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Master in sport psychology in Italy


Mercoledì 15 Settembre ore 19.00

Openday Online

Le Olimpiadi hanno messo in risalto l’importanza degli aspetti mentali nella prestazione dell’atleta e del ruolo dello Psicologo come Mental Coach. Gli spazi professionali dello psicologo sono però molto più ampi. Infatti, non riguardano solo chi fornisce prestazioni assolute ma anche i settori giovanili, la promozione della salute mentale degli atleti, le attività sportive che favoriscono l’integrazione degli atleti con disabilità, la formazione e la consulenza rivolta agli allenatori e lo sport come benessere per tutti. 

Durante l’OpenDay affronteremo questi temi, evidenziando i percorsi professionali per lo Psicologo dello Sport e la necessità di acquisire skill e strategie consulenziali specifiche.

Ne discuteranno:

  • Alberto Cei
    Psicologo dello Sport, preparatore mentale di atleti olimpionici e Direttore Scientifico del Master Psicosport
  • Daniela Sepio
    Psicologa dello Sport, Coordinatrice Didattica del Master Psicosport

Iscriviti qui: https://www.psicosport.it/blog/open-day-15-settembre-alberto-cei-daniela-sepio

Master in sport psychology in Italy

In this blog I want to talk for the first time directly about the master of sport psychology, organized by Psicosport, and of which from the next edition I became scientific manager. I accepted this role because I think that today in Italy we can do much more and better to give a perspective of professional work to those who are interested in doing this activity but also to those who have started to do it over the years but want to find more in-depth information. Finally, the master is also aimed at colleagues who have other specializations and are interested in understanding how they can use their skills in sport and in which areas they can enrich and update them.

Sport is a very wide and diversified field, it can concern the field of youth activities, team sports rather than individual sports, competitive sports and recreational sports and sports for all to say only a few among many aspects of sport. The master wants to make full use of this differentiation and provide knowledge and skills that relate to the different professional areas in which the sport psychologist could work. In this sense, it starts from the activities proposed by the sports market to get to the strategies and techniques to be acquired to be able to meet the needs of sports clubs.

A second central aspect of the master is represented by the internship that will involve psychologists at sports clubs that collaborate with psychosport. The internship will be supervised during the course of the master and the project work will cover the work done and the construction of a consulting project aimed at the sports club.

The internship and the knowledge of the activities required by the sport world to the psychologist represent the backbone of the master, on which will be grafted the learning and insights on strategies and techniques to start or continue a career as a sport psychologist. Consequently, the acquisition of technical skills will never be an end in itself but will be integrated with what needs to be done in the specific work contexts.

Master in psicologia dello sport

28° Edizione del Master in Psicologia dello Sport

Due edizioni: Milano (ottobre 2021) e Roma (Gennaio 2022)


  • Promuovere nello sport l’intervento di psicologi professionalmente competenti.
  • Consentire ai partecipanti l’acquisizione delle competenze di psicologo dello sport attraverso l’attività didattica, il confronto con esperienze di eccellenza, stage presso federazioni e società sportive, project work e testimonianze di valore assoluto.
  • Sviluppare la professione di psicologo dello sport, attraverso la realizzazione di un percorso formativo strettamente correlato alle diverse esigenze del contesto sportivo.
  • Diffondere i risultati ottenuti dai principali centri internazionali d’eccellenza, mutuandone strumenti e metodi, adeguandoli al contesto italiano.
  • Creare l’opportunità all’inserimento lavorativo nelle società sportive con la realizzazione e successiva implementazione del Project Work sviluppato durante il Master.


    Il corpo docente del Master è costituito da Psicologi professionisti esperti in psicologia dello sport e della prestazione, docenti Universitari, dirigenti sportivi, allenatori e atleti di livello assoluto.

