Tag Archive for 'sedentarietà'

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The terrible numbers of the Italian sport: sedentary win!

The numbers of the survey regarding the sport practice in Italy by Coni and Istat, show that the sedentary continue to be too many and that the percentage of people doing sport or physical activity does not show significant improvements in all age groups.

In Italy:

  • 25% population practice sport regularly
  • 9.7% sometimes
  • 30.5% practice some physical activity
  • 39.2% are sedentary
  • 30,5%  population with physical active life style in the Northeast
  • 17.5% a re in the South
  • 52.7% of the population in the South are sedentary
  • 5.7% of leisure time of the population between 3-24 years is dedicated to sport for 2h13m per week
  • from 2000 to 2016 the % of practitioners on an ongoing basis has increased by 7%
  • from 2013 to 2016 is increased of 3%

We certainly cannot be satisfied. These data continue to highlight that Italy is split in two in terms of sport and  during the last 18 years the improvement has been really small (8%). This data highlights the lack of national policies for the development of a physically active lifestyle. Sport and physical activity continue to be regarded as leisure activities and not as primary factors for the development of individual and social wellbeing. On the other hand these data were presented without the major sports organizations have denounced their seriousness and the adverse effect they produce on the health of citizens.

Epilepsy and sports

Epilepsy and sports is still a relation not well investigated and especially little practiced. This is because many people continue to believe that sports can be a stress that trigger seizures. Research has shown that this probability is smaller in relation to physical activity than it is on normal daily activities. The question is not about whether playing sports, it regards what are the recommended sports and ones to avoid and how to obtain the medical certification at least to practice non-competitive sports. Also, it needs to remember that a forced sedentary lifestyle causes other problems, typical in those who don’t practice sports as cardio-circulatory problems, type-2  diabetes, breast and colon cancer as well as psychopathological disorders (depression and anxiety). The epilepsy day world should be a time of reflection and proposals on these issues, which will be tackled effectively not individually but only with collaborative networks among the families of these patients, the healthcare system, sports clubs and psychologists and medical experts.

Does it exist in Italy a diffuse sport culture?

Is it possible that one Country with the highest rate of overweight and obese children in Europe, and with a high percentage of sedentary adults be considered a Country with widespread sports culture, defined and shared?

Could it be that it is precisely the model of the sedentary parent to determine the overweight children?

Could it be that it is the absence of physical activity in kindergartens and primary schools to determine the belief that sport and movement are something of peripheral in the well-being of a young development?

Could it be to bring the children to play outdoors is regarded as exhausting ,while it is easier to let them to watch cartoons or to play with the play station?

Could it be to assess the degree in sport science and Prof of physical education as graduates and teachers of lesser value than the other school colleagues, does not serve to continue to depreciate the value of human development through movement?

Could it be that to consider sport as a leisure activity and not as an activity that also permit to improve academic performance leads to its chronic underestimation by the school and parents?

Could it be that if the parents does not share the sport with their children and friends is a way to not get them to play outdoors?

New research reveals the enormous economic burden of physical inactivity

Physical inactivity – a global pandemic that requires global action.A world-first study has revealed that in 2013, physical inactivity cost INT $67.5 billion globally in healthcare expenditure and lost productivity, revealing the enormous economic burden of an increasingly sedentary world.

The study, published today in The Lancet, was led by Dr Melody Ding from University of Sydney, leader of the current Lancet physical activity series

This study provides the first-ever global estimate of the financial cost of physical inactivity by examining the direct health-care cost, productivity losses, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for five major non-communicable diseases attributable to inactivity: coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer.

Based on data from 142 countries, representing 93.2 per cent of the world’s population, the researchers conservatively estimated that in 2013 the effect of physical inactivity on these diseases and all-cause mortality cost the world economy more than INT$67.5 billion.

“Physical inactivity is recognized as a global pandemic that not only leads to diseases and early deaths, but imposes a major burden to the economy,” said lead author Dr Melody Ding, Senior Research Fellow from the University’s School of Public Health.

“Based on our data, physical inactivity costs the global economy INT67.8 billion in 2013, with Australia footing a bill of more than AUD $805 million. At a global and individual country level these figures are likely to be an underestimate of the real cost, because of the conservative methodologies used by the team and lack of data in many countries.”

