: http://www.iocorro.net/autore/Alberto-Cei/39

The questions asked by the sport sciences students

A question that students of motor and sport sciences often ask me, is about the importance of subjectivity, that is, the relevance of the beliefs of athletes. They are accustomed to believe that what can not be measured with some scientific instrument is not true. When they speak of fatigue, for example, think that listening to the athlete is not useful because objectively the exercises he is doing cannot have tired him. Of course, this student mindset is  affected by the enormous influence that the medicine and physiology studies have on their academic training. Following this approach they give relevance to the technical proposal of the coaching sessions, underestimating the importance of knowing ow to manage the relationship with the athletes. For them it is enough to carry out a proper training in terms of workload or methodological progression but are less geared to handle the emotions and provide specific guidance on how to approach a task in a concentrated way.

The boxe Mith has 70 years old

Muhammad Ali compie 70 anni e piace ricordarlo con alcune sue frasi:
“Coe cosa è la boxe? Facile tanti uomini bianchi che urlano mentre guardano due uomini neri che si battono tra loro”
“E perchè dovrei andare a combatter i vietcong, non mi hanno fatto niente. Loro non mi hanno mai chiamato negro”
“Amo la boxe, mi ha dato molto, ma a volte mi ha anche fatto pensare a quanto gli esseri umani possono essere spietati l’uno contro l’altro”
“La mia strategia era cercare di comportarmi  il più scientificamente possibile nei miei combattimenti”
“Non volevo farmi male davvero e non volevo che nessun altro se ne facesse”
“Volevo danzare, tenermi lontano dai colpi dell’avversario e volevo usare il cervello tanto quanto i pugni”
“Cercavo di entrare nella testa del mio avversario e smontarlo psicologicamente. E’ stato cosi, in fondo, che vinsi contro Sonny  Liston e riconquistai il titolo combattendo con Gorge Foreman”