Tag Archive for 'psicologia dello sport'

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Italian sport psychologists talk about their job

New trends in Sport psychology, special issue of the Italian Journal, Movimento, 3, 2018

17 Italian sport psychologists talk of your job in sport answering at four questions:

  • What motivated you to start the career of sport psychologist?
  • What do you like of this job in SP?
  • Which are the SP areas where you like to work.
  • Describe your current job in PS.
The experts involved are the following:
Giovanna Barazzutti, Emiliano Bernardi, Sara Biondi, Gladys Bounous, Edoardo Ciofi, Cristiana Conti, Sarah Corazzi, Sergio Costa, Sara Landi, Sammy Marcantognini, Stefania Ortensi, Barbara Rossi, Daniela Sepio, Flavia Sferragatta, Matteo Simone, Cecilia Somigli e Graziella Zitelli.

Sport psychology: new trends and new professional jobs

Alberto Cei (2018). Psicologo dello sport: nuove tendenze e sviluppi professionali, Movimento, 3, 57-66.

Sport psychology is a scientific and professional field in continuous development, as many other areas of psychology and in the last 10 years occurred several situations that have changed this job deeply. This contribution will be described seven areas protagonists of these changes. They refer to: sport psychology and performance psychology, the psychologist in youth programs, sport psychology, performance and stress management; sport psychology and mental health of athletes, sport psychology and disability, sport psychology and physically active lifestyle and sport psychology 4.0. The purpose of this article is to deepen the knowledge in the areas of sport psychology consultancy, providing cues for reflection in relation to where it’s going and how is moving this work context and stimulating the professionals to develop counseling programs, increasingly adapted to the new demands of the sporting world.

In Italy master in PS don’t help to find work

In Italia la questione della formazione in psicologia dello sport degli psicologi continua a essere un problema non risolto. Tralasciando quelli il cui solo scopo è di fare lavorare i formatori che v’insegnano, anche quelli meglio strutturati hanno notevoli limiti.

Vediamo quali sono a mio avviso:

  1. La quasi totalità propone una formazione centrata a insegnare competenze che dovranno servire per lavorare nell’ambito della prestazione di livello assoluto ed essenzialmente con gli atleti, ignorando la consulenza con gli allenatori o l’organizzazione sportiva. In tal modo molti aspetti del mondo sportivo di alto livello non vengono considerati e i giovani laureati avranno, di conseguenza, difficoltà a interagire con una parte fondamentale (gli allenatori, i dirigenti) dell’ambiente degli atleti.
  2. Due ambiti importanti di lavoro vengono tralasciati nella formazione in psicologia dello sport. Il primo riguarda i programmi di avviamento allo sport (6-12 anni) e l’età dell’adolescenza. Questo ambito, è tra l’altro uno di quelli più facilmente aperti agli psicologi ma in cui è necessario avere delle competenze specifiche mentre quelle riguardanti l’alto livello non sono spendibili se pensiamo all’infanzia e vanno comunque adeguate anche nelle diverse età dell’adolescenza. In queste fasce di età, inoltre, il rapporto con i genitori rappresenta un altro fattore con cui si deve interagire in modo costruttivo. Il secondo ambito importante riguarda, lo sport come diritto di cittadinanza e come fattore di benessere. Anche in questo settore gli psicologi non acquisiscono competenze, se non una generica convinzione che lo sport è un fattore essenziale per la vita di ognuno e della comunità.
  3. Un campo in cui gli psicologi non hanno competenze specifiche riguarda la metodologia dell’allenamento e l’insegnamento sportivo. Com’è possibile interagire con gli allenatori (molti dei quali oggi sono laureati in scienze motorie che hanno sostenuto diversi esami di psicologia) se non si conosce il loro mondo e se non si ha consapevolezza di come s’imparano i gesti sportivi, di cosa sia l’apprendimento motorio o di quale sia l’interazione fra preparazione fisica e psicologia?
  4. Un ulteriore aspetto limitativo dei master odierni è la mancanza di un tirocinio supervisionato per un tempo adeguato (almeno di quattro mesi) presso un’organizzazione sportiva. Ciò che è comune in qualsiasi altro tipo di master, è invece pressoché assente nei master in psicologia dello sport.
  5. Un ultimo aspetto limitante le proposte formative attuali, riguarda l’assenza di come lo psicologo dovrebbe proporsi nell’ambito territoriale e professionale in cui intende svolgere la sua attività. Il tema è quello del marketing di se stessi, essenziale, poiché bisogna sapere come proporsi, come costruire il proprio network professionale, come scrivere un progetto e negoziare un budget, come interagire con i dirigenti di un società sportiva che probabilmente hanno un’idea generica di quali servizi lo psicologo dello sport potrebbe offrire.
A mio avviso, la mancanza di questi ambiti formativi riduce notevolmente le opportunità di promozione e diffusione di questo ambito lavorativo, lasciando lo psicologo in una condizione di minorità rispetto alle altre professionalità che da tempo operano in modo consolidato nello sport.

