Monthly Archive for November, 2014

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When you do not like to win easy

Often the daily facts help more than words to explain concepts that otherwise seem just pretty words often too far  from the reality. The sport fairness, the desire to play and to give up to an easy victory, to prefer the values ​​of healthy sporting competition are all concepts that become tangible in the episode described below and published in the Italian newspaper “Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.” Here’s what  ithappened in Foggia, in the youth national football championship (14-16 years old).

“For many it does not matter how to win, the important thing is to win. This thought did not touch at all the ersmanag and players  of the National League Pro Soccer of Foggia team on sunday morning – on the pitch of Rocchetta Sant’Antonio, a small village in the Apennine Daunus – waiting for the arrival of the same age team – Ischia Green Island – to play the match … It was scheduled at 11am, but just few minutes from the kick-off  the team Ischia there was no there, until the call of the Ischia manager: “We have a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end by a landslide. The bus is stuck and we try to walk.” … they understood immediately that Ischia team by walking, it would never come on time. So instead of thinking about the game, they would have won without playing, the Foggia manager alerted the Police, the local branch of Civil Protection, and they started a procession of cars made ​​by the inhabitants of Rocchetta Sant’Antonio, parents of boys and also by the parents of the Ischia boys who had come regularly to the Ischia field. The aid has paid off . The boys arrived at the Ischia field half an hour after the scheduled start of the match, but just in time to play … The moral: win is nice, but only after playing , because winning without playing is as if I did not win” (from La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno).

(by Daniela Sepio)

Alex Del Piero: the smallest became the greatest

Alessandro Del Piero was interviewed by Federico Buffa for his 40 years.

He was asked what he thinks in the decisive moments and this is the answer: I trained a lot … Yes in that often I do not remember. When you’re more mentally free you can express yourself freely.

How do you want to be remembered: As a child he wanted to prove that the smallest could become the greatest and this is true even now.

Inspired by one small, pixelated photo of an unknown peak in Greenland, Lucas Debari made it his mission to plan the perfect expedition to this unidentified glacier. Mica to Greenland follows Lucas and Johnny Collinson as they prepare for the trip of a lifetime shredding powder in the backcountry of Mica, British Columbia, before joining Hilaree O’Neill and Ralph Backstrom in pursuit of Greenland’s most epic peaks.



Comments to our first free webinar

Two days ago, along with Emiliano Bernardi we held our first webinar, in Italian, dedicated to the coaching mental aspects. It was a different experience from the one-hour lecture to an audience physically present in a hall. Meanwhile, there is a real countdown to 10 minutes punctuated by slides that tell what to do and how much time is left at the beginning … and then it begins. The webinar management needs two persons because the speaker can not maintain contact with the participants, as is required and in this case was made by Emiliano. It ‘a new and effective way to talk about a subject, permitting to save time and money and allowing people from different Regions to attend the event but in the comfort of their home. The webinar also forces the speaker to maintain a fast pace in exposure and eliminate breaks and downtime, so you can convey more information than you would normally deliver when the action takes place in a hall. In the case of sports psychology the webinar could be used to create a community of people interested in this knowledge and professional area. The commentswe have received were positive and this webinar will be followed by others on the issues more relavant for the athletes, coaches and sports professionals.

Sport as a way of life in Europe

On 15 November in Florence, at the Palagio di Parte Guelfa, it will be held the Conference “Sport as a way of life in Europe,” an event sponsored by the National Agency for Youth. On this occasion the experts  all over the world and policy makers will discuss the issues related to the practice of sport in terms of promotion of healthy lifestyles. A tour that will visit medical and scientific issues, investigating the role of sport for the prevention and treatment of many diseases; town planning and architecture, with a focus on the redesign of the city according to the practice of outdoor sports and “zero kilometer”; legal and administrative probing new regulations, and comparing them with those of Europe, that promote the creation and management of sports organizations.

