Tag Archive for 'Londra 2012'

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Olympics of faith and of all

They will also be the Olympics of faith as  Time writes. It will be the first time for the women of Qatar, Brunei and Saudi Arabia. About 3500 muslim athletes will compete and their competition will take place during the holy month of Ramadan. Ibtihaj Muhamad will be the first American athlete to compete in the saber with the hijab. Moe Sbihi, English rower, decided to donate 1800 meals to the poor in Morocco, 60 for each day that he will not follow the fast. Many other athletes will follow instead the fast, and their faith will help them psychologically to make them more determined and confident during the competitions. These facts,  the participation for the first time of an amputee athlete, Oscar Pistorius,  and also the great increased number of women permit to La Stampa to title today that London 2012 are the Games of All.

What does it mean peak performance?

During the Olympics we will often hear talk of sports performances and excellent performances. To understand what we will be looking at or what we will read it needs to know what these terms mean. It is not enough to simply say that a performance is to know how to make good or better swimming, jumping or running. In fact the sports performance is a special form of behavior that includes the competitive dimension, in which all athletes want to do their best to master their skills, demonstrating superiority over their rivals, while all this takes place in front a large audience even hundreds of millions of people. These are the characteristics of the sports performance at the Olympics and all athletes are aware of it. Under these conditions provide excellent performances means doing something of incredible, extraordinary and totally out of the ordinary.

Meet the Superhumans

A burst of energy and optimism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuAPPeRg3Nw

How Federica Pellegrini lives the last days before the Games

Federica Pellegrini explains how she spends the days before the Olympics. “From here to the race first of  all there is the serenity, I’ll be in my bubble, concentrated and isolated inside the coach and family, bring everyone out of anxiety.” Well done Federica.

News about U.S. Olympic Team

During the Olimpic Games American women have reached another milestone in sports: for the first time, they outnumber men on the U.S. Olympic team. The U.S. Olympic Committee released its roster for the London Olympics on Tuesday. There were 269 women and 261 men.  Michael Phelps, who already has 14 Olympic medals, is one of 228 athletes making return trips to the games. Among those, there are 124 who already have medals; 76 of those were Olympic champions. This year’s oldest American athlete is 54-year-old equestrian rider Karen O’Connor, while the youngest is 15-year-old swimmer Katie Ledecky. There are 53 dads and 11 moms on the team, two sets of twins (Bob and Mike Bryan in tennis and Grant and Ross James in rowing) and seven who come out of the U.S. Army’s World Class Athlete Program. The Olympics start July 27. The U.S. team will have athletes competing in 246 out of 302 medal events. (From: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com)


London 2012: here we are

Athletes that I prepared mentally to the London 2012 are now ready, it comes to pass few days that separate them from the arrival to London, where they will start the last and brief phase of adaptation to the field where the race will be held. The July 26 it will be closed and by that time there will be only one more day of official training and then the competition. Now is the moment of the calm, the preparation was completed, they must recovery from the fatigue and stress of a preparation started at least two years ago. They must do as the camels who are preparing for a journey into the wilderness, accumulate energy, relax the body but also the mind, being with people they trust and with whom it is easy to spend time. The tension will rise two/three days before and they will have to park it in the background of the mind and wake up on race day with the deep feeling of being ready to give the best of themselves.

In vista di Londra 2012

Se si mettono su un motore di ricerca queste parole “London olympic games mental preparation” potete farvi un’idea dell’importanza che ha acquisito l’allenamento mentale nel mondo sportivo, di cui non si può che essere soddisfatti. Facendo la stessa ricerca in italiano si raccolgono pochissime notizie e lo sconforto è d’obbligo. In un articolo scritto dopo le Olimpiadi di Pechino, http://www.ceiconsulting.it/it/publications/articles/doc008.pdf,  avevo messo in evidenza come dalle dichiarazioni ai giornali di allenatori e atleti si evidenziasse la presenza di ostacoli a fornire prestazioni vincenti che rientravano nella dimensione psicologica e sociale. A queste difficoltà solo alcuni atleti e Federazioni rispondono servendosi della consulenza di psicologi dello sport, mentre la gran parte si affida più semplicemente a soluzioni fondate sull’idea che l’allenamento, l’esperienza di anni di gare e il tempo dovrebbero risolverle. Il fatto che tutt’oggi non vi sia nulla che metta in evidenza che si stia lavorando in questa direzione sembra, purtroppo, confermare il disinteresse  da parte delle nostre organizzazioni sportive a investire risorse nell’allenamento mentale.