European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology

The European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology from the University of Thessaly in Greece is a postgraduate program with internationally renowned teaching staff and visiting professors from all over the world. The program with international students and the experience of the competitive “Erasmus Mundus program” provides mobility opportunities for studying abroad and obtaining a double degree. Students get high quality theoretical training and practical experience in the fast growing field of Exercise and Sport Psychology. The program places emphasis on independent and cooperative learning, and the development of communication skills,in a warm and friendly environment.



14° Sport Psychology World Congress: abstracts and vote

The 14th World Congress of Sport Psychology will be held in Seville, capital of Andalusia in Spain, between July 10th and 14th, 2017.

The central theme of the World Congress is “The integration of science and practice through multicultural bridges, gender and social equality”. International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) has invited 10 distinguished keynote speakers, who made an outstanding contribution in Sport and Exercise Psychology during extended period of time, to present and share their academic achievements in the congress.

The deadline for abstract submission for the 14th World Congress of Sport Psychology is by 16 January 2017, and it is required to submit the abstract document via the Congress website.

In past years, in order to vote the new ISSP Managing Council was sufficient to pay the two years together directly to the Congress registration , now this rule has been changed. To vote (also by post) we must now pay the membership fee of 2016 by the end of this year and the one of 2017 in the next year. Regardless of vote preferences, which have not yet been formalized, we must commit to inform about this new rule so that the largest number of participants can vote. I ask you to encourage members and friends to join right now the ISSP or regularize their position. All those who will not do so by 2016, will in fact be excluded from voting in 2017.

University master in Sport Psychology

L’Università Telematica San Raffaele, Roma, ha deciso di attivare un Master Universitario di II Livello in Psicologia dello Sport di cui sarò il direttore scientifico (www.unisanraffaele.gov.it.) Si tratta di un’esperienza unica in Italia, poiché la sfida che ci attende è di coniugare insegnamenti web con workshop in aula e un tirocinio supervisionato presso organizzazioni sportive.

Ho dedicato la mia vita professionale all’affermazione e sviluppo in Italia di questa disciplina della psicologia e sono onorato che l’Università Telematica San Raffaele abbia accettato di intraprendere questa nuova sfida in un ambito innovativo, che richiede professionalità specifica e competente.

Il Master è aperto  solo a chi possiede la laurea magistrale in Psicologia conseguito in Italia, ovvero di laurea in Psicologia conseguita secondo il previgente ordinamento universitario ovvero essere in possesso di un titolo equipollente.

Il Master prevede 1.500 ore di lavoro a carico dello studente, articolate in  lezioni online, 2 workshop in sede, un tirocinio supervisionato presso enti e organizzazioni sportive e la preparazione di un Project work finale.

Il tirocinio, della durata di quattro mesi, si svolgerà in strutture quali Scuole Calcio della FIGC, Società Sportive e altre organizzazioni sportive presenti nella tua area geografica di residenza

Il lavoro effettuato nel tirocinio sarà presentato nel Project work discusso al termine del Master.

I docenti sono professori universitari, psicologi professionisti che lavorano in ambito sportivo e docenti della Scuola dello Sport del Coni. Le aree che verranno trattate riguardano:

  •  Gruppi e dinamiche di gruppo nello sport,
  • Processi cognitivi e tecniche psicologiche per l’incremento delle prestazioni sportive
  • Lo sport nelle diverse fasi del ciclo della vita
  • Il marketing di se stesso,
  • Strumenti e tecniche di valutazione psicologica nello sport
  • Sport, salute e benessere
  • Psicologia delle organizzazioni sportive
  • L’organizzazione del settore giovanile
  • Fondamenti di metodologia dell’allenamento
Maggiori informazioni su www.unisanraffaele.gov.it.

