Tag Archive for 'giocatori'

The project of the Italian football clubs: to buy a foreigner

Italy is not a country for young people also in that particular job field that is football. According to the data of the Association of Italian football player in the 1999-2000 season were registered  249 foreigners;  in 2002-2003, 535;  in 2007-2008, 846 (percentage in Premier League of foreigners /Italian 38.72%); in 2009-2010, 1032 (in percentage foreigners/Italian 40.24%); in 2011-2012, 47.82%; in 2012-2013, 50.26%, for a total in Premier League of 774 players. Therefore for the first time more foreigners than Italians. In essence among those who, after many selections, could play in Premier League only one out of two will make that happens, because the excluded will be replaced by a foreigner. It ‘s another example of a nation that does not invest in young people and that for these choices is likely to fail. In fact, it can be said with certainty that from school, university to soccer there are not investments in human, financial and organizational resources to reverse this trend. What psychological effect determines this culture: year after year it shows that there are insuperable limits, that professional competence and determination to succeed are not decisive, and that you will be chosen on the basis of financial decisions that have nothing to do with the sport success. This is so true that in the last years the club well padded of foreigners have not reached any success in the European Cups.

In the football championship this is the momentum

Siamo alla fine del campionato e lo si nota anche dalle parole degli allenatori che sono sempre più di carattere assoluto: “Lo scudetto non deve sfuggirci”, “Nessuna tabella, pensiamo a vincere”,”Ora conta solo vincere”, “Parma battibile ma solo se siamo perfetti”. In ogni competizione giungono le fasi decisive e spesso in queste situazioni il linguaggio si semplifica ed esprime senza mezzi termini il risultato che si vuole raggiungere. Dal mio punto di vista condivido questi atteggiamenti degli allentori, perchè vi sono momenti in cui le squadre e i singoli giocatori devono sentirsi totalmente responsabili del risultato della partita. In altre parole devono giocare con la consapevolezza che c’è un solo risultato utile e per ottenerlo devono essere disposti a oltrepassare i loro limiti.