    Direttore Scientifico è il Prof. Alberto Cei


    1. Osservazione e valutazione dell’atleta
      Osservazione abilità e motivazione dell’atleta, strumenti di valutazione e assessment psicologico.
    2. L’allenamento
      Insegnare per allenare: i fondamenti dell’allenamento sportivo. Aspetti psicologici e sviluppo dell’autoefficacia.
    3. Le tecniche in psicologia dello sportTecniche psicologiche: respirazione, mindfulness, attivazione/disattivazione, self-talk, flow, allenamento ideomotorio, imparare dall’esperienza, playbook.
    4. L’attività giovanileAttività giovanile, sport di squadra, dinamiche di gruppo e leadership. 
    5. La preparazione mentale nel tennis e negli sport di situazioneStrategie e tattiche per gestire la competizione e allenare gli aspetti mentali specifici.
    6. Dagli sport di precisione agli sport di lunga durata Dagli sport di precisione agli sport di lunga durata: resilienza, attenzione e tenacia.
    7. La CompetizioneLa preparazione alla competizione: condizione pre-gara ottimale, routine, partenza, gestione degli errori, gestione degli eventi inattesi.
    8. Inclusione e benessereLo sport per le persone con disabilità; benessere: ottimismo, infortuni, doping, stile di vita dell’atleta.
    9. Outdoor - Conclusione del Master
      Presentazione finale del Project Work, team buildinge esperienza residenziale.

      Ulteriori informazioni: 

      Chatta su WhatsApp con +39 351 759 2912

      E-mail: psicosport@psicosport.it

28° Edizione Master in Psicologia dello Sport

Partecipa e scopri il nostro #Master in #PsicologiadelloSport, giunto alle 28a edizione! Illustreremo finalità e modalità didattiche del Master.
Percorso formativo dedicato a:
> Psicologi
> Laureati e laureandi in #Psicologia

Advisory Board d’eccezione:
Fiona May OLY
Patrizia Steca
Alberto Cei
Damiano Tommasi

>> Scegli Giorno e Ora, Iscriviti Subito! <<

PS_Sito_Master Psicologi_OpenDay.png

North American sport psychology pioneers

Gloria Balague, Daniel Gould and Glyn Roberts (2020) North American sport psychology pioneers. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 51, 456-479.

Article of great relevance for those who want to understand the development of sport psychology, written by three leaders of this development in the last 40 years.

Our review of sport psychology in North America provides a context for helping us understand where we are in the field today. First, sport psychology has a long history with individuals from both the field of psychology and phys- ical education/kinesiology making strong contributions. Moving forward it is best to look at the benefits those trained in each area bring to the sport psy- chology and not fall prey to arguing about whose training is the best. Second, both researchers and practitioners have helped advance the field to where it is today. Researchers and practitioners must respect each other’s contributions and work together adopting a research to practice and practice to research orientation. Third, pioneers who made the largest contributions to sport psy- chology devoted significant portions, if not all of their time to the field and worked consistently across time. Fourth, while there were true pioneers who helped move the field forward, we should be careful not to fall prey to the great man or women approach to history. The field really took off in North America when large numbers of researchers, teachers and consultants started working in the field forward, often with some anonymity. Finally, the field has been and will be influenced by larger social and cultural events such as eco- nomic downturns, wars and pandemics as well as changes in educational and sport organizations (e.g., emphasis placed on grants at major universities, Safe sport legislation to protect youth from sexual predators). Those specializing in the field in the future must discover how to keep in mind the values and lessons learned from the pioneers that have allowed for growth while also adapting to these larger cultural and institutional changes.

50° Anniversary International Journal of Sport Psychology

On the occasion of the

50th anniversary of the International Journal of Sport Psychology – 1970-2020

this first special issue is dedicated to the past development of sport psychology.

Guest Editors: Sidonio Serpa, Fabio Lucidi, Alberto Cei

For the second time in its history, the IJSP decided to mark its anniversary. Two special issues celebrate the 50 years of the journal, this being the first one, in a look at the History of sport psychology, while the second mostly looks into the future, identifying some new trends of research, as well as the reorientation of some classic topics according to the Society changes.

The purpose of the current issue is double. On one hand, to preserve the memory of the path taken by sport psychology so far, as well as paying tribute to those who contributed to its development. On the other hand, by reflecting on the History, to understand better the present situation and, thus, working more efficiently for the future applied and scientific developments.

Who is interested in purchasing can write through the address of this blog.

European certification of specialists in applied sport psychology.