The Sport Psychology was born 50 years ago in Roma

Aula Magna of the Italian Olympic Committee, Rome, the 20th of April, 1965. That was the place and moment of the inception of the International Society of Sport Psychology – ISSP, by the hands of a small group of pioneers, led by the Italian psychiatrist Ferruccio Antonelli. This happened during the 1st International ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology marking the Modern Era of our scientific field.

From that moment professional and scientific networks were initiated, sport psychology was spread internationally, and the knowledge in this field was developed enormously. Continental societies appeared, with the North American Society of Sport and Physical Activity (NASSPA) and the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), being the first two. Concurrently, National societies began to be established, mainly in the European countries. The International Journal of Sport Psychology, the very first scientific journal in the area and for many years the ISSP official publication, was founded by Antonelli and published by Luigi Pozzi Editors in Rome.

Exactly fifty years after, this historical occasion will be celebrated in the very same place of the Italian Olympic Committee Centre, in Rome. For two days (April, 2015, 19-20), the ISSP 50th Anniversary Seminar will honor the past and all those who worked for the development of the Society. Celebrating the ISSP history is also an opportunity to look to the future. Hence, the motto of the event is “A Bridge from the Past to the Future”.

The program of the ISSP 50th Anniversary Seminar will include invited keynote lectures, symposia and workshops, as well as submitted poster sessions. Reflections on the historical route will be done, namely during the Past-Presidents round-table, and the future will be symbolically represented by the lectures presented by the 2013 ISSP Developing Scholar Award winners. The 50th Anniversary Gala Banquet sponsored by Luigi Pozzi Editors will be the perfect moment for the social interaction among all the participants.

All the information on: http://www.events-communication.net/b57/index.php?lang=en



Comments to our first free webinar

Two days ago, along with Emiliano Bernardi we held our first webinar, in Italian, dedicated to the coaching mental aspects. It was a different experience from the one-hour lecture to an audience physically present in a hall. Meanwhile, there is a real countdown to 10 minutes punctuated by slides that tell what to do and how much time is left at the beginning … and then it begins. The webinar management needs two persons because the speaker can not maintain contact with the participants, as is required and in this case was made by Emiliano. It ‘a new and effective way to talk about a subject, permitting to save time and money and allowing people from different Regions to attend the event but in the comfort of their home. The webinar also forces the speaker to maintain a fast pace in exposure and eliminate breaks and downtime, so you can convey more information than you would normally deliver when the action takes place in a hall. In the case of sports psychology the webinar could be used to create a community of people interested in this knowledge and professional area. The commentswe have received were positive and this webinar will be followed by others on the issues more relavant for the athletes, coaches and sports professionals.

University master in Sport Psychology

University Master in “Sport Psycology”

organized by Università Telematica San Raffaele, Roma, Italy

under the patronage of AISP – Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport

 2014/2015, 1° edition

1.500 hours of online lessons, workshops and professional stage  

 registration deadline: November 1 2014

information and registration:


University master in Sport Psychology

It’s with great pleasure that I introduce the new initiative of Telematic University San Raffaele, Rome. It decided to open a University Master Degree in Sport Psychology in which I  will be the scientific director. It’s a unique experience in Italy, because the challenge facing us is to combine teaching with web, workshop in the classroom and a supervised internship in sports organizations. We are building the best that can be provided in the Italian sports science and certainly the internship will provide an opportunity for psychologists to know and learn from the world of sport. As you know I have dedicated my life to the affirmation and development in Italy of this discipline of psychology and I am honored that the Telematic University San Raffaele has agreed to take on this new challenge in an innovative field requiring  specific and competent professional skills.
The course is open to graduates in psychology. For admission, you must have to graduate in Psychology obtained in Italy or degree in Psychology.
The Master provides 1,500 hours of work by the student (60 credits), divided into online classes, workshops on-site, a supervised internship in institutions and sports organizations and the preparation of a final project work.
The internship, which lasts for four months, will be held in structures such as the FIGC Football Schools, sports clubs and other sports organizations on the national territory.
The work carried out during the internship will be presented in the Project work discussed at the end of the Master.
In order to participate in the Master, whose launch is scheduled for December 2014, you need to reach the pre-registration application no later than October 1 pv.
The registration fee amounts to € 2,500.00.
At the end of the course of study will be graduating from the Master’s Degree in “Sport Psychology” awarded by the Chancellor of the Telematic University San Raffaele, Rome.

For more information: masterpsicologiadellosport@unisanraffaele.gov.it