Tag Archive for 'motivatori'

The motivators are the forgers of mental coaching

The motivators and mental coaches without a degree in psychology are spreading in the sport as well as in business. They are people who are involved in these worlds by leveraging on the need for success. Winning is, today, the only thing that counts and too many athletes are duped by people who like change strategies based on the insults or make them walk on hot coals, as if it was an event needed to believe in himself. Unfortunately, some of these motivators are successful, because sport organizations (Olympic Committee, clubs and sport associations) do not do anything to help the athletes and coaches to choose. In fact, sometimes these organizations are glad to this autonomy of the athletes, because in this way they save money and they have not to face the problem of choosing a professional who should also to pay.

The starting point of this reflection came from an interview with the motivator of football player Bonucci (reported by a connoisseur of the sport and of the human soul which is Gianni Mura with the article “The garlic motivates Bonucci but the breath does not make the monk “in which he talked how he worked with him. Everything would be funny if it were not a joke but a counseling job. Of course, every individual can choose who he wants as a personal mentor or mental coach, but as psychologists we have the duty to assert that the individual improving goes through competent and qualified professionals and not by people who are appointed by themselves as motivators, mental coach or whatever just based on personal considerations. The profession of psychologist, as that of the doctor, lawyer or others is subject to strict rules and no one can exercise it without proper qualification. Not surprisingly those who have decided to do without these requirements have had to invent new words to be defined, and so  the term “motivator “and” mental coach ” were born. Anyone can be defined in this way, even the barman near our house and he will not be prosecuted by law.

It’s necessary that the Psychologist Roster as well as the Olympic Committee and sports federations are at the forefront of spreading a professionally correct  approach to mental coaching, otherwise the sports culture will be affected and only who will be more aggressive on the market will win.

Main issue of coaches with their athletes are always the same

The problems faced by coaches around the world are the same. Another aspect, compared to twenty years ago, the coaches are more competent from psychological point of view; it’s therefore a major challenge for psychologists to be able to represent an added value for them. It is  now the more urgent that psychologists who wish to orient themselves professionally in sports are really qualified. On the other hand no one is going to a cardiologist when he needs an orthopedic surgeon, or a rocket scientist when he needs a civil engineer. The same must be true of the different specialties of psychology, otherwise if all just because are graduates may intervene in any situation without knowing the traits, needs and so on, maybe then it’s good to choose a motivator with a degree in political science to work with a team.

Gli atleti hanno bisogno dell’allenatore

Talvolta nello sport di alto livello si fa strada l’idea che l’atleta forte quando va in gara e nei giorni precedenti la competizione ormai non ha più bisogno dell’allenatore perchè è pronto ed è l’atleta a quel punto che deve dimostrare il suo valore. Si pensa che l’aspetto psicologico dell’avvicinamento alla gara e la gestione della stessa sia un fatto privato, anzi è giunto il momento di dimostrare di “avere le palle”. La mia esperienza professionale è assolutamente di tipo opposto, proprio perchè possono fornire prestazioni eccezionali questi atleti hanno bisogno di una persona qualificata al loro fianco che sappia indirizzarli a vivere questa esperienza in maniera efficace e positiva. Ho in mente atleti che ti chiedono cosa devono fare o più semplicemente hanno voglia di parlare con qualcuno che li conosce e che è disponibile ad ascoltarli. Senza quest’ultima fase, che può essere svolta dall’allenatore o dallo psicologo, è invece possibile  buttare via  mesi o anni di preparazione per non averne apprezzato l’importanza. Ho davanti agli occhi atleti che prima della finale olimpica dicono che hanno la nausea e che non vogliono andare in campo o che tre ore prima ti dicono che non si ricordano cosa devono fare, o allenatori che si stupiscono di prestazioni insoddisfacenti senza però avere fatto nulla per prevenirle. Oggi che tutti si sentono dei motivatori o mental coach questa carenza è ancora più paradossale, ponendo in evidenza che ci vogliono delle competenze professionali per esserlo e che non basta solo appicicarsi addosso questa etichetta, senza capire che la gara è uno dei momenti fondamentali del consolidamento della conoscenza tra allenatore e atleta e tra psicologo e atleta.