Tag Archive for 'webinar'

Mistakes: how to manage them

Mistakes are the main content of whatsapps that athletes send. Competitive performance revolves around this issue: how to make fewer mistakes?

It’s a hot topic in sports where, in theory, the perfection of the gesture is sought, from shooting sports to artistic gymnastics and diving to jumps and throws in athletics. However, the same is also true for opposition sports such as tennis or fencing where you win by a few extra points, sometimes just 1 or 2. What about sports where you score a lot of points such as volleyball and basketball but also soccer, where a goal is a rare occurrence, therefore, 1 in 90 minutes may be enough.

Mistakes are made and cannot be avoided but can be fatal.

Sports performance is given by what the athlete/team has done positively minus the mistakes.

How come athletes and coaches don’t put their souls in peace, starting from the knowledge that they will make mistakes?

We’ll talk about this during a free webinar dedicated to error management on Wednesday, September 29 from 7-8:30 p.m.

Tennis mental coaching

Il mental coaching nel Tennis

 Offerta di 2 Webinars di psicologia dello sport sul Tennis

La gestione degli errori nel Tennis

 Relatore: Alberto Cei

Data: 21 ottobre, ore 19.00-20.15

Durata: 75 minuti

Programma: Questo webinar è dedicato ai tennisti che sanno quanto è dura non spaccare la racchetta dopo l’ennesimo stupido errore e che vogliono migliorare il loro self-control proprio in questi momenti.

La forza di ogni tennista consiste nel giocare al meglio delle proprie capacità.Questo è ciò che conta:

  • Giocare come sai
  • Impegnarti al massimo su ogni palla

Solo alla fine della partita farai conti e si vedrà chi ha vinto. Pensare al risultato del set o del game serve solo ad aumentare il proprio stress agonistico e a perdere più punti ancora. “Il tennis lo ha inventato il diavolo” ha detto Adriano Panatta perché ti spinge in errore, a  pensare, ad esempio, che oggi giochi proprio bene e … di colpo cominci a sbagliare; oppure che vuoi fargliela pagare al tuo avversario con quelle pallette che ti mette sempre lì … e così ti arrabbi e non ne prendi più nessuna. O ancora che vuoi tirare forte la prima, vuoi osare … e ti trovi ad avere difficoltà sulle seconde. Lo stesso ha detto la Pennetta dopo la vittoria con la Williams: “pensavo solo a correre e a buttare la palla dall’altra parte”.

Il webinar è rivolto ai tennisti, ai maestri di tennis, agli psicologi a tutti coloro che amano questo sport bellissimo e così difficile.

Partecipando si acquisiranno competenze su:

  • L’errore come parte integrante della partita
  • Accettare che vi sono momenti difficili in ogni partita
  • Conoscere se stessi: in quali situazione commetto più errori
  • Come valorizzare il momento positivo di gioco
  • Come uscire da un momento di gioco negativo
  • Strategie e tecniche psicologiche per aumentare il proprio self-control

Per corrispondere meglio alle vostre esigenze, inviate tre domande su questo tema a cui vorreste trovare una risposta durante il webinar vi risponderemo.

Riceverai una e-mail di conferma entro 24 ore.


La concentrazione nel tennis

Relatore: Alberto Cei

Data: 4 novembre, ore 19.00-20.15

Durata: 75 minuti

Programma: Questo webinar è dedicato ai tennisti che vogliono migliorare la loro concentrazione durante i game, riducendo i momenti di passività nel gioco e le azioni dettate solo dalla loro impulsività.

Per ogni tennista è necessario sapere riconoscere a cosa presta attenzione durante la partita. Pensa come giocare o a fare i punti? Pensa a correre e a buttare la palla dall’altra parte o pensa che il suo avversario è fortunato? Pensa che oggi è una giornata storta o ragiona, anche semplicemente ma ragiona. Tu che tennista sei?

Per essere concentrati durante gli scambi di gioco è necessario predisporsi a questo impegno durante le pause di gioco. E’ necessario possedere una routine stabile ed efficace che permetta al tennista di essere pronto nel momento del servizio o della risposta. Le pause più lunghe quando si è seduti rappresentano un altro momento importante per ridurre le tensioni mentali dannose, sostituendole con un atteggiamento che predispone al gioco. Verranno discusse le tecniche mentali che possono essere utilizzate in quei momenti per mantenere o ricostruire se necessario una condizione emotiva che valorizzi le proprie capacità di tennista.

Il webinar è rivolto ai tennisti, ai maestri di tennis, agli psicologi e a tutti coloro che amano questo sport bellissimo e così difficile.

