In this blog I want to talk for the first time directly about the master of sport psychology, organized by Psicosport, and of which from the next edition I became scientific manager. I accepted this role because I think that today in Italy we can do much more and better to give a perspective of professional work to those who are interested in doing this activity but also to those who have started to do it over the years but want to find more in-depth information. Finally, the master is also aimed at colleagues who have other specializations and are interested in understanding how they can use their skills in sport and in which areas they can enrich and update them.
Sport is a very wide and diversified field, it can concern the field of youth activities, team sports rather than individual sports, competitive sports and recreational sports and sports for all to say only a few among many aspects of sport. The master wants to make full use of this differentiation and provide knowledge and skills that relate to the different professional areas in which the sport psychologist could work. In this sense, it starts from the activities proposed by the sports market to get to the strategies and techniques to be acquired to be able to meet the needs of sports clubs.
A second central aspect of the master is represented by the internship that will involve psychologists at sports clubs that collaborate with psychosport. The internship will be supervised during the course of the master and the project work will cover the work done and the construction of a consulting project aimed at the sports club.
The internship and the knowledge of the activities required by the sport world to the psychologist represent the backbone of the master, on which will be grafted the learning and insights on strategies and techniques to start or continue a career as a sport psychologist. Consequently, the acquisition of technical skills will never be an end in itself but will be integrated with what needs to be done in the specific work contexts.