Tag Archive for 'partite'

Soccer: sport of champions or team sport

So many people write about soccer in these days of the World Cup in Qatar looking for outstanding actions. It seems to me that we often talk more about individuals, even if they are champions, rather than teams. One reads that Ronaldo is old but luckily there are others scoring instead of him, of Mbappé has already won everything at his age, one wonders if Messi will take Argentina on his shoulders.

Few words have been spent about teams, what makes them strong and what makes them weak. It is often said that 11 champions do not make a team but then in the comments the opposite is shown and it is claimed that without champions you cannot win. Boniperti, former Juventus president, was certainly right in saying that the only thing that matters is winning. However, if you live the match with this mentality you care too much about the final result and you risk losing the path it takes to achieve that result. I would like to read comments on the matches at this World Cup talking about the road a team took in the match to win and not just about the beautiful play and player’s amazing shot. About how teams show unity on the field.

Above all, of how teams fight and show that they never give up not only to the opponents but also to the negative momentum that there are in every game, how they go from negative momentum to positive ones, from phases when they suffer to phases when they are proactive.

Otherwise it is just reporting.

Even the minds of the footballers “can get injured” by too many games

The president of the Italian Football Medicine Association, Enrico Castellacci, confirms what Pep Gurdiola said about the health of footballers: “”We talk about the welfare of players, but ours is the only league that does not accept the five substitutions. We only have three. How come? It would be much better for everyone, given the number of games we play. But the Premier League and some clubs have decided not to do it”. And Castellacci reiterates that “in this way, the players’ physique does not hold up and injuries increase. Either the mentality changes or the roses increase, but we know that coaches always make the strongest players play”.

To these correct observations I would like to add that playing too many games does not only cause physical wear and tear, but also mental wear and tear. It is obvious but it is remembered much less, perhaps because the body’s warnings are more immediately evident (injury and consequent inability to play) while the mental ones are less so, except when they manifest themselves in the form of psychopathology.

Samuele Marcora and colleagues in an article of 2009 reminded us that even the sports sciences have not dealt with this issue until recent years.

“Mental fatigue is a psychobiological state caused by prolonged periods of demanding cognitive activity and characterized by subjective feelings of “tiredness” and “lack of energy”. The effects of mental fatigue on cognitive performance and the skilled performance of drivers and air pilots have been extensively investigated. An increasing number of studies are also revealing the neural alterations caused by prolonged periods of demanding cognitive activity in both health and disease. On the contrary, the impact of mental fatigue on subsequent physical performance remains largely unknown. To the best of our knowledge, the only published observations date back to 1891 when Angelo Mosso reported in his seminal book on fatigue that muscle endurance was reduced in two fellow professors of physiology after long lectures and oral examinations.

Recovery is a key factor to win

In team sports, players compete a lot, often too many matches, and travel frequently. This happens to the European teams in the different team sports as well as for American teams who often play every three days. This is what comes out from the first day of the “International Week of Sport Psychology” held in Paris at the INSEP. To manage this situation the mental and physical recovery must become a priority, in order not to have players on the pitch tired or absent. It is therefore important that the teams are able to acquire those psychological techniques permitting them to turn off the mind from the game and recover through the use of relaxation techniques. Very few teams in the professional world has created an environment in their sports center, the mind room, where players can play this activity to mental recovery. It’s important that managers and coaches improve their awareness of this need and do not think that the solution is only to have more players so as to be able to maintain an effective turnover.

Three days to recovery the stress of the match

Il calendario del campionato europeo di calcio rispetta la regola dei tre giorni di riposo tra una partita e l’altra. Questo è il tempo necessario ai calciatori per recuperare la fatica della partita. Sono risultati che emergono dall’analisi dei match della scorsa stagione effettuata dall’allenatore olandese Raymond Verheijen, che ha studiato questo fenomeno in sette paesi per 10 stagioni. Con un recupero più breve la maggior parte delle squadre segna meno reti, ne subisce di più, perde più partite e s’incrementa la probabilità d’infortunio. Solo il campionato portoghese ha preso in considerazione la questione e ha spostato le partite al venerdì e al lunedì. A conferma della validità di questa scelta, le squadre portoghesi sono le uniche in Europa a non avere subito questo tipo di difficoltà.

In the football championship this is the momentum

Siamo alla fine del campionato e lo si nota anche dalle parole degli allenatori che sono sempre più di carattere assoluto: “Lo scudetto non deve sfuggirci”, “Nessuna tabella, pensiamo a vincere”,”Ora conta solo vincere”, “Parma battibile ma solo se siamo perfetti”. In ogni competizione giungono le fasi decisive e spesso in queste situazioni il linguaggio si semplifica ed esprime senza mezzi termini il risultato che si vuole raggiungere. Dal mio punto di vista condivido questi atteggiamenti degli allentori, perchè vi sono momenti in cui le squadre e i singoli giocatori devono sentirsi totalmente responsabili del risultato della partita. In altre parole devono giocare con la consapevolezza che c’è un solo risultato utile e per ottenerlo devono essere disposti a oltrepassare i loro limiti.

Sotto stress continuo

Conte dice che l’Inter farà la gara della vita, gli risponde Luis Enrique che afferma che alla Roma serve la partita perfetta per battere Il Milan. Siamo ormai da tempo entrati nell’era che ha trasformato le partite di calcio in prove estreme, in cui i principali protagonisti drammatizzano la partita per timore o per rassicurarsi che la propria squadra giochi al massimo delle sue possibilità. Il linguaggio sobrio è diventato raro o forse non fa audience.