Tag Archive for 'competenza'

Is it possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled?

It is possible to have fun when doing something difficult in which one is skilled. In fact, many people find great satisfaction and enjoyment in challenges that require their abilities and skills. Here are some reasons why this is possible:

  1. Sense of achievement - Overcoming a difficult challenge and completing a complex task can lead to a strong sense of achievement and personal pride. This sense of success can be very rewarding and enjoyable.
  2. Flow - People enjoy themselves more when they are in the so-called “flow state.” This state occurs when one is fully immersed in a challenging activity that requires skills and concentration. In this state, time seems to pass quickly, and one can experience a deep sense of pleasure.
  3. Competition - If you participate in a race or competition, the desire to win or improve can be very motivating and enjoyable. Competition can add an element of excitement and adrenaline to the experience.
  4. Personal growth - Facing difficult challenges can contribute to personal growth and the improvement of one’s skills. This sense of progress can be extremely gratifying and enjoyable.
  5. Passion and interest - When you are passionate and interested in what you are doing, even difficult challenges can be fun. Passion can fuel motivation and make the entire experience more rewarding.
  6. Social connection - Participating in a challenge or complex project with others can create a sense of community and social connection. Collaboration and sharing challenges can increase the enjoyment and satisfaction of the experience.
  7. Continuous learning - Facing difficult situations can result in continuous learning and the discovery of new skills. This learning process can be exciting and rewarding, as new knowledge and skills are acquired.
  8. Creativity - Solving complex problems often requires creative and innovative thinking. Finding unique and creative solutions can be a very enjoyable aspect of facing difficult challenges.
  9. Sense of purpose - Working on challenging and meaningful projects can give a sense of purpose and meaning to one’s activity. Knowing that you are contributing to something important can increase satisfaction and enjoyment in doing the work.
  10. Personal experience - Every difficult challenge is a unique personal experience. The process of overcoming these challenges can lead to precious memories and exciting adventures, which can be a source of fun and satisfaction when remembered later.

In summary, having fun while doing something difficult in which you are skilled can result from a combination of personal achievement, growth, social connection, continuous learning, and the discovery of new possibilities. These elements contribute to making the experience rewarding and fulfilling for many people.

However, it is important to note that not everyone finds it enjoyable to face difficult challenges. Some may feel stressed or anxious in such situations. The key is to find a balance between the challenge and personal competence so that you can fully enjoy the activity. Additionally, it’s important to manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way to ensure that the experience remains fun and satisfying.

The competence motivation

To know what an individual’s conception of error is, we need to understand what is meant by competence motivation. It is an internal desire directed toward acquiring and exercising skills, whereby a child strives to develop basic motor patterns in order to respond adaptively to the demands of the environment. For an athlete, athletic learnings become a conscious way of evaluating oneself and one’s personal growth. Therefore, the concept of Self is shaped by these evaluations and those that relate to the other significant areas of learning in a young person’s life.

Based on these experiences, “motivation to succeed is fueled by assessment related to skill acquisition (learning goals) and skill validation (performance goals)” (Dweck and Molden, 2005, p.122). From an application point of view, it becomes necessary to understand the extent to which people use these two approaches and whether they give more importance to one over the other.

This way of reasoning depends on the conception one develops regarding one’s personal qualities. Does the individual consider them to be fixed or modifiable? For example, is intelligence a fixed trait? (“I either have it or I don’t.”) Or is it instead modifiable through learning? (“No matter the starting level, it can be modified through training.”). If one agrees with the first statement one uses the conception of the fixity of this quality, while if one agrees with the second statement one believes that skills can be improved through personal effort. The effects of this different approach are particularly evident in four areas: goals, commitment beliefs, explanation of difficulty, and effects on strategies (Dweck and Molden, 2005).

Ferrari: the team victory

Skill, aggressiveness and sharing. It was the winning mix of Ferrari and Vettel.

