Tag Archive for 'sedentarietà'

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Walk and find calmness

Today, September 1 marks somehow the end of summer and the beginning of a new period of activity. For many of us want to say to continue to have a sedentary lifestyle  spent in car or public transport and activities where you do not spend a bit of physical energy. We all know  that it’s unhealthy but most of us (in Italy) continue to live in this way by referring to an hypothetical tomorrow all forms of active life because we do not have the time today. At least in Italy there are not solutions shortly to this lifestyle: bike lanes are almost non-existent as well as spaces where walking sure not to be invested, many people take the car for less than one kilometer and young people have no incentive to walking, in many cities public transport  are infrequent and not on time and their use is not promoted by municipalities, at school  we have 2 hours per week of physical activity from elementary to high school,  without to mention the eating habits that lead to having more and more children overweight as 30% of adults. Nevertheless, we cannot just complain because it’s our life and we will not have a second to live. So we have to use our motivation and begin to live in a better way.

To do this we can start by two simple and inexpensive activities: walking 30 minutes every day and spend 15 minutes a day to develop thoughts pleasant and positive, (the one that goes by the saying – indulge in thoughts of peace and calmness -). Before to say that is good for nothing  and come back to our role as a victim of the times, let a little time to try, we will always be able to return to the old habits.

Michelle Obama and the sport at school

From Sport Illustrated Kids, interview to Michelle Obama, talking about the relevance to practice sport at school.

“We have a challenge. Kids are spending most of their day in school, where there is not a lot of activity on a daily basis. And they’re coming home to spend the rest of that day in front of a TV, or on an iPad, or on some kind of screen. So, that leaves very little time for movement. Schools are the best place to incorporate exercise because kids need that break in between studies to just give their minds a chance to settle. We want to make sure people understand that movement isn’t just about being a good athlete. There are a lot of kids who shy away from activity because they think, “Well, I’m not coordinated.” But the truth is that movement is pumping your arms, it’s dancing, it’s touching your toes, it’s identifying your physical strengths and not comparing yourself to your classmate, because we are all different. So we want to make activity fun again for kids in schools.”

The icecream rotating cone

The last news in pushing people to a sedentary lifestyle is the ice cream rotating cone, we no longer make even those small movements of the hand … when the rotating tongue which is one of the few muscles that we still use?

Physically actives and sedentaries

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

10 ragioni per non fare sport

10 ragioni per non fare sport e vivere felici?
1. Si perde del tempo utile per stare su Facebook o intrattenersi con qualche nuovo gioco.
2. Si diventa più affamati e si mangia di più perdendo così i benefici del fare esercizio.
3. Si perde peso e misure di vestito costringendosi a spendere per rinnovare il guardaroba.
4. Vengono dei dolori fisici perdendo il piacere di fare esercizio.
5. Si puzza e diventa necessario fare una doccia non prevista.
6. Si suda e lo spogliatoio diventa una camera a gas.
7. Ci si può fare male e quest’idea è assolutamente fastidiosa.
8. Si conoscono persone che parlano solo di esercizi fisici e di cosa vogliono fare per mettere più muscoli.
9. Bisogna continuare per sempre altrimenti la fatica non è servita a nulla.
10. Se anche il/la tuo/a partner è sportiva non hai proprio scampo, devi continuare.

Berlusconi è anche la metafora dell’italiano sedentario

Giochiamo, purtroppo seriamente, con i fatti drammatici di questi giorni. Berlusconi è la metafora del sedentario che consapevole che dovrebbe fare attività fisica invece fa, come il Der Spiegel ci spiega, ”promesse e ancora promesse”. O pensa come molti ma io sto bene, e il Bild  chiosa “un coraggio tale da fargli affermare che l’Italia è solida”. Come tutti gli obesi che ormai sono moltissimi nel nostro paese non si rende conto che “sta per esaurirsi il tempo a disposizione per riprenere il controllo” (Wall Street Journal). E tu, quale che sia la tua idea politica, come pensi e soprattutto cosa fai per condurre una vita fisicamente attiva?