Tag Archive for 'eccellenza'

The Olympics Games where the excellence appears

Talking about performance at the Olympics means, more often than at any other competition, talking about excellence. This term refers to rare, unusual, and difficult-to-repeat performances.

In an age of rampant narcissism, where many seek originality by disguising it as creativity and personal uniqueness, the Olympics confront us with the reality of truly exceptional performances that only a few manage to express in this competition involving the best athletes in the world.

I would like to focus on this idea: among all participants, just over 10% will win a medal, and of these, about 3% win gold. Excellence is a rarity, but in daily life, this term is almost always used for much inferior human performances.

It would be appropriate for the word excellent to be used in everyday life for activities and performances that truly are excellent, not just fairly good, good, or even very good.

Unfortunately, this will not be the case, as social media rewards those who manage to reach more people, thus popularity, rather than the content of the performance.

So let us be content with this event that occurs once every four years, which reorders the value of the quality of execution (the content) and not the popularity of the protagonists.

Which athlete I want to become

It is important and useful to ask the question: How good do I want to be?
It is not presumptuous to ask this question, it serves to set a goal and figure out how hard I need to work to achieve it.
For a young person it is not enough to have decided to pursue a career as an athlete.

The next question will be about which athlete I want to become.

  • The best in my city?
  • The best in my country?
  • An international level athlete?
  • The world champion?

If I don’t answer these questions how do I know if the sport path I am involved in is adequate to reach my goal?

To understand what kind of future I want, answer these questions below.

…I am motivated to excellence if I want to:

  • Do something difficult.
  • Feel energized.
  • Lead people or guide myself effectively, efficiently and ethically.
  • Go beyond obstacles and maintain high standards.
  • Excel for myself.
  • Increase awareness by observing my own successful experiences.

To learn more about how to achieve your goals and overcome difficulties write to me via this site.

Master per Allenatori in Tecniche di Ottimizzazione della Performance Sportiva

Nello sport si parla molto di come sviluppare le competenze psicologiche degli atleti. In questi ultimi 30 anni sono stati formulati programmi che prevedono l’apprendimento delle abilità mentali di base a partire dalla fine dell’infanzia, per poi giungere negli anni dell’adolescenza a piani di allenamento specifici per ogni disciplina sportiva e, infine, a programmi altamente personalizzati per gli atleti di livello assoluto. Un programma così diversificato non è stato invece proposto per chi ricopre la responsabilità di guidare i giovani attraverso queste fasi della loro vita sportiva: gli allenatori.

Le ricerche evidenziano che gli atleti vincenti richiedono allenatori che siano eccellenti, non solo per i programmi di allenamento che propongono ma come leader che li guidano con competenze tecnica e psicologica. Lo stesso sostengono allenatori come José Mourinho quando afferma che chi conosce solo di sport non sarà mai un allenatore di successo, o Jurgen Klopp quando dice che: “Bisogna servirsi della tattica con il cuore. La partita va vissuta intensamente altrimenti è noia”. O Pierluigi Pescosolido, Fiamme oro e allenatore di molti campioni del tiro a volo, con cui da molti anni ci confrontiamo per migliorare continuamente l’allenamento di questi atleti di livello assoluto parlando della gestione della loro vita, della concentrazione nei momenti decisivi, delle competizioni ma anche di come insegnare queste competenze ai giovani junior che si affacciano per la prima volta al mondo competitivo.

Emerge così con forza la rilevanza della dimensione psicologica del lavoro dell’allenatore a livello giovanile e assoluto. Sono queste le ragioni che mi hanno convinto ad accettare l’invito di Psicosport, l’organizzazione che da 28 anni realizza il più longevo e di successo Master in Psicologia dello Sport, a promuovere insieme a un gruppo di esperti un Master TOP per allenatori in Tecniche di Ottimizzazione della Performance Sportiva. L’obiettivo è duplice:

  • Migliorarne le competenze psicologiche in qualità di specialisti della Prestazione.
  • Ottimizzare le loro abilità nel supportare gli atleti a costruire un profilo vincente in ogni impegno della vita sportiva.
Il Master prevede tre moduli formativi:
  1. Auto-sviluppo - Sviluppare le risorse dell’allenatore e la sua comprensione psicologica degli sport.
  2. Eccellenza - Identificare le aree di miglioramento dell’allenatore e sviluppare un piano di azione personale.
  3. Leadership - Conoscere e applicare gli stili di leadership più efficaci.
E’ l’inizio di una nuova impresa. Chi desidera avere più informazioni può visitare il sito di Psicosport.