The team – In the last months, it was calm and focused on enhancing their skills. Vettel said: “We focused on what we had to do from time to time without looking around … especially in the last couple of months we were calm and we worked”.

The driver – Vettel was aggressive towards Hamilton, pressed him and he surrendered. Emanuela Audisio wrote that he followed the advice he gave his defenders Nereo Rocco (former Milan manager): “follow him even in the bathroom.”

The team and the driver - throughout this time Vettel and the crew never stop to talk together, they shared ideas and this common attitude. Vettel said: “happiness in particular. In Maranello people were happy to work together. With each other. There were no shortcuts, you had to work so hard, think so much about what you did; and you can make  all this sacrifice only if you are driven by passion, desire”



Expertise and fortune in backgammon

Backgammon is one of the oldest games and iy has originated more than 5,000 years ago in the current Iraq. Because of its ancient origin it’s easy to understand why they are been able to be born numerous legends about its authorship: Egypt, in the tomb of Tutankhamen were found tables with similar designs, Greece Sophocles recalling that during the Troy war the soldiers were playing to pass the time, the game is also mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey. Game widespread in all social castes expands across Europe and it still endures today in many parts of the world. Curious and unusual to see such as backgammon has evolved in the Western world, where he found space as a sophisticated game and passtime, while in the Middle East remains a popular game. And even today, in Italy, among the refugees or during their long waits at border points, we see people improvise games of backgammon.

A game of backgammon can be a metaphor of life as it needs both skill and luck. A bit like in football where it only takes one shot on goal to win a game, even if the team loses that had shown to be  the best. So although it’s a game which requires the application of a strategy requiring intuition and creativity, it’s a game based on the probability and not on certainty that by acting in a certain way you will win the game. Of course, the fortune must be found with the training, because it’s true that the best players can lose a game but, if they does not lose confidence, in a series of matches the expertise will reward them with the success over opponents.

Those who are curious and want to know the backgammon if located in Rome from 11 to 13 September can go to the Old Shooting Club, where it will be held the 11th Tournament Roma Open Backgammon with the participation of the world best players.

The young athlete’s motivation among fun, competitivity and skills

Coaches are strongly aware of the close interaction between motivation and learning. The motivation, however, is a theoretical concept that can not be directly observed and that can only be speculated on the basis of the behavior of athletes. In any case, the knowledge of the motivational processes is a crucial factor for every coach, who wants to teach effectively.

The most important reasons recognized by young athletes are related to:

  • competence (learn and improve their sports skills)
  • fun (excitement, challenge and action)
  • affiliation (being with friends and making new friends),
  • team (being part of a group or team)
  • compete (compete, succeed, win)
  • fitness (feeling fit or feel stronger)

Conversely, the main causes of the decrease in sport motivation or drop out are to be ascribed to a lack of fun, lack of success,  competition stress, lack of support from parents, misunderstandings with the coach, boredom and sport injuries.

In summary, these are the three main needs that the athlete wants to meet through the sport:

  •  fun- it satisfies the need for stimulation and excitement;
  • competence – it fulfills the need to acquire skills and to feel self-determined in the activities
  • being with others – it satisfies the need for affiliation with others and being in a group.

With reference to the need of stimulation it can be stated that:

  •  The success is built by calibrating the program to be carried out with the skills and the age of the athlete.
  • The training must be kept challenging and varied.
  • Each athlete must be active; do not let the athletes time to get bored.
  • During training the coach has to provide athletes with the opportunity to perform challenging exercises.
  • The coach must teach athletes to identify realistic goals.
  • During the training is useful to establish times when athletes practice without being evaluated by the coach.

Regarding the need for competence, it’s up to the coach to stimulate both the child and the expert not only to learn specific sport techniques but, also, to develop the desire to progress and curiosity about themselves and the environment in which they act.

At this regard, the coach has to remember that:

  • Specific goals, which are difficult and a challenge are more effective than specific targets but easy to reach, the goals defined in terms of the do-your-best and non-targets.
  • Athletes must have enough skills to reach their goals.
  • The goals are more effective when they are defined in terms of specific behavior than when they are defined in a vague manner.
  • The intermediate goals have to interact with the long-term goals.