Counting the cost of global of inactivity: 2013    (International dollars)

$67.5bn: Total costs, including $53.8bn in direct cost (healthcare expenditure) and 13.7bn in indirect costs (productivity losses)

$31.2bn: Total loss in tax revenue through public healthcare expenditure

$12.9bn: Total amount in private sector pays for physical inactivity-related diseases (e.g. health insurance companies)

$9.7bn: Total amount households paid out-of-pocket for physical inactivity-related diseases

(Source: University of Sydney)

In Italy only the 33% of persons practice sports

Since 10 years the number of persons practicing sports in Italy is not growing and continues to be among the lowest in Europe. It is not just an economic issue due to the crisis, there is no adequate sports and the movement culture

Persons 3 years old and more practicing sports, some physical activities & sedentary persons in Italian Regions ersone sedentarie Year 2015 (percentages)
di cui in modo: Praticano
solo qualche
attività fisica
Non praticano
sport né
attività fisica
continuativo saltuario
Piemonte 35,8 24,7 11,2 33,8 30,0
Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste 45,0 31,5 13,5 30,0 24,5
Liguria 32,7 24,1 8,6 30,8 36,2
Lombardia 40,7 28,5 12,2 27,2 31,4
Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol 50,9 34,0 16,9 35,4 13,5
Bolzano/Bozen 56,6 36,2 20,4 32,1 10,8
Trento 45,4 31,9 13,5 38,6 16,0
Veneto 40,3 27,9 12,4 32,6 27,0
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 38,5 28,1 10,4 31,6 29,8
Emilia-Romagna 36,0 25,7 10,3 31,7 31,9
Toscana 34,9 25,0 9,9 31,1 33,6
Umbria 31,6 23,0 8,6 28,0 40,0
Marche 35,6 26,5 9,1 27,6 36,4
Lazio 34,8 27,3 7,5 20,6 43,9
Abruzzo 31,7 21,8 9,9 25,7 42,5
Molise 25,4 19,2 6,2 19,0 55,1
Campania 19,5 13,0 6,5 23,1 57,2
Puglia 27,4 19,4 8,0 21,2 51,1
Basilicata 23,9 18,2 5,7 24,0 51,7
Calabria 24,5 17,9 6,6 18,4 56,7
Sicilia 24,4 18,0 6,4 17,5 57,3
Sardegna 34,0 24,6 9,4 29,3 36,3
Nord-ovest 38,6 27,0 11,6 29,4 31,5
Nord-est 39,4 27,7 11,8 32,4 28,0
Centro 34,7 26,2 8,5 25,3 39,5
Centro-Nord 37,7 27,0 10,7 29,0 32,9
Mezzogiorno 24,9 17,7 7,2 21,5 53,2
Italia 33,3 23,8 9,5 26,5 39,9
Source: Istat, Indagine multiscopo sulle famiglie “Aspetti della vita quotidiana”

The bigger risk is keeping kids indoors


In Canada:

  • Today 41% of the children go to school by car
  • Only 5% of the children are meetinf Canadian PhysicalActivity Guidelines
  • The average 15-17  year old in Canada only walks 11 minutes per day

The disaster of the Italian sedentarity

The sport for all in Italy is now considered to be like the air for the prisoners, toreduce a bit the frustrations that plague us. So at school there are no more than two hours a week and the physical education teacher is the least considered in the class councils. Fortunately, there are parents who are willing to pay to ensure that their children are engaged in a club sport. Not to mention the adult to whom it has never been no policy to introduce them to an active approach to physical activity. It’s an old and repetitive speech that has returned to the fore at the conference organized by the Italian Olympic Committee and Istat on the theme “Sport in Italy – Numbers and Context 2014.”  It  was found that the sedentaries are more than 24 million, or nearly 42 % of Italians. Percentage who is an Everest to the South, 56.2%, while in the North down to 31.7% and Centre to 41%. To understand the dramatic nature of these data, I just remember that in Europe, the countries with higher practitioners, according to the Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity, are those of Northern Europe: Sweden, where 70% of people say to do gymnastics or sports at least once a week, they are just over Denmark (68%) and Finland (66%) followed by the Netherlands (58%) and Luxembourg (54%). Negative end of the list, there are Bulgaria, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Italy. Even if the sport as a physically active lifestyle, it’s not part of the Italian political agenda, however, we must move from mere complaint to concrete proposals. I refer to some among those made in the USA from 50 scientific associations, academic and professional skills who sent a letter to Barack Obama to support the urgent need for action in this field to prevent diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular problems and bone and other chronic conditions. The letter takes into account some strategic issues such as:

  • Public education programs to ensure that all Americans understand the benefits of healthy lifestyles and how to take advantage of the range of options open to them;
  • Professional education so that health professionals consider physical activity a vital sign like blood pressure and cholesterol levels, to be monitored and tracked regularly;
  • Electronic Medical Records that include fields for physical activity. As health provider systems convert to EMRs, they can easily begin to track exercise as a vital sign;
  • Medical school curricula that give all physicians an adequate grounding in how to counsel patients on healthy lifestyles, and
  • Increased opportunities for underserved populations to enjoy exercise and physical activity, by addressing disparities in the built environment, access to equipment and other barriers.

100 days to walk or running 30 minutes

With the beginning of spring, longer and warmer days, many people have good intentions to lose weight and start to do  movement. After this first positive moment many of them stop because they are held back from their commitments and duties that do not allow to go to the gym to follow a course, for financial problems, the mental laziness of not being accustomed to thinking of themselves as people physically active and many other justifications that everyone created to continue to do nothing. To these people I want to indicate the initiative to run or walk at least half an hour every day for one hundred days.
It’s evident that for the runners it’s also an inner journey to rediscover the pleasure to walk/run, and this challenge tests not so much the ability to train as to organize better the daily life (“I’ll make walking/running at least half an hour every day for a hundred days consecutive ? “), in fact, the unknown are the life events of every days, and the question changes to” I’ll manage to find time to walk/ run at least half an hour every day” between family , school, work , shopping , lunch, dinner and other daily tasks .

To participate and subscribe go to www.epodismo.com/100 Participation is free .

You can subscribe to:

  • The 100 days of Italy – To celebrate the anniversary of the Liberation (end of 2° world war) walking/running. From 25 April to 2 August 2014.
  • The 100 days of August – Walking/running during the summer holidays. From May 7 to 14 August 2014.

Are you ready to meet this challenge with yourself ?

Running is a democratic activity for the mind

Running is a democratic activity for the mind. We can run slow or fast, for a short time or a long time, we can do it alone or with friends, we can run in the outdoors or on the track, we can alternate running with walking, we can start to run just out home or going to the gym, we  can vary at will the routes and places to run, wherever we are we can go for a run. No other sport is so rich in alternatives to be practiced. It’s democratic because every time we run we are free to choose what to do. For these reasons running stimulate the individual consciousness, which is the art of knowing what we want to do and how. Today I want to run flat on the road, tomorrow in a park and the day after on the track, each of these situations generate different sensations and different types of stride. We must learn to listen, to feel the body sensations, the breath, the heart and the thoughts connected to these sensations. Running mostly means learning to choose which is the most appropriate way for us and especially it means to learn to recognize when it’s time to stop and how to alternate days of intense training with the ones in which we recover. It’s not easy and for this reason it’s useful to follow a training program, simple and suitable for us, but at the same time we must not give up on developing the ability to listen, especially to understand which are the feelings that we should not have (for example, what is that the heart rate must not exceed and that to have in most of the times ). Running is also give a rule, the main one is to have as an objective to continue to run even in a year and do not stop in a month because it was poorly made. An example, to understand how important it’s to follow a rule. If a sedentary person or who does’not practice since many years starts to do 10 minutes of activity 3 times a week, alternating 1 minute of walking and 1 minutes of running  if would increase its commitment by 1 minute per week ( then the second would be 11 minutes x 3 times and so on). In a year he/she would be able to run for 1 hour three times a week. This is a gradual approach that anyone who does not have specific health or overweight problems could be able to maintain.

Physical education in Italy: where is it?

MOVEMENT IS LIFE – the Cinderella of education, “gymnastics” is often considered only in its recreational function. “Movement is life, physical inactivity the fourth leading cause of death” – says Alberto Cei, sports psychologist, professor at the School of Sport, Italian Olimpic Committee – which instead emphasizes the importance for the development of the fundamental dimensions of personality: sociability, intelligence sensory-motor, self-regulation of emotions, self-control, coordination, self-esteem, “the feel good in your own skin.” Read on Corriere della Sera