Partecipando si acquisiranno competenze su:

  • Riconoscere a cosa si presta attenzione durante la partita
  • Coraggio, umiltà e tenacia sono abilità mentali decisive per restare concentrati sul gioco
  • Come predisporsi a essere attenti durante le pause tra i game
  • Come visualizzare le proprie azioni
  • Gli esercizi di mindfulness per restare concentrati sul presente

Per corrispondere meglio alle vostre esigenze, inviate tre domande su questo tema a cui vorreste trovare una risposta durante il webinar vi risponderemo.

Surveys of the webinar “The psychology of sport in soccer school”

It took place on May 19 the webinar  entitled “Psychology of sport in school football.”

The webinar  addressed psychological, pedagogical and relational aspects of soccer school. The main topics have regarded practical tools and methods of action to manage the soccer school and youth training.
Among the practical tools were discussed the modalities of mental training for children: relaxation, visualization, goal setting designed and adapted to these age. The choice of this tool is based on the assumption that starting to include the mental training techniques at this level then the young will be ready and able to commit to a higher level with the right attitude, in sports and in life.

It also addressed the following issues:

  • construction of a developing process linked to the psychological characteristics
  • analysis and decoding of group dynamics in the soccer school: team building and conflict management
  • effective communication strategies related to coaching exercises at the different age
  • develop talent and creativity through fun
  • rcommunication management in the soccer school

I report the results of the surveys submitted during the webinar.

First survey

Which are the tools of effective communication more difficult to use?

  • active listening               33%
  • effective feedback           67%
  • other                                  33%

Second survey

Which are the features that you consider important to develop the creativity of young athletes?

  • suspend criticism and feedback during training            33%
  • give to the students psychological freedom                     67%
  • create an environment where you enjoy working         100%

Third survey

Which mental training techniques you are applying with your athletes?

  • positive thinking      67%
  • goal setting                67%
  • imagery                       33%


(by Daniela Sepio)

How top runners motivate themselves

Some top marathoners seem to make greater use of awareness of the work done. Rethinking the training they’ve done and from these exeperiences come the confidence and motivation.

  • I think back to the work I have done previously, the fact that I worked well and then I should not be afraid to fail.
  • First of all, being aware that the difficult times occur every season and are always lurking. After that, I know how to do, that it’s to identify the mistakes, I assess them and I try to work hard to correct them.

For other the goal setting strategies are the basis of their experiences and skill to motivate themselves.

  • Definitely stands out in me the patience, precision and strong determination. If I set a goal there is nothing that can distract me from the work to achieve it. Maybe I’ve always had that ability, but then I also improved by the training and in general with experience. Among the people who have helped me to develop such features are first of all my mother but then also my coach and my husband, which in my case coincide.

For others, it seem to dominate more the emotional component in driving motivation.

  • I find the more emotional impulses thinking about how important and pleasant is to reach the goal. The goal achievement acts for me to greater motivator.
  • The positive moments give me the awareness hat I have the resources and abilities to do it, then, they represent moments to recharge myself and to point to the next goal.

Webinar experiences in Italy

On December we held 1 national and 2 international webinars on the theme: “Mental aspects of sport coaching.”

Alberto Cei: “It was a different experience from the one-hour lecture to an audience physically present in a hall. The webinar also motivate the speaker to maintain a fast pace in exposure and eliminate breaks and downtime, so you can convey more information than you would normally deliver when the action takes place in a hall.”

Emiliano Bernardi: “The webinar management needs two persons, because the speaker cannot maintain the contact with the participants. This is a new and effective way to talk about a subject, permitting to save time and money and allowing people from different geo-area to attend the event but in the comfort of their home or office.”

After 3 webinars we can say they represented a fantastic way to share knowledge and we also think that in the case of sport psychology the webinar could be used to create a community of people interested in this professional area. The comments we have received were positive and in 2015 these webinars will be followed by others on the issues more relevant for the athletes, coaches and sports professionals.

Comments to our first free webinar

Two days ago, along with Emiliano Bernardi we held our first webinar, in Italian, dedicated to the coaching mental aspects. It was a different experience from the one-hour lecture to an audience physically present in a hall. Meanwhile, there is a real countdown to 10 minutes punctuated by slides that tell what to do and how much time is left at the beginning … and then it begins. The webinar management needs two persons because the speaker can not maintain contact with the participants, as is required and in this case was made by Emiliano. It ‘a new and effective way to talk about a subject, permitting to save time and money and allowing people from different Regions to attend the event but in the comfort of their home. The webinar also forces the speaker to maintain a fast pace in exposure and eliminate breaks and downtime, so you can convey more information than you would normally deliver when the action takes place in a hall. In the case of sports psychology the webinar could be used to create a community of people interested in this knowledge and professional area. The commentswe have received were positive and this webinar will be followed by others on the issues more relavant for the athletes, coaches and sports professionals.