As for the need to affiliation, it’s based on the need to belong to a group and to be accepted, establishing meaningful relationships. Satisfying the need for affiliation and self-esteem, the athletes experience greater confidence in themselves and more self-control. In fact every athlete and coach knows from experience that when there are communication problems between them it’s difficult to follow the training program that has been set.

The key points to satisfy the need for affiliation and self-esteem of the athletes can be summarized as follows:

  • Listen to the demands of athletes.
  • Understanding the needs expressed, orienting them within the annual program of training.
  • Determine the role of each athlete, setting realistic goals for each one.
  • Openly acknowledge the efforts made to collaborate on team goals.
  • Teach players to correct each other.
  • Provide technical instruction and encourage personal commitment.
  • Reduce the competitive stress  rewarding their commitment and reducing the importance attached to the result.

In other words, the coachs to develop in their athletes the sense of belonging to that particular group, must appear credible and consistent in their attitudes and behaviors. To be credible the coaches must be truthful with all their athletes: young and old, experienced and inexperienced. At this regards it’s necessary to:

  • Share with the athletes the technical program, highlighting their skills and areas for improvement.
  • Explain the reasons of techniques and strategies: so they will remember better.
  • Do not make promises, personally or indirectly, that they might not be able to maintain.
  • Answer questions with competence, honesty and sensitivity.
  • Avoid pronounce phrases which might affect the athletes’ sel-esteem (eg:”You’ll never part of the group of the best). As a guide the coaches has to ask themselves:” If I were an athlete, I would be told this by the coach? “

The heretic sport

The heretic sport regards the kind of performances that we will never see at the Olympics but that require a similar skill level and dedication. Watch this video.

How to motivate the athletes is an ever green topic for coaches

All coaches are  aware of the close interaction between motivation and learning. The motivation is, however, a theoretical concept that can not be directly observed and which can only be hypothesized on the basis of their behaviors. In any case, knowledge of the motivational processes is a crucial factor for any coach who wants to teach effectively.

The most important reasons recognized by young athletes are related to:

  • competence (learn and improve their sports skills)
  • fun (excitement, challenge and action)
  • affiliation (being with friends and making new friends)
  • team (being part of a group or team)
  • compete (compete, succeed, win)
  • fitness (feeling fit or feel stronger)

Conversely, the main causes of the decrease in motivation or drop out in sport are lack of fun, lack of success, competition stress, lack of support from parents, misunderstandings with the coach, boredom and injuries.

In summary these are the three main needs that the athlete wants to meet for half of the sport:

  1.  fun, satisfies the need for stimulation and excitement;
  2. demonstrate competence, it satisfies the need to acquire skills and to feel self-determined in the activities
  3. being with others, it satisfies the need for affiliation with others and being in a group.

With reference to the need of stimulation it can be stated that:

  1. The success is built by calibrating the program to be carried out with the skills and the age of the athlete.
  2. The training must be maintained challenging and varied.
  3. Each athlete must be active, do not let the athletes time to get bored.
  4. While exercising, you need to provide athletes with the opportunity to do challenging exercises.
  5. You have to teach athletes to identify realistic goals.
  6. During training is useful to establish times when athletes practice without being evaluated by the coach.

With regard to the need for competence, it is up to the coach to stimulate both the child and the player evolved not only to learn specific sports techniques, but also to develop the desire to progress and curiosity about themselves and the environment in which acting.

In this regard, the coach must remember that:

  1. Specific goals, which are difficult and challenging are more effective than specific targets but easy to reach or defined in terms of do-your-best.
  2. Athletes must have a sufficient number of skills to reach their goals.
  3. The objectives are most effective when they are defined in terms of  specific behavior than when they are defined in a vague way.
  4.  Must defined intermediate goals to interact with the long-term goals.