How much time do you spend to improve?

Aristotle said that “We are what we constantly do. Excellence therefore is not a single act but a habit.

Excellence is based on the habit of striving to improve with almost total dedication. Those who don’t understand that this is the way to go on a daily basis believe they can make up for it with the knowledge and skills they already possess.

As a professional – coach, doctor, psychologist, physical trainer – how much time do you spend for your continuous improvement?

The attentional assessment

Analyzing the reasons why even very expert individuals, such as athletes of top level do not achieve the goals they set or under stress do not provide the performances they are capable of, the relevance of the human factor takes over from the technical and professional factor.

What do the best managers and leaders have in common with elite athletes and special army corps?

The ability to pay attention, not to get distracted and stay focused on one task at a time.

So knowing how to organize your attention is one of the critical components of success.

From the analysis of the attentive dimensions and the characteristics of the decision making processes you get information about:

  1. Immediate perception of the environment - It shows how well an individual is able to understand what is happening or is going to happen in the working environment and to what extent he/she is aware of the moods of the people he/she comes into contact with.
  2. Ability to analyze and to have strategic thinking - It is highlighted how much an individual is considered able to organize his/her own activity and that of the collaborators, if the person assigns responsibilities to the collaborators and if he/she regularly and promptly verifies the results in progress and in the end.
  3. Ability to effectively pursue one’s own tasks - It is highlighted how much an individual is considered able to accurately pursue the objectives that have been set or that have been provided to him/her by the company, acting in the manner foreseen.
For further information write to the blog email.

Cristiano Ronaldo is like Michael Jordan

Alberto Cei spoke to the Juventusnews24 microphones and clarified some psychological aspects of the world of football, between victories and defeats, especially on the eve of the resumption of the Serie A championship in Italy, scheduled for 12 June.

Read the interview.

“Cristiano Ronaldo, the personification of success through constant work on the pitch and sacrifice in training. His ethic remembers the Kobe Bryant’s mindset, a global basketball and sports legend. Are they in the same sphere of competitiveness?”

“In my opinion, this is about the goal to want to excel. We often use the word excellence inappropriately: excellence is a rare thing, otherwise it would not be so. It’s a bit like when Arrigo Sacchi says that the football players he was looking for must have an extraordinary motivation. In my opinion those levels of professionalism, like that of Cristiano Ronaldo and many other champions, require that approach otherwise you’re not there, you can be a good professional but it’s different. We’ve all seen “The Last Dance” lately with the story of Michael Jordan: Cristiano Ronaldo seems very similar to me, obviously there are differences in people’s character but I think the mindset of who wins the Olympics, as I’ve seen in my experience, is very similar. In sports psychology, this attitude is called “positive perfectionism” and it is the search for everything that can bring us closer to perfection, which is something that obviously does not exist, but it is an effective attitude, because it is functional to the achievement of great goals, otherwise it would be a psychological disorder”.

What excellence is


10% Talent & 90% Perspiration

Risultati immagini per gladiator fighting movie

Just to remind those who have forgotten for a moment

The 10 secrets of the excellent performances

  1. Focus only on what you’re going to do.
  2. It’s easy but it’s difficult to be persistent, you must practice
  3. The focus is on the timing of the action and never on the technical issues
  4. The performance takes place in a natural and automatic, not analytical
  5. Delete mistakes returning each time with the mind to the timing of the next action
  6. Deep breath to reduce excessive pressure
  7. Pych-up to increase the useful tension to action
  8. Visualize the  performance to delete doubts and concerns
  9. Have fun and pleasure for what you are doing
  10. Use pauses to restore physical and mental energy for the next action

Excellence: between madness and ambition to overcome any limit

search for Excellence is a destructive Madness

if you are not willing to Be Happy for not reaching it.

it needs the Balance of Reason

because the Ambition to Overcome any Limit does not turn from excellent Prowess  in dangerous Excess.

The three gold rules to be excellents

In any type of performance what really matters is:

to know how to learn,

to know how to correct the mistakes


to practice these two principles every day incessantly