FEPSAC  has established the European certification of specialists in applied sport psychology.


Professional certification is a crucial element to the establishment, legitimization, and reputation of a profession (Portenga, 2014). The FEPSAC Managing Council developed certification guidelines for specialists in applied sport psychology, establishing a certification process to distinguish these professionals from others in the marketplace (e.g., performance enhancement consultant, mental skills trainer, mental coach). The goal of such an initiative is to define the minimum standards that should be met by individuals in order to qualify for independent practice in the field of applied sport psychology.

The certification process focusses on the standards for practitioners in the field of sport psychology who have an initial qualification background in either sport science, psychology, or both. FEPSAC believes that practitioners should meet high standards of training and delivery using and complementing the expertise specific to their initial training.

FEPSAC carefully examined several certification systems across Europe and met and discussed with individuals and international organizations involved in certification, continuous professional development and education and training, and legal aspects of certification in order to guarantee that best practices across Europe were upheld.

Members who are certified may use the acronym SASP-FEPSAC after their name and highest university degree; such an acronym will denote the label “a specialist in applied sport psychology”, also referred in this document as specialist. While SASP-FEPSAC accounts for the minimum standard of education and training in applied sport psychology, it does not designate the individual as a “sport psychologist”; rather, the individual is certified as a specialist in the field of applied sport psychology. Note that requirements for providing psychological services are determined by individual state and territorial licensing boards.

The next submission deadline will be on March 30, 2021.

Happy New Year to Sport Psychology

Sport psychology has come a long way since the beginning of the 60′s, in the period 1959-1963 300 articles were published. We continue to think that it is a young discipline but it would be better to start thinking that on the contrary it is a part of psychology now well established and internally very differentiated.

Suffice it to say that next to the classic distinction between sport psychology and exercise psychology, several other areas have emerged as it was already highlighted by Robert Singer in the introductory report to the ISSP World Congress in Lisbon in 1993.

On the other hand there are at least 10 journals of sport psychology and every year dozens of books on sport psychology are published worldwide.

Sport psychology enjoys good health and now offers the same opportunities that it can be found in other areas of psychology. It is also highly regarded by athletes and coaches who understand its function.

So my dear Sports Psychology I wish you a prosperous 2021!

Sport psychology in China

Book review: Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology – 7th Edition

Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology – Seventh Edition

Robert S. Weinberg and Daniel Gould

Human Kinetics, pp. 663

This updated publication of Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology,Seventh Edition, includes web study guide, with technique videos, expert interviews and interactive activities.

Since many years, this is the leading handbook in sport and exercise psychology, now is back in a revised version, introducing new topics and updating the classical fields of this discipline. In this way, this textbook continues to play its role toward students and practitioners, providing a global and specific vision of sport and exercise psychology and drawing a strong bridge between research data and applied interventions.

In the first part of the book, Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould describe in this 7thEdition a broader horizon of this field, with a section dedicated to talk about the present and future, centered on counseling and clinical training, the ethics and competence issues, the tension between academic and applied sport psychology, the problems related to the limited full-time positions for applied sport psychologists, the globalization of sport and exercise psychology, the advancement in technology and sport psychology-business link.

There is also a new chapter, in the third part of the book, titled  “Diversity and Inclusion” addressing topics related to gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and disability. New contents are introduced in different book part related to popular and emerging areas like grit, mindfulness, organizational sport psychology, and technology in sport psychology.

Modern-day practical examples and anecdotes have been choose to better illustrate the concepts. The references have been updated including more current publications.

The updated web study guide represents an important learning tool supporting the educational journey. It includes more than 100 engaging activities, allowing students to apply the concepts from the text by completing activities for each chapter:

  • Use actual sport and exercise psychology instruments to assess their skills
  • Determine how to respond to real-life scenarios (with short answers or essays)
  • Review research studies and experiments
  • Search the Internet for relevant information
  • Apply and test their understanding of principles and concepts of sport and exercise psychology

Many of the study guide activities are completed by audio and video clips showing how sport psychology consultants interact and talk with athletes and coaches to improve their experiences and competences. These clips have been registered by esteemed experts from the field discussing concepts and situations they have encountered and managed during their careers.