As for the need of affiliation it is based on the need to belong to a group and to be accepted, thus establishing with other team members in meaningful relationships. Satisfying the need for affiliation and esteem, the athlete experiences increase the confidence in himself and more control in respect of the situations. In fact every athlete and coach knows from experience that when there are communication problems between them is difficult to follow the training program that has been set.

The key points to meet the need for affiliation and esteem of the athletes can be summarized as follows:

  1. Listen to the demands of athletes.
  2. Understanding the needs expressed, directing them in the annual program of training.
  3. Establish the role of each athlete, setting realistic goals for each.
  4. Openly acknowledge the efforts made to collaborate on team goals.
  5. Teach players to be fair.
  6. Provide technical instruction and encourage personal commitment.
  7. Reduce the competitive stress, providing feedback about to to perform at the best of themselves and reducing the emphasis on results.

In other words, the coach must develop in his athletes the sense of belonging to that particular group, and he must appear credible and consistent in his attitudes and behaviors.

To be credible, we must be honest with all the athletes: young and older, experienced and inexperienced. In this respect, the coach must:

  1. Share with athletes the technical program, highlighting their skills and areas for improvement.
  2. Explain the reasons of techniques and strategies: they will be better remembered .
  3. Do not make promises, either personally or indirectly, that he might not be able to keep.
  4. Answer the questions with competence, honesty and sensitivity.
  5. Avoiding pronouncing phrases which might affect the athlete confidence (eg, “You’ll never part of the best group). As a guide he wil ask himself:” If I were an athlete, I would like to be told this by the coach? “.

(Italiano) Le frasi che contano

Josefa Idem è un mito e una leggenda dello sport mondiale. E questo senza retorica. Questa è una delle frasi di sport più belle che abbia mai letto alla domanda “Si vince con lo spirito?” “Serve ma non basta, il resto è soprattutto fatica. E’ l’altro messaggio che mi onoro di potere diffondere: noi siamo orgogliosi di svolgere bene il nostro lavoro. Ecco, penso che che oggi ci sia una mancanza di filosofia del fare al meglio le cose, si sia persa quella fierezza della competenza e dell’impegno di una volta. Inutile rasegnarsi alla cirsi economica, meglio attrezzarsi e diventare più bravi degli altri. Etica del vaoro, dico troppo?”

Precarietà e competenza

Il lavoro precario di cui ancora oggi sui quotidiani si parla molto, non solo è un dramma perchè obbliga i giovani a continuare a dipendere dalle famiglie e a continuare a vivere insieme ai genitori ancora a 30 anni. Voglio infatti sottolineare un aspetto di cui poco si parla e che ha a che fare con ciò di cui mi occuppo e cioè il miglioramento delle prestazioni. Oggi sappiamo bene come si diventa esperti nello sport come nel lavoro, nelle arti o nell’artigianato. E’ ormai consolidata e dimostrata l’idea che la maestria è un processo a lungo termine e per meglio definirlo è stata coniata la regola dei 10 anni e  10.000 ore necessari per potere essere definiti “esperti”. La precarietà di cui soffrono in particolare i giovani italiani rispetto a molti coetanei europei mina proprio questo processo: non solo non guadagnano in maniera dignitosa ma i continui e ripetuti periodi di interruzione tra i lavori impediscono  di sviluppare le competenze necessarie, per cui rischiano seriamente di non diventare mai competitivi perchè non avranno lavorato per un tempo sufficiente. Sembra un aspetto secondario ma non lo è, poichè il laureato non potrà mai esercitarsi a diventare esperto, forse lo sarà nel cercare il lavoro ma non in quello per cui ha studiato. Inoltre, dato che in Italia si trova lavoro solo per conoscenze familiari, questo approccio rappresenta un limite non solo per chi non le ha (!) ma anche per chi ottiene il lavoro poichè sa benissimo che sapere lavorare non è il fattore su cui sarà valutato, perchè l’unica competenza richiesta sarà quella del conformismo mentale.