Information: National Youth Agency


What do you want for you? 4 questions to know it

Three questions are important for those who want to get the best from themselves.

  • What have I done so far to get the best of me?
  • What am I willing to do to improve the most?
  • What do I want to do tomorrow to start to do my best?
  • What frustrations am I willing to accept?

These questions are important for everyone. If you are a coach are useful to know you better and to guide you in the profession. If you are an athlete are helpful to take your life in your hands and decide if you want to succeed and how much you want to challenge you to get it. If you are a professional (psychologist, doctor, physiotherapist, manager) are useful to know what the sport represents for you; a hobby or an essential part of self-realization as a person and how much you’re willing to live in a state of continuous improvement.

Pygmalion Effect: the bias damage & trust benefits

A lot of coaches have children a little bit slower to learn than the others, perhaps less dynamics and less coordinated. How they are treated by the coach and teammates? He is given them the same opportunities of the others?
In psychology  have been carried out studies on what it’s called the “Pygmalion Effect” resulting from the reserches about the self-fulfilling prophecy. The underlying assumption of these studies is easily applicable to the field of sport learning: if the coach believes that a child is not able as the others, even unknowingly, he may be will coach him differently from the others; the child internalize the judgment and act accordingly; consequently establishing a vicious circle in which the child will tend over time to become just like her coach had imagined. In practical terms, we can say that often the lack of confidence in the ability of the children learning blocks the learning itself and pushes the children to satisfy their coach getting exactly what she expects, the prophecy comes true.

We can imagine the kind of result that this coach attitude may have on the children development.
Children motor development, but also their psychological development is constantly changing and a moment of stasis may be followed by others of fast change. The Pygmalion Effect when linked to a negative judgment binds the children progresses to the judgment of their teachers. This behavior is attributed to the fact that the children act the behavior elicited by the adult expectations: therefore low expectations solicitate low learning results.

If you accept the notion that acoach will face a clear idea of the athletes according to this pre-judgment, it’s easy to understand the relevance of the prophecies and positive expectations about the success of the children within their learning process. Coaches having positive expectations of their students can, in turn, create a  warmer socio-emotional climate around them, provide more feedback about the quality of their sessions, they seem to give more information and expect better results in addition to giving more opportunities for questions and answers. According to the Rosenthal’s observations, the teachers who believe they have good students in front of them smile more often, they make approval movements with the head, stopping over them looking longer in the eyes, they speak with a positive body language. They are more likely to praise and correct errors without taking a critical stance. “In essence, a professor who believes he has to do with gifted students teaches more and better” (Rosenthal, 1976).

Understanding the Pygmalion Effect in its negative and positive aspects allows us to understand the importance of the dynamic effect of trust in the development of the children full potential. Trust is a very important part in our lives, it’s a means by which we can enrich our lives and the lives of others. The lack of confidence, to the contrary, produces frustration and paralysis.

Trust is able to open up a world of endless possibilities.

(by Daniela Sepio)

Have you 15 minutes to change

Often an obstacle to change is represented by the conviction to have no sufficient time available to change. The athletes often answer in this way but also their coaches, who usually do not spend time for psychological preparation, because they think to  have already too many things to do. Once time to answer these objections I did long explanations about the importance of psychology and the efficient use of the mind. Then I found out that this answers had the only effect to reinforce the beliefs of my interlocutors, who continued to believe that they do not have time. At this point, I changed my approach. I started to respond by asking them if they had 15 minutes a day to devote to something else that was not the physical  and technical training. Of course they all said yes, and on the basis of this positive response was easier for me to explain how to organize a mental workout in that short period of time.

Shooting mental coach

I’m often asked how long I work with the shooting. In response, I want to show this photo of the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, we find: Albano Pera (silver double trap and current coach of the Italian trap team ) and Ennio Falco (skeet gold) and Andrea Benelli (bronze skeet and current coach Italian skeet team).